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Indikasi sectio caesarea

Tindakan sectio caesarea dilakukan bilamana diyakini bahwa penundaan persalinan yang lebih lama akan menimbulkan bahaya yang serius bagi ibu, janin atau keduanya.
Beberapa alasan/indikasi untuk dilakukan sectio caesarea yaitu :
1) Mempercepat kelahiran ibu dan janin
2) Mengurangi trauma janin (misalnya presentase bokong premature kecil) dan infeksi janin (misalnya resiko tertular HIV)
3) Mengurangi resiko pada ibu (misalnya gangguan jantung tertentu, lesi intrakranial keganasan pada servik )
4) Malpresentasi janin dan gawat janin
5) Panggul sempit
6) Tumor yang menghalangi jalan lahir
7) Plasenta previa
8) Pre-eklampsia dan hipertensi
9) Keadaan-keadaan dimana usaha untuk melahirkan anak pervaginam gagal

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Ciri- ciri sehat mental

1. memiliki sikap positif terhadap diri sendiri
2. menerima dirinya sendiri apa adanya
3. mengaktualisasikan dirinya dengan baik
4. memiliki cita-cita hidup dan ia merasa dirinya bertumbuh ke arah yang dia cita-citakan
5. pribadi yang memiliki integritas, hidup sesuai apa yang ia katakan dengan perbuatannya.
6. memiliki otonomi pribadi, mampu menerima penolakan dari luar serta seorang yang memiliki komitmen hidup
7. memiliki persepsi yang akurat terhadap realita, termasuk melihat realita sebagaimana adanya.
8. tidak menyangkal hal-hal buruk yang terjadi di masa lalunya dan masa kini Terakhir.
9. memiliki penguasaan terhadap situasi, termasuk mempunyai kontrol diri di
dalam mengasihi orang lain, di dalam pekerjaan termasuk dalam bersahabat dengan orang lain.

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Cara Penukaran 500, 1000, 1500 dan Ribuan Poin Telkomsel

Penukaran Poin Telkomsel bagi anda yang mempunyai ribuan poin bisa dilakukan secara sekaligus ketentuan sebagai berikut :
1. 100 Undian Mobil, poin yang ditukarkan 1000 Poin, Ketik : MOBIL100 kirim ke 777
2. 100 Undian HP, poin yang ditukarkan 800 Poin, Ketik : HP100 kirim ke 777
3. 100 Undian NETBOOK, poin yang ditukarkan 700 Poin, Ketik : NETBOOK100 kirim ke 777
4. 100 Undian BlackBerry, poin yang ditukarkan 700 Poin, Ketik : BB100 kirim ke 777

Info ini bisa anda update melalui link url berikut ini

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Tindakan Pencegahan Resiko Penyakit Jantung

1. Mengkonsumsi makanan bervatreasi
Mengkonsumsi makanan bervareasi baik kuantitas maupun kualitas zat gizi dari setiap kelompok bahan makanan, dengan komposisi:
• Protein (hewani dan nabati) 25% (ikan, daging,ayam, kacang- kacangan)
• Karbohidrat 25% (nasi, mie, roti, ubi)
• Sayur dan buah 50% (wortel bayam, kacang panjang, aneka buah)
2. Membatasi konsumsi makanan tinggi kolesterol
Kolesterol adalah unsur terpenting terjadinya proses penumpukan plak dengan proses penguapan dan penimbunan elemen –elemen lemak, juga diakumulasikan protein, karbohidrat,unsur-unsur darah dan jaringan ikat. Bila aterosklerosis terjadi dipembuluh darah jantung (koroner) sehingga mengganggu aliran darah dan okigenasi keotot jantung menimbulkan jantung koroner
Fungsi kolesterol dalam tubuh
• Mesintesis asam empedu yang diperlukan untuk pencernaan lemak
• Mesintesis hormon steroid
• Mesintesis vitamin D
• Sebagai komponen membran sel

3. Membatasi konsumsi makanan tinggi asam lemak jenuh
Asam lemak merupakan penyebab utama peningkatan kolesterol fungsi lemak dalam tubuh
• Mensintesis bahan bakar metabolisme seluler
• Merupakan bagian pokok dari membran seluler
• Sebagai Mediator Aktifitas biologi antar sel
• Pelarut vitamin A,D,E,K agar dapat diserap tubuh
4. Peningkatkan konsumsi asam lemak asensial
Asam lemak asensial = asam lemak tak jenuh ganda terdiri dari
• Omega 3 contoh : Ikan laut yang berlemak seperti tenggiri, kembung dan tongkol
• Omega 6 contoh minyak nabatio seperti minyak biji matahari, margarin, minyak jagung dan minyak kedelai.

D. Meningkatkan Konsumsi Makanan Berserat
Sarat mempunyai fungsi berbeda-beda. Serat yang mampu menurunkan kadar kolesterol LDL dan kolesterol lokal adalah jenis serat yang larut yang dapat dalam biji-bijian sayur – sayuran, buah-buahan, polong – polongan dan kacang-kacangan

E. Jenis Makanan Yang Boleh dan Tidak Boleh di Makan
Semua jenis makanan boleh dikonsumsi kecuali makanan yang berminyak dan menggunakan santen

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TindakanPencegahan Resiko Penyakit Jantung

1. Mengkonsumsi makanan bervatreasi
Mengkonsumsi makanan bervareasi baik kuantitas maupun kualitas zat gizi dari setiap kelompok bahan makanan, dengan komposisi:
• Protein (hewani dan nabati) 25% (ikan, daging,ayam, kacang- kacangan)
• Karbohidrat 25% (nasi, mie, roti, ubi)
• Sayur dan buah 50% (wortel bayam, kacang panjang, aneka buah)
2. Membatasi konsumsi makanan tinggi kolesterol
Kolesterol adalah unsur terpenting terjadinya proses penumpukan plak dengan proses penguapan dan penimbunan elemen –elemen lemak, juga diakumulasikan protein, karbohidrat,unsur-unsur darah dan jaringan ikat. Bila aterosklerosis terjadi dipembuluh darah jantung (koroner) sehingga mengganggu aliran darah dan okigenasi keotot jantung menimbulkan jantung koroner
Fungsi kolesterol dalam tubuh
• Mesintesis asam empedu yang diperlukan untuk pencernaan lemak
• Mesintesis hormon steroid
• Mesintesis vitamin D
• Sebagai komponen membran sel

3. Membatasi konsumsi makanan tinggi asam lemak jenuh
Asam lemak merupakan penyebab utama peningkatan kolesterol fungsi lemak dalam tubuh
• Mensintesis bahan bakar metabolisme seluler
• Merupakan bagian pokok dari membran seluler
• Sebagai Mediator Aktifitas biologi antar sel
• Pelarut vitamin A,D,E,K agar dapat diserap tubuh
4. Peningkatkan konsumsi asam lemak asensial
Asam lemak asensial = asam lemak tak jenuh ganda terdiri dari
• Omega 3 contoh : Ikan laut yang berlemak seperti tenggiri, kembung dan tongkol
• Omega 6 contoh minyak nabatio seperti minyak biji matahari, margarin, minyak jagung dan minyak kedelai.

