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Add-Ons For Firefox Browser Accelerating

Firefox is the browser of the most favored, because Firefox is one of the fastest browser.
Firefox claimed to be the fastest and less useful in memory usage.
If you are a firefox user browser, here are some tips to speed up again your Firefox browser.
If we often do browsing, Firefox was saving our history into the database and the database can cause slow startup process firefox.
To overcome this you can use the add-ons called Vacuum.
Add-ons Vacuum serves to "tidy up" the database files so they can optimize firefox firefox speed when performing loading.
Download and install these add-ons and you can feel the changes.

Download add-ons Vacuum:
https: / /

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Youtube For Muslim

YouTube is a video sharing website on which users can upload and share videos. Three former PayPal employees created YouTube in February 2005. In November 2006, YouTube, LLC was bought by Google Inc. for $1.65 billion, and is now operated as a subsidiary of Google.
The company is based in San Bruno, California, and uses Adobe Flash Video technology to display a wide variety of user-generated video content, including movie clips, TV clips, and music videos, as well as amateur content such as video blogging and short original videos. Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, although media corporations including CBS, the BBC, UMG and other organizations offer some of their material via the site, as part of the YouTube partnership program.

Unregistered users can watch the videos, while registered users are permitted to upload an unlimited number of videos. Videos that are considered to contain potentially offensive content are available only to registered users over the age of 18. The uploading of videos containing defamation, pornography, copyright violations, and material encouraging criminal conduct is prohibited by YouTube's terms of service. Accounts of registered users are called "channels".(Wikipedia)
But now, i find the similar you tube chanels for muslim, here the view :

Click Here For Acces This Site

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The things that must be considered by a leader

The things that must be considered by a leader is as follows:
1. Sets goals and performance criteria that is set in a clear organizational goals and also set its performance criteria.

2. Provides incentives, so that subordinate want to reach goals and meet the performance criteria of the company that is always providing incentives (labor force) are interesting, either in the form of cash awards as well as in other forms, especially for workers willing employees achieve goals through efforts to achieve performance in accordance with the criteria set.

3. Give regular objective feed back so that people know they share stands in the work means that leaders explain regularly feedback organizational goals, so that every employee knows their role in the company's position.

4. Uses techniques of paticipative whereby employees participate when it is appropriate in decisions which affect them and their work means to use participative management ways in which the employees involved in certain decisions where they can do their jobs better.

5. Hold regularly, two way meetings with subordinates communicative means in this case between leaders and employees must be good listeners in the good underlying intentions for improving organizational performance

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All About Butterfly Gardening

When creating a butterfly garden, the possibilities of what to include in your butterfly garden design are endless. Below are some suggestions to help get you started. They are designed to spark the creative process of your mind and get you started on your way to creating a lovely butterfly garden.

Before you even begin your butterfly garden, find out which species of butterflies are in your area. Consider taking an exploratory hike around your location with a butterfly identification book. This may take a little extra time and effort, but the results will be worth it. After you have compiled your list of local butterfly species, be sure to write down in your butterfly garden plan what these particular species of butterflies use for nectar and food plants.

Be sure that your garden is in a location that provides at least six hours of sunlight per day. Butterflies are cold-blooded creatures and therefore do better where they are warm and sheltered.

Wind can be a butterfly's worst enemy so be sure to have plenty of wind protection in your design. You can plant tall shrubs and other plants in order to create a wind break, but a location that avoids heavy winds is even better.
The best of all would be a butterfly garden placed on the sunny side of your home with windbreaks on both the west and east sides, or wherever the prevailing wonds come from in your area. Try and locate your garden close to a window so you can view the butterflies from indoors. Provide seating outside too.

If possible, you could excavate an area and build a stone wall around it. This would create the ideal windbreak for your butterflies. Mmake gravel pathways around your garden to save walking in mud.

There are many creative ways for constructing a butterfly garden. Take your time to design a garden that you will enjoy and be proud of.