D. Meningkatkan Konsumsi Makanan Berserat
Sarat mempunyai fungsi berbeda-beda. Serat yang mampu menurunkan kadar kolesterol LDL dan kolesterol lokal adalah jenis serat yang larut yang dapat dalam biji-bijian sayur – sayuran, buah-buahan, polong – polongan dan kacang-kacangan

E. Jenis Makanan Yang Boleh dan Tidak Boleh di Makan
Semua jenis makanan boleh dikonsumsi kecuali makanan yang berminyak dan menggunakan santen

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Faktor – Faktor Penyakit Jantung

1. Hipertensi dapat memperberat kadar kolesterol darah
2. Merokok, yang dapat merubah metabolisme kolesterol
3. Tingginya kadar kolesterol yang dipengaruhi oleh asupan lemak
4. Obesitas, merupakan faktor penyakit jantung. Obesitas berhubungan dengan kadar kolesterol dan tekanan darah

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Definisi Persalinan Prematur

1.Persalinan prematur didefinisikan sebagai persalinan yang terjadi pada kehamilan 37 minggu (Wiknjosastro, 1994).
2. Persalinan prematur didefinisikan sebagai persalinan dengan batas kehamilan antara 26 minggu sampai 36 minggu (Sellers, 1993).
3. Persalinan prematur didefinisikan sebagai persalinan kurang dari 37 minggu atau sama dengan 259 hari (WHO dalam Sellers, 1993).
4. DI RSHS sendiri diagnosa partus prematurus ditegakkan pada persalinan yang terjadi pada usia kehamilan 28-36 minggu, pada usia kehamilan 22-27 minggu apabila terjadi persalinan disebut sebagai partus imaturus (Wijayanegara, 1983).

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Menganalisa perilaku manusia dari tingkat kesehatan.

Lawrence Green (1980) mencoba menganalisa perilaku manusia dari tingkat kesehatan. Menurut Green perilaku dipengaruhi oleh 3 faktor utama yaitu:
1. Faktor-faktor predisposisi (Predisposition factors) Faktor-faktor ini mencakup umur, pengetahuan dan sikap masyarakat terhadap kesehatan, tradisi dan kepercayaan, tingkat pendidikan dan tingkat sosial ekonomi dan sebagainya.
2. Faktor-faktor Pendukung (Enabling factors) Faktor-faktor ini mencakup ketersediaan sumber informasi, sarana dan prasarana tau fasilitas kesehatan bagi masyarakat, misalnya air bersih, tempat pembuangan sampah, jamban dan lain-lain.
3. Faktor-faktor Penguat (Reinforsing factors) Faktor-faktor ini meliputi sikap dan perilaku tokoh masyarakat, tokoh agama, sikap dan perilaku petugas kesehatan, undang-undang, peraturan pemerintah daerah dan peraturan pemerintah pusat yang terkait dengan kesehatan. (Notoatmojo, 2007)

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Fungsi dasar terbentuknya polimorfisme

Fungsi dasar sehingga terbentuknya polimorfisme adalah :
- Fungsi Virtual (pendefinisian ulang pada kelas-kelas turunannya)
- Override (proses pembaharuan)
- Fungsi Virtual Murni (didefinisikan pada kelas turunannya saja)

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Test Your Keyboard

The keyboard is one tool we use frequently when using a computer.

Here I provide several ways to test whether your keyboard really reliable or not.

You just type the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" but in ways as follows:
1. Open your notepad.
2. Press and hold down the left shift key and right shift.
3. Type the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog". (Note the left shift key and right do not shift off).
4. See if writing out complete accordance with the words above or there are missing letters.
5. The more letters that do not come out, then the bad quality of your keyboard.

Why must write the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"?
Because of these words is a sentence that contains all the letters in the alphabet are used to test typewriters and computer keyboards, and in other applications involving all the letters in the English alphabet.

Good try.

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Harga dan Spesifikasi HT Mobile M30

Harga Rp 425.000,-

Spesifikasi :
#Network : Dual mode GSM+GSM On (GSM 900/1800)
#Ukuran/Model : 111 x 60 x 13.8 mm, 104gr,/ Qwerty keypad Music phone
#Layar : 2.2 Real wide QVGA 262 K, Trackball
#Kamera : VGA, flash
#Koneksi : USB , Bluetooth A2DP
#Memory : internal 256Mb+64Mb, eksternal Support T- flash card
#Aplikasi : SMS, MMS , JAVA Midp 2.0
#Warna Pilihan:
#Battery : li-ion 1000 mAh, Stanby, waktu bicara

Fitur dan fasilitas lain:
-Big Speaker,
-FM Radio ,
-Support webcam,
-Music Yamaha IC
- Audio Player : MP3, AAC, AAC+, WAV
Video Player : MP4, 3GP, AVI
- E-Book Reader

kami tidak menjamin data ini 100% akurat

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Pengertian dan Istilah CrackBerry

Crackberry berasal dari kata crack yang berarti kokain dan kata Blackbery. Kemudahan yang dihadirkan dalam mengakses e-mail dan pesan instan membuat para pengguna seringkali tak bisa lepas dari Blackberry. Efek yang dihasilkan membuat para pengguna tampak seperti orang yang kecanduan dengan Blackberry. Crackberry pun menimbulkan kekhawatiran akan perubahan ritme kerja menjadi tidak sehat.dan hilangnya keseimbangan hidup. Hal ini kemudian membuat beberapa pemerintahan negara membatasi bahkan melarang penggunaan Blackberry. Di Kantor Imigrasi dan Kewarganegaraan Kanada, pejabat memerintahkan karyawan untuk mematikan alat dari jam 7 malam hingga 7 pagi,hari libur dan akhir pekan. Hal ini untuk menjaga kesimbangan hidup karyawan. 

Pemerintah kemudian mengeluarkan panduan khusus dalam menangani kondisi darurat sehubungan pembatasan Blackberry. Sementara di Perancis, muncul larangan bagi para menteri untuk menggunakan Blackberry dengan alasan intelijen. Hal ini dapat dimengerti, mengingat di Inggris pemanfaatan Blackberry telah meluas hingga ke pelacakan nomor-nomor kendaraan serta foto-foto pelaku kriminal

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Harga dan Spesifikasi Dezzo D811

Spesifikasi Lengkap :

#Network : Quadband GSM (850/900/1800/1900 MHz) & Dual On GSM (SIM 1 tidak dilock provider manapun)
#Model : QWERTY Phone
#Layar : LCD TFT 262k warna , 2.4 inchi beresolusi QVGA, Optikal trackpad
#Kamera : 2 megapixel dengan lampu flash LED, Perekam video
#Koneksi : GPRS kelas 12, EDGE kelas 12, Bluetooth 2.0 A2DP, Wi-Fi
#Memory : internal 81.9 MB
#Aplikasi : SMS, MMS, Facebook dan Snaptu, Java , E-Buddy
#Warna Pilihan: Black
#Battery : Batery tahan lama
#Fitur lain: Radio FM, Pemutar MP3/MP4, G-Sensor (shake control pada hanphone Sony Ericsson), Jack audio 3.5mm

Harga : Rp.899.000,-

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Spesifikasi dan Review SPC Boss 4000 + Track Pad

Spesifikasi Lengkap :

#Network : Dual GSM Sim Card GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz
#Model : QWERTY Phone
#Layar : 2.2” TFT QVGA , TRACK PAD
#Kamera : Camera 2.0 MPx
#Koneksi : GPRS Class 12 WAP , EDGE , Bluetooth V. A2DP
#Memory : Internal 128 + 32 Mb , eksternal Micro SD Card Expansion Slot Up to 16 GB
#Aplikasi : SMS, MMS, Java J2ME , Opera Mini , Facebook Snaptu Client, Doc Viewer
#Warna Pilihan: Black dan Red
#Battery : Stanby, waktu bicara
#Fitur lain: FM Radio , Google Map, Support RMVB Format, TV + Recording

Review Singkat :
SPC-Mobile juga memperkenalkan produk terbaru lainnya yang tak kalah keren yakni SPC Boss 4000, keunggulan fitur handset yang satu ini terletak pada hadirnya trackpad sebagai pengganti D-Pad/ Track Ball yang ada di seri-seri sebelumnya. Fungsi dari tracpad ini menyerupai mousepad pada notebook. Kita cukup menggeserkan jari kita di atas trackpad dan kursor akan bergerak di layar. Begitulah kemudahan-kemudahn yang diberikan vendor lokal untuk produk terbaru agar tidak kalah bersaing dengan vendor-vendor besar.

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Hanghai Browser, Browser phone from China

This browser has two versions, namely:

Hanghai latest version v3.61 and hanghai v3.67 JAVA Symbian 3rd
Features available on this browser as follows;
# Supports web and wap browsing with multi-layer
# Compression page
# File Download
# Display a fairly complete menu
# Menu Bookmark fairly complete

Earlier this application in mandarin language, but currently there are translated into English.
You can download it via the following link: (Symbian), download the translation ==> or http://www. / file.php? id = 322604

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LG KU990 camera vs Samsung F480

LG KU990 camera power reaches 5 MP, with lenses from leading manufacturers namely Scheneider Kreuznach, which is supported by facilities like the image stabilizer digital compact cameras.
Xenon flash makes the photo shoot, whether it is indoor or outdoor display amazing results.
To perekan video, speednya can reach 120 fps or QVGA resolution (30 fps), if tersa less steady, you can do makeup through video editing features.

The camera is also the same in samsung 5MP powerless. Advanced camera settings like autofocus, White Balance, ISO up to 400 ASA, owned by the phone.
In terms of performance, this phone is still losing a lot with KU990. In fact, flash is used F480 is not only the usual LED xenon model. video recording capability is also lost with the KU990. Maximum speed of only 30 FBS, in QVGA resolution

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Problems "No read MMC" on your mobile phone

MMC external storage medium is commonly used in mobile phones, digital cameras, MP4, etc. MMC has several types, namely:

#SD Card
#Micro SD
#Stick Mikro/M2, etc.
Vary in capacity, which now supply up to 16 GB.

Damage is often the case usually can not read, corrupted MMC slot, following the steps to fix:
1. Try cleaning MMC Slot
2. Bring feet contained in the MMC slot so he could touch the MMC
3. Try our MMC plug into another phone, if still "NO Read MMC", means that MMC is broken, vice versa.

source: SMS magazine issue 170 (dataphone Instructor Team)

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Home screen - BlackBerry Keypad Shortcuts

In order to shortcut on the home screen to work, you must disable the call from the home screen. To do this, go into your phone selection with Send Key> Menu Key> Options> General Options> and set the "dial from home screen" to "no".

* A - Contacts
* B - Browser
* C - Compose message
* D - Memo
* F - Profiles
* G - Google Talk
* H - Help
* K - Keypad lock
* L - Calendar
* M - Messages
* N - BB Messenger
* O - Options
* P - Phone
* S - Search
* T - Todo list
* U - Calculator
* V - Saved messages
* W - Carrier's browser
* X - Windows Live Messenger

While reading a message, Shortcut Keypad :

* B - Bottom of the list
* C - Compose
* E - Delivery errors
* F - Forward highlighted message
* I - View the folder where highlighted message locates
* J - Jump to next same message with the subject. After it reaches most recent message, it will loop from oldest message.
* K - Jump to previous message with same subject. After it reaches oldest message, it will loop from most recent message.
* L - Reply All highlighted message
* N - Jump to next day
* P - Jump to previous day
* R - Reply highlighted message
* S - Search
* T - Top of the list
* U - Unread messages. It starts from oldest unread message. Press U again to reach next unread message.
* V - Saved messages
* Space - Page down
* Shift + Space = Page up
* Alt + i - To view incoming messages only (Press back to view all messages)
* Alt + m - To view MMS messages only (Press back to view all messages)
* Alt + o - To view incoming messages only (Press back to view all messages)
* Alt + p - To view phone messages only (Press back to view all messages)
* Alt + s - To view SMS messages only (Press back to view all messages)
* Alt + u - Mark the message opened / unopened. It will toggle the status.
* Alt + v - To view voice mail messages only (Press back to view all messages)

When opening the calendar, Shortcut Keypad:
* A - Agenda view
* C - Create a new appointment
* D - Day view
* M - Go to date ...
* M - Month view
* N - Next (day, month, week, etc.. Depending on current view). Only works in Agenda view, Week view and Month view.
* P - Previous (day, month, week, etc.. Depending on current view). Only works in Agenda view, Week view and Month view.
* T - Today
* W - Week view
* Space - Next (day, month, week, etc.. Depending on current view). Works in all views
* Shift + Space - Previous (day, month, week, etc.. Depending on current view). Works in all views

When in camera mode, here the Keypad Shortcut:

* Up = Zoom in
* Down = Zoom out
* Space = Switch flash mode (On / Auto / Off)
* Sym = Toggle full screen mode

When the video camera mode, Keypad Shortcutnya:

* Up = Zoom in
* Down = Zoom out
* Space = Switch flash mode (On / Off)

Hopefully from this list, you can use ur BlackBerry more optimal and saves time.

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HTC Trophy Specifications & Mobile Review

Full specifications:

#Network: 2G Network GSM 850/900 / 1800 / 1900, 3G HSDPA 900 / 2100
#Size / model: 119 x 58.4 x 11 mm / QWERTY phone
#Screen: 3.0 inches 480 x 640 pixels, TFT resistive touchscreen, 65K colors, QWERTY keyboard
#Trackball navigation
#OS: Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
#CPU: Qualcomm MSM 7227 600 MHz processor
#Camera: 5 MP, 2560х1920 pixels, autofocus, video
#Connection: GPRS Class 10 (4 +1 / 3 +2 slots), 32 - 48 kbps, EDGE Class 10, 236.8 kbps, HSDPA 7.2 Mbps, Wi-Fi 802.11b / g, Bluetooth v2.1 with A2DP, micro USB v2 .0
#Memory: Internal 256MB RAM, 512MB ROM, an external microSD (TransFlash) up to 32GB
#Applications: SMS, MMS, Email, Push Email, IM, WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML (PocketIE), JAVA #MIDP 2.0 Games
#Color Options: Black, brown
#Battery: Standard battery, Li-Ion

Other Features:
- A-GPS support
- MP3/WAV/WMA/eAAC + player
- MP4/WMV/H.264/H.263 player
- Facebook and Twitter integration
- YouTube client
- Pocket Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, PDF viewer)
- Voice memo
- T9

Review :
HTC Trophy, appeared with a very slim (11mm) with candybar mode plus a full qwerty keyboard & a rather large 3-inch VGA touch screen. This phone made with Windows Mobile 6.5 OS, 5MP with auto focus and flash 512mb and 256mb ROM. Specifications HTC Trophy rang with built-in GPS, a microSDHC card slot feature and Quad-Band GSM connectivity features with 3G calls. HTC Trophy has the FM Radio feature and 3.5mm headphone jack, HTC TouchFLO 3D and a 600MHz Qualcomm processor. Finally, HTC Trophy looked beautiful, slim keyboard with qwerty candybar style. Price HTC Trophy is still mysterious, but soon the price would be unknown.