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HP Dezzo D800 Telkomsel, Makin Pede dengan Camera 2 Megapixel

Specification :
Real Horizontal & QVGA screen
2 MP camera With Flash
Dimension 113,2x59x12,9
Dual GSM 900/1800 MHz
Camera 10x Zoom, Mp3/Mp4 player
Chating, Facebook, Friendster dan opera mini
Magic Sound, Java, Support External Memory Up to 8 GB
Language : Indonesia , English
Extra Battery & Dezzo Silicone Case

Review :
Harga paket bundling hp ini adalah Rp.1088Ribu dan merupakan paket bundling dengan Telkomsel, Free Micro SD dan gratis akses internet, telpon sampai 60 menit serta ringtone yang menarik, Hp ini telah support Java, sehingga anda menyisipkan program dari pihak ketiga...over all Hp ini sama dengan kebanyakan HP bundling yang lainnya.

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Spesifikasi & Review for Philips Xenium X520 dengan Batery AAA

Display screen : 262.144 TFT colour screen
Size : 176x220 Pixel 2,2 Inch Screen
Camera : 2 Megapixel
Connectivity : GPRS 10, Edge 10, 3G, Wap 2.0/xhtml
Opera Mini, 20 MB memory
Slot Micro SD card up to 2GB; Mp3(polifonik)
Java MIDP 2.0, Sensor Accelerometer
MP3 Player/AAC+/Wav, MP4 Player
Speakerphone, Bluetooth v2.0 (A2DP)
Video, SMS, MMS, Email
Lunar Calendar, Games, Countdown Timer, Euro Converter, blackList, firewall
Voice Record, Battery Li-Ion 1050 mAh, Slot Extra Battery

Review :
Hp ini memang unik, berbeda dengan Samsung E1107 crest solar yang menawarkan dukungan panel surya, maka Xenium X520 menyajikan fitur baterai AAA dibagian bawah ponsel, untuk menambah durasi masa standby ataupun talktime. 

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Review & Spesifikasi/Specification for Nokia 6600i Slide

Display screen : 16,7 Million TFT colour screen
Size : 240x320 Pixel 2,2 Inch Screen
Camera : 5 Megapixel
Autofokus, Dual-Led flash, Video (VGA), Videocall Camera (VGA)
Connectivity : GPRS, Edge 32, 3G, Wap 2.0/xhtml
Opera Mini, 20 MB memory
Slot Micro SD card; Mp3(polifonik)
Java MIDP 2.0, Sensor Accelerometer
MP3 Player/eAAC+/WMA, MP4/3GP Player
Speakerphone, Bluetooth v2.0 (A2DP)
SMS, MMS, Email

Review :
HP ini mirip dengan seniornya, N 6600 slide, lihat saja disain slidernya identik. Material pembalut bodi pun masih memakai bahan berkualitas yang kokoh dan solid, dengan tampilan tetap mungil dan menawan

Kelengkapan fitur Nokia 6660i slide relatif sepdan dengan pendahulunya, hanya saja kamera telah berubah menjadi lebih baik menjadi 5 MP, alhasil hasil jepretannya lebih OK dan diklaim lebih sempurna (Source:Majalah Buyer's Guide ).

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Spesifikasi, Review & Harga for Maxtron MG 185

Saya membuat posting ini karena saya adalah pemakai dari produk ini:
Spesification for Maxtron MG 185 :

Network: Quadband GSM (850/900/1800/1900 MHz) & Dual On GSM
Display Screen: 2.2 inci, TFT QVGA (320×240 pixel)
Data Transfer: GPRS class 12
Camera: 1.3 megaxel, Video recording
Eksternal Memory: microSD up to 2GB
Messaging: SMS, MMS, Email
Connectivity: Bluetooth support A2DP, kabel data USB 2.0
Browser: WAP 2.0, Opera Mini
Others: Polifonik (MP3), TV Analog, MP3/MP4 player, Radio FM, Java MIDP 2.0, Phonebook 500 entri, facebook application, Yahoo! Messenger, Google, MSN, Twitter, Image viewer, Sound recorder, Shake control, Dual stereo speaaker, Calendar, Calculator, Alarm, Sppeakerphone, Game: Baterai: Lithium ion 1200 mAh