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Sample Letter for Selling and Buying Land

If you have a plot of land and want to sell it, the following sample letter to close the sale and purchase of land.You can Download Via

CLICK HERE For free Download Letter of "JUAL BELI TANAH"
In Indonesian Language

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Sample Letter of Recommendation

The following sample letter of recommendation from a leader to subordinate recommended, you can download it via the site below.

Sample letter of recommendation, you can download here

DOWNLOAD In Indonesian Language

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The Types of Cargo

The types of cargo can be classified into 3 groups:
a. General Cargo
Is the stuff that does not need any special handling of cargo delivery. General goods cargo of furniture, garment, spart parts.

b. Special Cargo
Is a cargo of goods that require special handling in the delivery of goods because the goods are easily damaged or rotten.
Special items divided into 5 cargo consisting of:
1) Live animal
# Live tropical fish
# Day old chick
# Live dogs, live bird, live crabs

2) Perishable goods
# Vegetables and fruits
# Human blood
# Flowers
# Vaccines
# Fresh fish
# Newspaper

3) Valuable goods
# Gold
# Platinium
# Bank note, traveler check-stamp
# Diamond
# Jewelery
# Valuables worth over USD 1000

4) Human remains
# cremated
# Uncremated

5) Strongly smelling goods
#durian fruit
#Eucalyptus oil

c. Dangerous goods
Are goods that require special handling in shipment because the item can easily explode or berusak part of the aircraft.
Dangerous goods cargo goods consisting of 9 parts namely:

1. Explosive (inflammable goods)
2. Gasses (goods in the form of gas)
3. Flammable liquids (kerosene, gasoline)
4. Flammable solids (solids combustible such as coal)
5. Oxidizing substance (items easily oxidized)
6. Poison (toxic form of goods).
7. Radio Active Material (items that contain radio active)
8. Corrosive (objects that can cause corrosion).
9. Miscelanous dangerous goods (other goods that can be hazardous to aircraft

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Cargo Compartment

Cargo compartment is the lower plane (from front to rear), which is on top deck for passengers. Cargo Compartment used to be filled with cargo.

ULD (Unit Load device) is a pallet or container that can be filled by the load (cargo) to be transported. ULD is designed to Aircraft Loading System. ULD therefore part of the aircraft.
Load Limitation is a lay out on Compartment Deck, where the deck has the power to limit ULD load.
General Feature of Cargo Compartment
1. Pressurization
2. Heating
3. Ventilation
4. Access During Flight
5. Smoke Detection
6. Fire Extinguisher System

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HT A30 Specifications Bundling with XL


-Network: Dual GSM On 900 / 1800Mhz
-Half Qwerty Phone, LCD 2.0 inch QCIF , 176x220, Camera VGA
-Memory : up to 16 GB
-Connection: Bluetooth A2DP, GPRS class 12
-Application : E buddy shortcut, Facebook Shortcut, Magic sound, MSN shortcut
-Features: FM Radio & Recorder
-Battery 850 mAh, Flash light, Mp3 ringtone,
-Others : Sound & Video recorder, E-Book Reader Black list / Firewall

Special bonus from XL offered
# Free 1MB data,
# Free 10 minutes talk,
# Free 10 SMS to XL users.

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Dezzo D800 Specifications - Bundling with Telkomsel

Price Estimated :Rp.1,000,000,-
Telkomsel gives special offers such as:

#Simpati Sim Card
#Free extra Battery & silicon case
#Free Internet, SMS
#Free Talk up to 60 minutes
#Free Micro SD
# Free True Ringtone.

-Dual GSM 900/1800 Mhz
-Dimension 113.2x 59 x 12.9
-Camera 10X Zoom
-Real horizontal & QVGA Screen 2MP Camera with Flash
-Camera 2 megapixel
-MP3/MP4 player
-FM Radio
-Chatting app
-Shortcut: Facebook, Opera mini, friendster
-Support memory Up To 8GB
-Warranty 12 Months

Tag:Dezzo D800, Spesifikasi Dezzo D800, Dezzo D800 Specs, Harga Dezzo D800, Review Dezzo D800

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Review GVON 950 Specifications & Features

GVON 950 Specifications:

#Dual SIM Card standby
#Network: Dual GSM 900/1800
#Full Touchscreen
#Camera 3 Mp
#TFT 262.000 Color
#500 Phone Book

Other Features:
#Video Player
#Video Recorder&Voice Recorder,
#FM Radio
#Voice Memo, Voice Command,
#Build-in Handfree Speaker
#Browser, Bluetooth,
#T-Flash Card Slot Up to 4 gb

Untuk HP G-VON 950 Series Ini Merupakan Seri Dari HP G-VON Yang Memiliki Layar Sentuh Penuh/Full Touch Screen Phone, Dimana Tampilan Display Layarnya Sangat Tajam Sekali Karena Memiliki Kedalaman Warna Yang Sangat Tinggi. Semua Keypadnya Berteknologi Touch Screen Dengan Virtual Keypad Touch Screen Yang Sangat Responsif Sekali Dan Keren Banget .

Tampilan Fisik/Look Model Dan Desain HP G-VON 950 Series Ini Hampir Sama Persis Model, Bentuk Dan Desainnya Dengan HP LG KM900 Arena Sangat Keren Sekali Model, Bentuk Dan Desainnya Perpaduan Antara Tampilan Gaya Futuristic, Elegant Dan Stilistic .

Tag : GVON 950 Specifications, GVON 950 Review, Spek GVON 950, Harga GVON 950 Specifications, Opera mini GVON 950

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BlackBerry Bold 9900 Pluto Specifications (Rumor)


#Project Codename: RIM Pluto
#Predecessor Model: RIM BlackBerry Bold 9000
#Predecessor Model: RIM BlackBerry Bold 9000
#Embedded Operating System: RIM BlackBerry OS 4.7
#RAM;capacity: 128 MiB
#ROM;capacity: 128 MiB
#Secondary ROM capacity: 1 GiB
#Display Type: color transmissive TFT, 65536 scales
#Display Diagonal: 2.6 “
#Display;Resolution: 480 x 360
#Microphone(s): mono
#Loudspeaker(s): mono
#Audio:Output: 3.5mm
#Cellular Networks: GSM850, GSM900, GSM1800, GSM1900, UMTS850, UMTS1900, UMTS2100
#Cellular Data: CSD, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSDPA
#Call Alert: 32 -chord melody
#Vibrating+Alert: Supported
#Speakerphone: Supported
#Positioning Device: Touchscreen & TrackBall
#Primary Keyboard: Built-in QWERTY-type keyboard
#Directional Pad: Not supported
#Scroll-Wheel: Not supported
#Expansion Slots: microSD, microSDHC, TransFlash
#USB: USB 2.0 client, 480Mbit/s, mini-USB
#Bluetooth: Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR

#LAN: 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g
#Infrared_Gate: Not supported
#Analog Radio Receiver: Not supported
#Broadcast-Tuner: Not supported
#GPS module: Supported
#Complementary GPS Services: Assisted GPS, Geotagging

#Main Camera: 3.1 MP
#Autofocus (AF): Supported
#Flash: mobile light (LED)
#Battery: removable

Tag:BB Pluto Specs, BlackBerry Pluto Features, BlackBerry pluto review, Price of BlackBerry Pluto, Spesifikasi&Harga BlackBerry Pluto

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Rumor : RIM BlackBerry Magnum

Key Features :

#QWERTY + Touch technology
#Optical trackpad
#Same processor as bold
#Tri-band UMTS/HSDPA – Band 1,2,5
#Quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE
#HVGA Display
#GPS & WiFi
#More memory
#ID in development


#Predecessor Model: RIM BlackBerry Bold 9000
#Embedded Operating System: RIM BlackBerry OS 4.6
#CPU Clock: 624 MHz
#CPU: Marvell PXA930
#RAM capacity: 128 MiB
#ROM capacity: 128 MiB
#Secondary ROM capacity: 1 GiB
#Display Type: color transmissive TFT , 65536 scales
#Display Diagonal: 2.4 “
#Display_Resolution: 480 x 360
#Microphone(s): mono
#Loudspeaker(s): mono
#Audio Output: 3.5mm
#Cellular Networks: GSM850, GSM900, GSM1800, GSM1900, UMTS850, UMTS1900, #UMTS2100
#Cellular Data Links: CSD, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSDPA, HSUPA
#Call Alert: 32 -chord melody
#Vibrating Alert: Supported
#Speakerphone: Supported
#Positioning Device: TrackBall
#Primary Keyboard: Built-in QWERTY-type keyboard
#Directional Pad: Not supported
#Scroll Wheel: Not supported

#Expansion Slots: microSD, microSDHC, TransFlash
#USB: USB 2.0 client, 480Mbit/s, micro-USB
#Bluetooth: Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR
#LAN: 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g
#Infrared Gate: Not supported
#Analog Radio Receiver: Not supported
#Broadcast Tuner: Not supported
#Built-in GPS module: Supported
#Complementary GPS Services: Assisted GPS, Geotagging
#Main Camera: 3.1 MP
#Autofocus (AF): Supported
#Built-in Flash: mobile light (LED)
#Battery: removable
Source : kassa9

Tag: New BlackBerry Magnum, BB Magnum, BlackBerry Magnum Specs, BlackBerry Magnum Specifications, BlackBerry Magnum Review, BlackBerry Magnum Rumor, Spesifikasi BlackBerry Magnum, Advantages BlackBerry Magnum

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Flight Attendant Position

#Forward Facing Jump Seat

Seat belt and shoulder harness should be fastened low should be fasted low and tight across the waist. Head should be tucked down the chest as far as possible. Hands should be placed flat on the floor, slightly forward and spaced a shoulder width apart

# AFT Facing Jump Seat
Seat belt and shoulder harness should be fastened low and tight across the waist. Head should be pressed firmly against the headrest. Hands should be tucked under thighs, palms up. Feet should he placed flat on the floor, slightly forward and spaced flat on the floor, slightly forward and spaced a shoulder width apart.

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Penyebab Keterlambatan Pesawat (Delay Procedure)

Keterlambatan Pesawat (Delay Procedure) Causes by :

1. Force Majeure : Suatu kejadian yang tidak dapat dielakkan dan diperhitungkan sebelumnya /diluar kekuasaan manusia ex: Bad Weather (cuaca buruk), banjir,gempa bumi,dll

2. Technical Reason : Diakibatkan oleh kerusakaan yang terjadi pada pesawat ex: mesin, baling-baling rusak,dll

3. Commersial Reason : diakibatkan oleh alasan komersial ex: pesawat kecil diganti oleh pesawat besar sehingga butuh waktu lama untuk check-in, atau sebaliknya adanya pax yang belum check-in

4. Security Reason : dilakukan oleh tindakan demi keamanan pesawat dan keselamatan pax ex: adanya pax VIP movement

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It is the duty of supervising and determining the amount of food on board a flight for the purpose of operational costs
Cattering up right under the coordination of cattering activities dispatchers Ramp control
• Overseeing all departing flights in order to determine the food order to the ACS (Aerowisata Cattering Service)
• Removing the pax boarding survey data (PBS) for flights that leave first time the next day
• Making food reservation for a flight the next day and put it into the Order Form as many Cattering reduced the number of accounts 20% except during Peak Season No need to be reduced
• Provide special perintaan pax of food listed in the PBS ex: special request
• Submit Order Form to the ACS Cattering
• Creating daily reports recorded in the flight catering and counting up the amount of food on board than the actual number of pax on board to calculate the percentage of the excess food on the flight
• Make a daily report that noted in cattering up flight
• Monitor incoming telec of the plane change

Addition procedure to
1. Serves 0-5 at least 30 minutes prior to ETD
2. Serves 6-10 at least 1 hour before ETD
3. Serves 11-50 at least 2 hours before ETD
4. 50 or more servings of at least 3 hours before ETD

Cancellation procedure to the ASC
1. less than 6 hours are charged 50%
2. less than 2 hours are charged 100%

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USB Modem Smart Evdo 3.5 G AC 2726

#Plug and play
#CDMA 2000 1x EVDO Rev.A 1900 MHz Modem
#MicroSD Slot
#Spped Up to 3.1 Mbps for Download
#Support Operating System :
-Windows XP/Vista
-Windows 2000
-Windows 7
-Mac OS

Price : Rp.977.000,-

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Mengatur & mengontrol proses kedatangan & keberangkatan pesawat agar tepat waktu.
Tugasnya :
a. Preparation
• Memasukkan data general flight information service seperti Flight number
- Destination
- Air Craft Registration untuk Ina PK
- Irregularry
• Membuat message tentang departure movement & delay movement

b. Before A/C check in landing
• Berkomunikasi dengan PIC (kapten) tentang rotasi crew cuaca juga special request.
• Meneruskan informasi dari PIC ke departemen terkait untuk di handle
c. During A/C check in on the ground
• Berkomunikasi dengan Ground Staff untuk mengecek :
- Crew
- Refueling
- Special Request
- Cattering up plat
- Cleaning service
- Loading – an loading
• Menginformasikan kalau ada perubahan pesawat
• Menginformasikan kalau ada pergantian crew
• Membuat keputusan agar penerbangan tidak terjadi delay
d. After A/C check in departure
Membuat message ke destination station yang berisikan tentang :
- Origine Station
- Destination Station
- Flight number
- A/C ATA ATD delay

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Giving permission to fly the aircraft worthiness or not, and provide information about plane delays & safety.

- Checking on the cattering Lift Up
- Checking the check forwarded to the refueling Fuel
- Checking cleaning service
- Checking the daily air crew officers
- Sharing of time for each step starting from the block on-off
- Loadesk & other documents the last ten minutes before the STD (Standard Time Departure)

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Coordinate & Supervise all activities in preparation for the plane since the block on (come) - block off (off)

- Overseeing schedule, Parker plane
- Preparing dollis, pallets
- Preparing official paster (loading and unloading)
-Conducting records (record) the incoming message
- Taking Fuel bill forwarded to engineering units
- Giving out Refueler, Cleaning Service, catering, service Greeting the arrival of the aircraft.
- Conducting record all activities of the block o, to block off
- Supervise RAMP Staff

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SkyTech B88-TV and Dual GSM mobile - Specs&Features

Key features:

#TV Tuner
#Dual GSM
#Dual Cameras
#2 Micro SD
#Facebook, E-buddy, yahoo messenger, Twitter & Opera Mini

#Java multitasking
#Qwerty Keypad
#Network : Quadband 850/900/1800/1900
#MP3/MP4 Player
#Audio/video recording
#3 languages : Indonesia, English, Chinese)
#FM Radio
#Speaker Phone
#Bluetooth A2DP
#Shake Control
#Lithium ion battery
#Universal charger

Free 1pcs Rubber Case

Tag:SkyTech B88, TV Phone SkyTech B88, Spesifikasi SkyTech B88, harga SkyTech B88, HP SkyTech B88

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Huawei U8230 & U8220 Android Phone - Specifications & Features

Huawei U8230 Specifications:

#Network: GSM
#Model: Candybar
#Screen: 3.5-inch Touchscreen, Trackball,
#OS: Android OS 1.5
#CPU: 528 MHz Qualcomm processor, 128MB RAM, 256MB ROM
#Camera: 3MP
#Connection: EDGE, HSDPA 7.2 Mbps, Bluetooth 2.0, WiFi,
#Memory: microSD, microSDHC, TransFlash, micro-USB port
#Other Features: GPS,

Huawei U8220 Specifications:
#Network: GSM
#Model: Candybar
#Screen: Screen 3.5 "320x480 color transflective TFT LCD
#OS: Android OS 1.5
#CPU: 32bit Qualcomm MSM7200A 528MHz CPU, 256MiB RAM, ROM 1908MiB
#Camera: 3.1MP
#Connection: EDGE, HSDPA 7.2 Mbps, Bluetooth 2.0, WiFi,
#Memory: microSD, microSDHC, TransFlash, micro-USB port
Other Features:
-GPS, A-GPS, 2.5mm audio jack

Tag: Hp Huawei U8230, Huawei U8220, Android Phone Huawei, Spesifikasi Huawei U8230&8220, Harga Huawei U8230&U8220

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Review Dezzo D622 & Specifications

Specifications & Key Features :

#Network: Dualband GSM (900/1800 MHz) & Dual On GSM-GSm
#Display screen: 2.2 inch, TFT 262,144 colors, 176×220 pixel
#Dimension: 11.1×6.2×1.3
#DataTransfer : GPRS
#Messaging: SMS, MMS
#Connectivity: cabel data
#Browser: WAP
#Camera: VGA, video recording
#Memory external: microSD

Others Features:
#Voice recorder,
#Big font for incoming call,
#change shortcut menu,
#phonebook 1000 entries,
#Facebook, Friendster, Yahoo Messenger, MSN,
#Calendar, Calculator,
#Speakerphone, Game, Polyphonic (MP3),
#MP3/MP4 player,
#FM Radio, Answering machine,
#Blacklist number, Big speaker (30×20mm),
#Battery: Lithium ion 1000 mAh

Local mobile phone producers, Dezzo will soon release a white version D622 handsets, they plan to release this product into the market starting next January 31 and will be issued at a price of Rp 599,000, --

These handsets are equipped with standard features like a VGA camera, dual on GSM and GPRS to access this data may be adjusted with a fairly cheap bandrol. But users also should be proud because the d622 has dezzo audio capabilities with the presence of large speakers and audio jack ports as well as a QWERTY keyboard is also available.

Tag:Dezzo d622, SPek d622, Hp Dezzo d622 specs, Spesifikasi Hp Dezzo d622, Koneksi Gprs Hp Dezzo d622

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Nokia 5230 XpressMusic Specifications & Mobile Review

Price Estimated : Rp. 7.000.000,-*)
Main Specifications&Key Features:

#Quad-band GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz
#3.2-inch, 360 x 640 pixels, 16M Colors TFT Display
#Full Touchscreen with Handwriting recognition
#Proximity Sensor for Auto system turn off
#Accelerometer Sensor for Auto horizontal/vertical screen Rotate
#ARM 11, 369 MHz CPU
#Symbian OS v9.4, S60 rel. 5
#70-MB Internal Memory, 128 MB ROM
#Upto 16-GB hotswapable MicroSD media expansion card support

Other Features:
#2.0 Megapixel digital camera, 1600 x 1200 pixels resolution, Autofocus, LED flash, 4x smooth digital zoom
#Video (QCIF) video capture and playback, Supports MPEG4, 3GPP and h.263 video file formats
#FM stereo radio with RDS
#Music Media player supports MP3/AAC/AAC+/eAAC+/WMA/MP4/WAV/RA/M4A
#Video Media Player supports WMV/3GP/RV/MP4
#GPRS Class 32
#HSCSD, 43.2 kbps
#EDGE Class 32
#3G HSDPA, 3.6 Mbps
#Bluetooth v2.0 with A2DP
#USB v2.0, miniUSB
#Integrated GPS receiver with A-GPS support, Nokia Maps 2.0
#Colors – Black, Red, Silver, Pink, and Yellow
#5-band equaliser and audio visualisations
#3.5-mm Audio Port
#Built-in handsfree
#Integrated stereo speakers
#Polyphonic (64 channels), MP3, AAC Ringtones
#Nokia S60 browser, (x)HTML, JavaScript 1.3 and 1.5 support
#Java MIDP 2.1
#Li-Ion 1320 mAh (BL-5J) Standard Battery
#Stand-by time: 400 hrs
#Talk time: 7 hrs
#Music playback: 33 hours on single full charge
#Dimensions: 111 x 51.7 x 15.5 mm
#Weight: 115 gms

Mobile Review:

Nokia has announced the launch of Nokia 5230 XpressMusic quad-band GSM full touchecreen music phone in India which features iphone size 3.2-inch 16M colors TFT QVGA display and boasts of upto 33 hours of non-stop music playback with a single charge.

The quad-band GSM 850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz and EDGE network along with HSCSD (High-Speed Circuit-Switched Data) network ready Nokia 5230 XpressMusic mobile phone sports 369 MHz ARM11 CPU running Symbian OS v9.4, S60 rel. 5 and it features a large 3.2-inch 360 x 640 pixels resolution TFT QVGA display supporting 16M colors.
The device supports full Touchscreen with Handwriting recognition capabilities. In addition, the Nokia 5230 XpresMusic phone is equipped with Proximity Sensor that allows Auto system turn off and Accelerometer Sensor for Auto horizontal/vertical screen Rotation but lacks external dedicated music control keys otherwise available in most of the earlier Nokia ExpressMusic phones.

Deceptively similar in looks to its bigger brother Nokia 5800 XpressMusic phone launched in December 2008 and very competitively priced under Rs. 10K, the new Nokia 5230 XpressMusic music mobile phone sports scratch protection and aluminum side panels and is equipped with dedicated audio chip, which delivers enhanced music performance. Music slider handset allows instant mode switching between music player, FM RDS radio and phone idle mode. The device also sports built-in MONO speakers for music and FM playing.