Now for Review :
Saat pertama beli Hp ini saya tertarik sama 3 hal
1. Desainya yang mirip banget BlackBerry Javelin, Hanya saja yang ini agak sedikit ramping
2. TV Space, hp ini sudah ada TV nya loh....tampilannya lumayan dengan 16 Million Colours alias 16 Juta Warna
3. Java Application, hp ini support aplikasi Java

Over all Hp ini cukup baik, hanya suara telepon agak sedikit nyaring/treble (tapi bukan masalah karena ada handsfree), dual on GSM tidak dikunci seperti halnya paket bundling yang lain, jadi anda bebas memilih operator mana yang akan ditancapkan pada handphone ini.
Kalo masalah koneksi internet, kecepatannya masih standar, so hp ini cuman dibekali GPRS class 12, tp OK lah...kalo kamera, kalo cahayanya OK, hasilnya lumayan mantap, tapi untuk keadaaan malam hari agak sedikit kurang baik, untungnya mereka menyediakan led flash untuk memperterang objek yang akan kita foto, Ada lampu senternya juga loh....terus dengan harga Rp, 1,2 Juta (saat saya beli), Hp ini telah dibekali dua buah kamera, depan dan belakang, Front & Rear camera + Tv Out...Memorinya dikasih gratis 2 GB, mantap kan!. Untuk urusan suara MP3 nya mereka sudah melengkapi produknya dengan equalizer, suara yang keluar cukup enak dan bersih, radio FMnya berfungsi dengan baik tapi kalo anda menghendaki Earphone yang lebih ok, anda tinggal mengganti earphone yg mendukung Bluetooth, karena hp ini sudah dilengkapi fasilitas itu.
Untuk mendapatkan hasil battery yang maksimal, anda harus menghabiskan dulu hasil charge bawaanya, baru deh di charge selama 8 jam dalam keadaan mati, ini berlaku sampe charge yang ketiga.

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Tugas Creative Writer

This is a job that requires creativity and hard work, a unique job and energetic, a collaboration between improvisation and resilience.

Creative writer adalah mereka yang menyusun skrip orisinal untuk kepentingan promosi, publikasi ataupun sebuah pertunjukan.

Tugas-tugas seorang creative writer :
1. Mengumpulkan informasi data-data faktual melalui koran, internet, bahkan wawancara untuk mendukung kekuatan tulisan
2. mengecek ulang hasil tulisan, mengajukannya pada klien untuk persetujuan , dan menulis ulang jika diperlukan demi kepuasan klien atau produser.
3. Memilih tema untuk proyek penulisan yang disesuaikan dengan subjek proyek atau permintaan klien.
4. Mengembangkan tema, plot, karakter dengan memperhitungkan faktor psikologis, lingkungan , sejarah untuk menghasilkan materi tulisan yang kuat.
5. Memajukan unsur humor pada skrip jika skrip ditujukan untuk pertunjukan yang menghibur.
6. Mengorganisasi materi untuk proyek, membuat outline dan sinopsis.
7. mendiskusikan pekembangan proyek dengan klien untuk kemungkinan perubahan materi tulisan.

Pengetahuan yang diperlukan:
1. Kemampuan berbahasa yang baik dalam hal ini menguasai tata bahasa tulisan yang baik dan benar
2. Menguasai komputer dengan berbagai aplikasinya

Keterampilan/Skills yang dibutuhkan:
1. Kemampuan menulis kreatif dan dapat menarik perhatian audiens
2. Mampu berpikir kritis dan peka terhadap situasi yang berkembang di sekitarnya
3. Kemampuan berpikir creative/kreatif dengan ide-ide yang original
4. Kemampuan berkomunikasi lisan dan terutama tulisan.

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Rules for Work

Rules for Work :
1. Never give me work in the morning. Always wait until 4:00 and the bring it to me. The chalenge of a deadline is refreshing
2. If its’s really a rush job, run in and interrupt me every 10 minutes to inquire how its going. That helps. Or even better, hover behind me, advising me at every keystroke

3. Always leave without telling anyone where you’re going . it gives me a chance to be creative when someone asks where you are.
4. If my arms are full of papers, boxes, books, or supplies, dont open the door for me. I need to learn how to function as a paraplegic and opening doors with no arms is good training in case i should ever be injured and lose all use of my limbs.

5. If you give me more than one job to do, dont tell me which is priority. I am physic.
6. Do your best to keep me late. I adore this office and really have nowhere to go anything to do. I have no life beyond work

7. If a job i do pleases you, keep it a secret. If thats gets out, it could mean a promotion.
8. If you dont like my work , tell everyone. I like my name to be popular in conversations. I was born to be whipped.

9. If you have special instructions for a job, dont write them down. In fact, save them until the job is almost done. No use confusing me with useful information
10. Never introduce me to the people you’re with. I have not right to know anything. In the corporate food chain, I am plankton. When you refer to them later, my shrewd deductions will identify them

11. Be nice to me only when the job im doing for you could really change your life and send you straight to managers hell.
12. Tell me all yout little problem. No one else has any and its nice to know someone is less fortunate. I especially like the story about having to pay so much taxes on the bonus check you received for being such a good manager.

13. Wait until my yearly review and THEN tell me what my goals Should have been. Give me a mediocre performance rating with a cost of living increase. I’m not here for the money anyway.

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Old Occupations – What Happens When people Of Different Occupation get Old

What Happens???
- Old Accountants never die, they just lose their balance
- Old actors never die, they just drop apart
- Old archers never die, they just bow and quiver
- Old bankers never die , they just lose interest
- Old basketballs players never die, they just go on dribbling
- Old cashiers never die, they just kick the bucket
- Old Chauffeurs never die, they just lose their drive
- Old Cleaning people never die, they just lose kick the bucket
- Old deans never die, they just lose their faculties
- Old doctors never die, they just lose their patience
- Old Electricians never die, they just lose contact
- Old farmers never die, they just go to seed
- Old hippies never die, they just smell that way
- Old horticulturist never die, they just goto pot
- Old investors never die, they just roll over
- Old laser physicists never die, they just become inherent
- Old lawyers never die, they lose their appeal
- Old limbo never die, they just go under
- Old Mathematicians never die, they just disintegrated
- Old musicians never die, they just get palyed out
- Old printers never die, they’re just not the type
- Old wrestlers never die, they just lose their grip
(karir-up magazine)

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GZ-MS100 Dual Slot For SDHC/SD - Video Camera for YouTube One Touch Upload

This is the latest product from JVC, a video camera with many facilities and we can upload videos to YouTube with ease.
- 1/6 –Inch 800k Pixel CCD
- 35x Optical
- zoom/800x Digital Zoom
- Memory card Slot for SDHC/SD
- Software Provided (for Windows(R))
- Konica Minolta Lens
- Gigabride Engine
- Laser Touch Operation
- 2,7” 16:9 Widescreen Clear LCD Monitor
- Auto LCD Backlight Control
- One Touch Upload YouTube
- Data Battery
- Auto Illumi, Light
- Quick Restart
- Direct DVD Button
- USB 2.0 High Speed Transfer
- Everio Dock provided

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All About Nokia Code function

Here The Secret Code :
Nokia Code function [ Secret Code ]
*3370# This Nokia code activates Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) – Your Nokia cell phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5%
#3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)
*#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec – Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time
*#4720# With this Nokia code you can deactivate the Half Rate Codec
*#0000# Displays your phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line : Compression Type
*#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work
*#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number)
#pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols)
#pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols)
#pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols)
#pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols)
*#147# This lets you know who called you last (Only vodofone)
*#1471# Last call (Only vodofone)
*#21# This phone code allows you to check the number that “All Calls” are diverted to
*#2640# Displays phone security code in use
*#30# Lets you see the private number
*#43# Allows you to check the “Call Waiting” status of your cell phone.
*#61# Allows you to check the number that “On No Reply” calls are diverted to
*#62# Allows you to check the number that “Divert If Unreachable (no service)” calls are diverted to
*#67# Allows you to check the number that “On Busy Calls” are diverted to
*#67705646# Phone code that removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330
*#73# Reset phone timers and game scores
*#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature “SIM Clock Stop Allowed”, it means you will get the best standby time possible
*#7760# Manufactures code
*#7780# Restore factory settings
*#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110
*#92702689# Displays – 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made, 3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again
*#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem
**21*number# Turn on “All Calls” diverting to the phone number entered
**61*number# Turn on “No Reply” diverting to the phone number entered
**67*number# Turn on “On Busy” diverting to the phone number entered
12345 This is the default security code
press and hold # Lets you switch between lines