Sporting 70 MB internal memory, the Nokia 5230 XpressMusic mobile phone offers support for hot-swapable microSD memory card with up to 16 GB capacity for expended storage. The main internal storage memory allows storage of unlimited phone numbers and handset also offers 30 dialed, 30 received, 30 missed calls records.

Besides local music file transfer from PC or another bluetooth enabled handset, the Nokia 5230 XpressMusic allows direct downloading / purchase of music tracks from a range of Internet music stores using Windows Media Player Digital Rights management (WMDRM).

The phone also offers a new “Media Bar” which is a drop-down menu that allows direct access to music and entertainment along with offering direct link to the web and online music stores and music sharing websites.

In addition, the Nokia 5230 XpressMusic phone also offers a unique “Contact Bar” which lets users highlight 4 favourite contacts on their home screen.

Data Connectivity

Available in 5 vibrant colors, the Nokia 5230 XpressMusic mobilephone features exhaustive options for data connection including GPRS Class 32, HSCDS (High speed Cable Data Service connection), EDGE Class 32 with upto 296kbps speed connection, 3G HSDPA connection with upto 3.6 Mbps speed and wireless Bluetooth v2.0 connection with A2DP. The handset also features a standard USB v2.0 (miniUSB) port for full speed wired data conection.

The wireless Bluetooth v2.0 connection with Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) feature offered by Nokia 5230 XpressMusic mobilephone allows listening to music on bluetooth compatible headset absolutely wire-free and in full stereo.

The EDGE network connection functionality offered by Nokia 5230 XpressMusic mobilephone handset allows ultra fast data transmissions, and faster downloads and file transfers, while Bluetooth technology enables communication with other Bluetooth compatible devices and gadgets such as color printers, PDAs and laptops for instant sync-ups, data transfer and print jobs in a flash.

2.0 Megapixel Digital Camera

Full touchscreen enabled Nokia 5230 XpressMusic phone also comes with integrated 2.0 Megapixel digital camera offering maximum of 1600 x 1200 pixels still picture resolution, featuring auto focus, 4x smooth digital zoom and integrated dual LED flash. the digital camera also offers Ambient light sensor which optimize display brightness and power consumption.

The digital camera also allows additional still picture resolution of 1152 x 864 pixels, 640 x 480 pixels, and 320 x 240 pixels and is also capable of video capturing in 3 diffrent resolutions – 320 x 240, 176 x 144, and 129 x 96 pixels with live sound it support video playback of MPEG4, 3GPP and h.263 video file formats.

Media Player

Media player in Nokia 5230 XpressMusic supports large range of audio formats including MP3, AAC, AAC+, eAAC+, WMA, WAV/RealAudio and MP4 and audio player software also offers album art, playlists and 5-band equaliser and audio visualisations along with universal 3.5-mm Audio Adapter to plug-in your choice of headphones.

The device is also capable of playing Video contents supports WMV/3GP/RV/MP4.

FM Radio: The Nokia 5230 mobile phone also sports built-in stereo loudspeakers delivering high quality audio along with integrated FM radio which has option for 50 station presets and one can listen to the radio in the background while using other phone functions.

Nokia 5230 mobile phone also allows download of music tracks from a range of Internet music stores using Windows Media Player Digital Rights management (WMDRM). In addition, one can also enjoy the wireless music listing using Bluetooth stereo headphones.

GPS with A-GPS: Music Optimized Nokia 5230 XpressMusic mobilephone handset also sports built-in GPS receiver with integrated Assisted Global Positioning System (A-GPS) that links to both satellites and local networks for navigation and it comes with pre-installed Nokia Ovi Maps v2.0 Touch application with areal images and 3D landmarks and free downloadable maps of over 200 countries.

The Nokia Map v2.0 software includes maps of 8 Indian cities with 52 categories of points of interest allowing users access places, travel destinations, bars/cafes/restaurants and hotel locations for local usage. The handset also offers a unique feature viz location tagger that allows users automatically tag location details with pictures (like date and time etc) along with the geographical coordinates data.

Document Viewers: Weighing just about 115 gms, the Nokia 5230 XpressMusic phone comes with document viewer supporting Microsoft Document Viewers for Ms Word, MS Excel and MS Powerpoint. In addition, the smartphone also allows Photo Editor, Video Editor and PDF viewer software.

Since Nokia 5230 XpressMusic is based on Symbian OS S60 software, the mobile phone allows users to personalise the phone with a variety of add-on third part free and paid applications to suit their needs.

The candybar form factor designed Nokia 5230 also allows web 2.0 services directly from within the mobilephone, offering Yahoo Go! Nokia Internet Search, Widsets or suing Nokia Download! client.

Nokia 5230 is bundled with many applications and games including Converter II, (currency, area, length, mass, and temperature), Calculator II, World Clock II, Opera mini (browser), Yahoo Go!, Widset installer, Nokia Visual radio, Nokia Search, Nokia Sensor, City Bloxx, Music Guess, Rally 3D and Snake II.

The new Nokia 5230 XpressMusic mobilephone also offers Email access supporting SMTP, POP3 and IMAP 4 protocols. The supported attachment types (mime type) includes .jpg, 3gpp, .mp3, .ppt, .doc, .xls, and .pdf.

Some other features of Nokia 5230 XpressMusic phone includes - 3.5 mm audio outpur port, voice command and dialing, voice memo recording, built-in Image viewer with picture editing software, built-in handsfree Speakerphone, full screen HTML Browser, WAP v2.0 with xHTML browser, Java MIDP 2.0 support, picture caller ID, applications such as calendar, currency converter, alarm clock, auto keypad lock, stop watch, Java 2.0, Push Real-time Email, supports POP3, IMAP, and SMTP protocols and preloaded polyphonic ringtones with ringtone composing application.

Weighing just 115 gms, the new Nokia 5230 ExpressMusic mobile phone comes equipped with Li-Ion 1320 mAh (BL-5J) standard battery which provides upto 400 hrs of stand-by time along with upto 7 hrs of talk time on full charge. In addition, the handset allows upto 33 hours of nontop music playback with a single full battery charge.

For More Detail visit :

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Nexian CDMA NX 980 with FM Radio

Key Features:

# CDMA 2000 1X 800MHz
# RUIM Card
# 65K Color Display
# Midi Ringtones
# Telephone Book
# Speaker Phone
# FM Radio
# Language: Indonesia - English
# 12 Month Warranty

PRICE: Rp. 399.000, -

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Acer Aspire 1410 Specifications


Operating System
  • Linpus™ Linux®
Processor & Chipset
  • Intel® Celeron® processor with 1 MB L2 cache, supporting Intel® 64 architecture
  • Mobile Intel® GS45 Express Chipset
  • Dual-channel DDR2 SDRAM support
  • Up to 4 GB of DDR2 667 MHz memory
  • One S-ATA hard disc drive
  • 5-in-1 card reader, supporting Secure Digital™ (SD), MultiMediaCard (MMC), Memory Stick® (MS), Memory Stick PRO™ (MS PRO), xD-Picture Card™ (xD)
  • 11.6" HD 1366 x 768 pixel resolution, high-brightness (200-nit) Acer CineCrystal™ LED-backlit TFT LCD
  • 16.7 million colours
  • 16:9 aspect ratio
  • Mobile Intel® GS45 Express Chipset with integrated 3D graphics, featuring Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 4500MHD (Intel® GMA 4500MHD) with up to 1759 MB of Intel® Dynamic Video Memory Technology 5.0 (64 MB of dedicated video memory, up to 1695 MB of shared system memory*), supporting Microsoft® DirectX® 10
    (* depending on size of system memory)
  • Dual independent display support
  • MPEG-2/DVD decoding
  • WMV9 (VC-1) and H.264 (AVC) decoding
  • Dolby®-optimized surround sound system with two built-in stereo speakers
  • Optimized 2nd Generation Dolby Sound Room® audio enhancement, featuring Dolby® Headphone, Dolby® Natural Bass and Dolby® Sound Space Expander
  • High-definition audio support
  • S/PDIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface) support for digital speakers
  • MS-Sound compatible
  • Built-in microphone
  • Acer Video Conference featuring integrated Acer Crystal Eye webcam, supporting enhanced Acer PrimaLite™ technology
  • WLAN: Intel® Wireless WiFi Link 1000 802.11b/g/Draft-N Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ network connection, supporting MIMO technology and Acer SignalUp™ with Nplify™ wireless technology
  • LAN: Gigabit Ethernet; Wake-on-LAN ready
  • WPAN: Bluetooth® 2.0+EDR (Enhanced Data Rate)
    (manufacturing option)

I/O Interface
  • 3x USB 2.0 ports
  • 1x HDMI™ (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) with HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection) support
  • 1x external display (VGA) port
  • 1x Headphones/speaker/line-out jack with S/PDIF support
  • 1x Microphone-in jack
  • 1x Ethernet (RJ-45) port
  • 1x DC-in jack for AC adapter
  • Slot for Kensington lock
  • BIOS user, supervisor, HDD passwords
Power Supply & Battery
  • ACPI 3.0 CPU power management standard: supports Standby and Hibernation power-saving modes
  • 47.52 W 4400 mAh 6-cell Li-ion battery pack:
    • up to 6-hour battery life
  • 30 W AC adapter
  • ENERGY STAR® 5.0
Keyboard & Special Controls
  • 84-/85-/88-key full-size Acer FineTip keyboard, with inverted "T" cursor layout
  • Multi-gesture touchpad pointing device, supporting:
    • Circular-motion scrolling
    • Pinch-action zoom
    • Page flip
  • 10 function keys, four cursor keys, two Windows® keys, hotkey controls, embedded numeric keypad, international language support
  • Easy-access switches with LED: Bluetooth®, WLAN/WWAN
Weight & Dimensions
  • 285 (W) x 204 (D) x 22.1/30 (H) mm (11.22 x 8.03 x 0.87/1.18 inches)
  • 1.40 kg
Color choices
  • Diamond black
  • Sapphire blue
  • Ruby red
Quality & Reliability Tests
  • Temperature & humidity test
  • Free drop test
  • Acoustics test
  • Weight and Pressure tests
  • Spillage test
  • Shock and Vibration tests
  • Electrostatic discharge immunity test
  • MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) test
  • Hinge life test
  • Keyboard-switch life test
  • Acer Crystal Eye
  • Acer GridVista™
  • Acer eRecovery Management
  • Acer Video Conference Manager (VCM) 4.0
  • Acer GameZone
  • Acer Game Console
  • McAfee Internet Security Suite 60-day trial version
  • Adobe® Reader®
  • Adobe® Flash® Player
  • Google™ Toolbar
  • Google™ Desktop
  • Google™ Setup
  • eSobi
  • My WinLocker
  • CyberLink® PowerDVD
  • Microsoft® Works with Office Home and Student 2007 Trial
  • Microsoft® Windows Live™ Essentials
  • Orion™
  • Memory expansion modules
  • Additional battery
  • One-year International Travellers Warranty (ITW)

The Aspire 1410 is ready for extended digital mobility and solid all-around performance. This 11.6"notebook is less than 1" thin but features a full-size keyboard and advanced HD audio/visual components. Topping it off, there are three cool colors to choose from: Ruby Red, Diamond Black and Sapphire Blue.


Compact design, excellent usability
This notebook weights just 1.40 kg, making it extremely easy to take wherever you go. With the full-size Acer FineTip keyboard, you also get normal-size notebook usability with enhanced mouseless control via the multi-gesture touchpad.

HD experiences on the go
Enthralling visuals with superb color and motion are yours to experience via 3D graphics and a 16:9 HD display -- and with an HDMI™ port, you can connect to peripheral displays easily. Audio-wise, you get Optimized 2nd Generation Dolby® Sound Room® for multichannel sound over an ordinary pair of stereo headphones.

Cool to the touch
Acer ComfyTouch technology uses an innovative design to air-cool the processor and notebook case. Even when running for a full day the notebook remains cool in your hands or on your lap.

Earth-first mobility
Realize energy savings whether on the road or plugged in at your desk. While on the go, save up to 40 percent more power compared with typical notebooks.


AS1410-232G25n (black)
Linpus™ Linux® , Intel® Celeron® processor SU2300 (1 MB L2 cache, 1.20 GHz, 800 MHz FSB,10 W), supporting Intel® 64 architecture - Mobile Intel® GS45 Express Chipset; Intel® Wireless WiFi Link 802.11b/g/Draft-N ; 11.6" HD Acer CineCrystal™ LED-backlit TFT LCD ; 16:9 aspect ratio ; 2GB DDR2 ; 250GB HDD; Integrated Bluetooth ; Multi-in-1 Card Reader ; HDMI™ port with HDCP support ; Crystal Eye webcam with Acer PrimaLite™ technology ; Dolby Sound Room® ; 6 hour battery life*

AS1410-232G25n (red)
Linpus™ Linux® , Intel® Celeron® processor SU2300 (1 MB L2 cache, 1.20 GHz, 800 MHz FSB,10 W), supporting Intel® 64 architecture - Mobile Intel® GS45 Express Chipset; Intel® Wireless WiFi Link 802.11b/g/Draft-N ; 11.6" HD Acer CineCrystal™ LED-backlit TFT LCD ; 16:9 aspect ratio ; 2GB DDR2 ; 250GB HDD; Integrated Bluetooth ; Multi-in-1 Card Reader ; HDMI™ port with HDCP support ; Crystal Eye webcam with Acer PrimaLite™ technology ; Dolby Sound Room® ; 6 hour battery life*

AS1410-232G25n (blue)
Linpus™ Linux® , Intel® Celeron® processor SU2300 (1 MB L2 cache, 1.20 GHz, 800 MHz FSB,10 W), supporting Intel® 64 architecture - Mobile Intel® GS45 Express Chipset; Intel® Wireless WiFi Link 802.11b/g/Draft-N ; 11.6" HD Acer CineCrystal™ LED-backlit TFT LCD ; 16:9 aspect ratio ; 2GB DDR2 ; 250GB HDD; Integrated Bluetooth ; Multi-in-1 Card Reader ; HDMI™ port with HDCP support ; Crystal Eye webcam with Acer PrimaLite™ technology ; Dolby Sound Room® ; 6 hour battery life* * Battery life indicated may vary depending on product specifications

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