The Operating Systems
Symb OS v6.1
Nokia 7650
Nokia 3650
Nokia 3660
Nokia N-Gage
Nokia N-Gage QD
Siemens SX-1
Sendo X
Symb OS v7.0
Nokia 3230
Nokia 6600
Nokia 6620
Nokia 6260
Nokia 6670
Nokia 7610
Panasonic X700
Panasonic X800
Symb OS v8.0
Nokia 6630
Nokia 6680
Nokia 6681
Symb OS v8.1
Nokia N70
Nokia N90
Symb OS v9.1
Nokia N91
Nokia 3250
Nokia E60
Nokia E61
Nokia E70
Nokia N71
Nokia N80
Nokia N92
Nokia phones service codes
*#0000# – SW version
*#06# – IMEI
*#war0anty# – SIMLOCK info
*3370# – Enhanced Full Rate ON
#3370# – OFF
*4720# – alternative sound quality codec ON
#4720# – OFF
*#7780# – default factory settings
*#7760# – production serial no.
*#2820# – Bluetooth info.
*#73# – reset phone timers and game scores.
*#7370925538# – delete all the content of the wallet and the wallet code.
*#7370# – soft format — erases all telephone memory.
[Green]*3 – hard format — if only the telephone memory is formatted, puts back the attitudes and reboots
*#delset# – MMS/GPRS settings removal
Source :

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The characteristics of computer virus infected

Here's one of the characteristics of  computer virus infected: 
1. Your computer runs slower than usual.
2. Run  Menu, Search hidden by the virus. 
3. CTRL + ALT + DEL can not be used.
4. MSCONFIG in regedit and disabled
5. Original folders on your computer hidden and replaced with virus files.
6. Menu Tools -> Folder Options in Windows Explorer is missing.
7. Computers often stopped or not responding.
8. Computer suddenly restart or crash, and this happened a few minutes.
9. Computer applications are not running properly and often error.
10. Files with the icon appears but has a file folder type. Exe
11. Hard drive or disk drive can not be accessed.
12. Print activity does not work properly.
13. It often happens that strange error messages and do not usually.
14. Often seen the menu or dialog box is damaged.
15. There is duplication of names in a folder in the folder.
16. Computers always took the message from which the virus originated.
If your computer has one of the above characteristics, there is likely a virus on your computer, immediately update your antivirus and scan your computer to clean the virus.

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Know Blue Screen Error In Windows

This error most often appears in the event of Blue Screen.
This error message is usually caused by a mismatch because they have installed the drivers on your computer.
- Drivers who clashed or unsuitable
- Problems in the Video Card, this includes the video card overclock you exceed the limit or just changed your video card and drivers do not uninstall the old video card from a different chipset
- Problems in Audio Cards, including configuration errors or bugs in the sound card drivers

2. NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM or FAT_FILE_SYSTEM (0X00000024) or (0X00000023)
This error message at least give a little where the damage was, which is in the partition or filesystem but not on the hard drive.
Able us to check by examining the SATA or PATA cable or can check the partition with chkdsk tool.

When you get this error message, can be caused by:
- Excessive Hardware Overclock
- Components of an overheated computer
- BIOS is corrupt
- Memory and CPU is disabled

This error message is caused because of the possibility that memory or the memory slot on the motherboard is damaged.

This error message is caused because of the damage to hardware, including main memory, video card memory, or memory in the processor (L2 Cache)

This error message is caused because of an error in the configuration jumpers wrong disk, boot sector viruses, the IDE controller driver is wrong, or the chipset driver error.

This error message due to installation error occurred on the video card drivers are not perfect restart during installation or can also occur because of errors in the driver installation.

This error message is caused because of this error can occur because of errors or incompatible drivers. Often occurs during the installation of XP from an upgrade, or not from the new installation.

This error message is caused because of the RAM  damage 

This error message is caused by a defective CPU, or that the overclock aggressively, and power supply shortages or damaged resources.

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Review & Spesifikasi Nokia X3

Nokia X3
Spesification :
Network : Quadband GSM (850/900/1800/1900)
Dimention: 9,6x4, 93x1, 41 cm, Weight : 103 gr , screen : 2.2 Inch, TFT 262.144 Colourscreen
Data Transfer : Edge 32, GPRS 32
Camera : 3,2 MP (2048x1536 Pixel), Enhanced Fixed Focus, Led flash, Video (Qcif 15PFs)
Internal Memory : 70 Mb
Eksternal Memory : MicroSD up To 16Gb
Messaging : SMS,MMS, Email
Connectivity : Bluetooth v2.1 (A2DP), 
Data Cable : micro USB
Browser : Wap 2.0/xHTML
Feature : Polifonik/Mp3/Mp4/eAAC+/WMA player, Java, FM radio with RDS
Phonebook : 2000 Entry
Audio : 3,5 mm audio jack, Dedicated tpuch music key
voice Memo, Organizer, Speakerphone, game
Battery : Lithium ion 860 mAh (BL-4ct)
Review :
Ponsel baru keluaran nokia ini sudah dibekali berbagai fitur yang mumpuni, seperti kamera 3,2 MP, dilengkapi interface terkini yang support Flash Lite 3.0 dan Webkit Browser untuk kemampuan browser yang lebih maksimal dan sistem operasi seri 40.
Kelemahan handphone ini hanya terletak pada konektivitasnya yang belum support 3G...sehingga meski jaringannya menyokong quadband..siap2 aja koneksinya ga akan secepat 3G.
source : majalah buyer's guide

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Nokia E71 vs Nokia E72, Which One More Better-Mana yang lebih baik?

 I found this review, on the other blogs, here the review :

If asked by someone of this question, you might be confused and wondering which one is better. In fact, both of them is actually similar in terms of weight and dimension. I am not sure you could see this point, that’s why I am telling you about Nokia E72 and E71 comparison in terms of keypad, speed, data connection and storage points between them.

We will talk about the first Nokia E72 and E71 comparison: keypad
Reading from the specification detail, both the Nokia’s cellular phone has the QWERTY keyboard and five methods key to scroll. The Nokia E71 has a smaller keys and a rather bigger space key. But, you will find additional comparison between them when looking to the optical trackpad on the new one, Nokia E72. So, the conclusion is that Nokia E72 is better and easier than Nokia E71.

The second point of Nokia E72 and E71 comparison: Speed
Talking about speed, we will review Nokia E72 first. The Nokia E72 has double CPU speed because using 600 MHz CPU. Meanwhile, Nokia E71 uses 369 MHz CPU. So, Nokia E72 is faster than Nokia E71, no doubt!

E71 vs E72 Data Connection comparison
New Nokia E72 has HSDPA 10.2Mbps down and HSUPA 2Mbps up speed connection. If we look into the Nokia E71 speed connection, we will find HSDPA 3.6 Mbps down and no HSUPA. Can you conclude it by yourself, can’t you? Nokia E72 is much faster than E71.

E71 and E72 Comparison number three: Storage
Now, we are exploring the storage comparison between Nokia E72 and E71. In this section, once more time the Nokia E72 kick the Nokia E71 without any fight. Nokia E72 has 250MB and supports up to 16 GB maximal capacity of expandable memory.

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IMO G910 vs IMO G911 vs IMO G9

Perhatikan ketiga spesifikasi handphone berikut, mungkin salah satunya yang anda pilih:

1. IMOG910
Specification : Dual GSM 900/1800
- GPRS/MMS, Screen:TFT 262.000 Colour, Camera
- Midi Amr& Mp3 Ringtone, Multimedia Player
- Bluetooth, To do List, Alarm, Calculator
- Stopwatch, E-Book Reader, Currency Converter,Word Clock
- Games
- USB & T-flash
- Yahoo Messenger & Opera

2. IMOG911
Model candy Bar
Specification Dual GSM 900/1800
- GPRS/MMS, Screen:TFT 262.000 Colour, Camera (Dual Camera)
- Midi Amr& Mp3 Ringtone, Multimedia Player
- Bluetooth, To do List, Alarm, Calculator
- Stopwatch, E-Book Reader, Currency Converter,Word Clock
- Games
- USB & T-flash
- Yahoo Messenger & Opera

3. IMOG9
Model Qwerty Flip
Spesification Dual GSM 900/1800
- GPRS/MMS, Wap, Screen:TFT 262.000 Colour, Camera, Multi language
- Midi Amr& Mp3 Ringtone, Multimedia Player&FM Radio
- Bluetooth, To do List, Alarm, Calculator
- Stopwatch, E-Book Reader, Currency Converter,Word Clock
- Games&Vibrate
- USB & T-flash
- Facebook
- Yahoo Messenger & Opera

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Feature Ipod Nano Makin Keren, Now With Video Camera

If you iPod Nano fans, rejoice! Now, ipod with video cameras ... the following explanation on their site :

iPod nano brings video to your music with the new built-in video camera.
And for that extra kick: a larger screen and a polished aluminum finish in nine brilliant colors.

The world’s most popular music player
now gives you even more to play with.
Say you find yourself in the middle of an impromptu shopping cart race. Or in the dining hall when a colossal food fight breaks out. Now you can prove it really happened with the iPod nano video camera. Shoot high-quality video in portrait or landscape — perfect for posting on the web or emailing friends. iPod nano also includes a microphone that captures clean audio you can listen to during playback on the built-in speaker.

Design makes rock more glam. 
iPod nano now has a polished anodized aluminum finish in nine electrifying colors. And a larger 2.2-inch color display for your viewing pleasure.

Genius Mixes. 
Making music mixes has never been easier. Because now Genius does it for you

FM radio + Live Pause. Return of the
radio star. 
Rock out with the new FM tuner. And two innovative features — Live Pause and iTunes Tagging — make it smarter than the average radio.

VoiceOver. It speaks volumes. 
VoiceOver speaks the names of songs and artists. So you can navigate your music without looking at the screen.

Pedometer and Nike + iPod. 
The new Pedometer counts every step you take. Or you can add Nike+ shoes and a Nike + iPod Sport Kit. Which makes your iPod nano the perfect workout partner

Note to self:
Voice Memos are here. 
The built-in mic lets you capture a thought, a reminder, a class lecture, or any audio recording you want with Voice Memos.

iTunes. Your greatest hits.
It’s even easier to organize, browse, grow, and share your digital music and video collection with the new iTunes. And now you can save items with a wish list and enjoy iTunes extras — bonus features on select albums and movies — like lyrics, photos, interviews, and behind-the-scenes media.

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Coba kita lihat perbedaan dan review kedua Ponsel ini:

1. Motorola Q9H :

Smartphone Berteknologi HSDPA
Kembali Motorola meluncurkan satu ponsel cerdasnya. Boleh dibilang perangkat bernama Moto Q 9h ini sebagai PDA phone-nya vendor asal Negeri Paman Sam. Teknologinya bisa disejajarkan dengan perangfkat sejenis khususnya untuk mobilitas koneksi internet. Andalannya adalah teknologi HSDPA yang sudah dibenamkan di dalamnya.

Sekilas MOTO Q 9h mirip seperti pendahulunya yakni MOTO Q 8. Perbedaannya terletak pada tombol scroll di sisi kanan dan slot micro SD. Ukurannya sebesar 118 x 67 x 11,8 mm termasuk standar untuk ukuran sebuah PDA phone sejenis. Namun ketebalannnya tergolong tipis ketimbang perangkat berdesain lebar seperti ini.

Tombol-tombol untuk mengontrol menu ada di sisi kanan, sangat mudah mengoperasikan menu-menu dengan jari jempol. Di bawahnya ada tombol back, untuk kembali ke menu atau aplikasi yang sudah dibuka sebelumnya. Lensa kamera 2 Mpix yang disertai flashlight ada di bagian belakang bagian atas. Sedangkan slot micro SD tak jauh dari lensa kamera dan dilindungi karet penutup. Lubang speaker bentuknya cukup unik, seperti goresan ada di belakang bagian bawah.

Teknologi layar yang digunakan adalah TFT (thin film transistor) dengan resolusi 320 x 240 piksel. Tampilan layarnya cukup jernih termasuk saat menampilkan gambar hasil bidikan kameranya. Saat memutar video, layarnya juga tergolong cukup untuk menampilkan gambar bergerak baik dari hasil rekaman kameranya dan juga file-file berfomrat video yang kompatibel dengan ponsel cerdas ini.

Moto Q 9h sudah dilengkapi aplikasi office yang terletak pada folder Documents To Go. Seperti Microsoft Office yang ada di PC, hanya saja di smartphone ini berbeda nama yaitu PDF To Go, Sheet To Go, Slide Show To Go dan Word To Go. Namun tak ada masalah untuk membuka file-file dari Microsoft Office, seperti MS Word, Excel dan Power Point. Selular menguji membuka materi presentasi Power Point berukuran 7,4 MB, dan tak ada kendala.

Keistimewaan teknologi HSDPA yang ada di smartphone ini, juga diimbangi dengan aplikasi yang berkaitan dengan internet seperti Yahoo! Go, Opera browser dan Internet Explore (IE Mobile) serta mendukung email dengan multiple account. Smartphone berbasis sistem operasi Microsoft Windows Mobile 6 ini menawarkan kepada pengguna yang sering mengandalkan koneksi internet di mana saja dengan kecepatan tinggi. Seperti mendownload lagu, membuka email, menonton video streaming di situs Youtube dan lain-lain.

Menjelajah dunia maya dengan smartphone ini memang mengasyikkan jika merasakan kecepatannya, dengan syarat kita berada di jaringan yang juga menjangkau sinyal HSDPA. Lebih oke lagi, smartphone ini bisa dijadikan modem dengan gampang. Yaitu dengan menghubungkan Moto Q 9h ke PC/desktop memakai kabel micro USB dan menggunakan fitur internet connection sharing.

Kualitas kameranya berteknologi 2 MP dengan resolusi 1200 x 1600 megapiksel. Dengan kameranya, pengguna bisa mengabadikan momen penting baik berupa foto dan video. Kualitas videonya cukup halus ketika diputar kerana memiliki bitrate 30 fps (frame per second). Sedangkan hasil foto bisa langsung diedit dengan foto editing.

MOTO Q 9h juga bisa digunakan sebagai modem HSDPA dengan kecepatan hingga 3,6Mbps. Dengan menggunakan kabel data micro USB yang disertakan dalam paket penjualannya. Syaratnya di PC/komputer harus terinstal Microsoft Activesync versi 4.5. Caranya mudah cukup masuk ke Start>internet connection sharing> lalu klik connect. Sebelumnya pastikan SIMcard kita sudah aktif fitur GPRSnya.

Bagi pengguna Yahoo, kini dapat membuka/mengirim email, mencari informasi cuaca, entertainmen, sport, news, ekonomi, Flickr dan lain-lain bisa dari smartphone ini dan dimana saja dengan cepat. Aplikasi ini sudah terinstal langsung sehingga pengguna Moto Q 9h tak perlu repot mendownload dan menginstal Yahoo! Go

Seperti halnya Windows Media Player di PC, untuk versi mobile/smartphone juga bisa memutar file musik dan video berformat WMV, WMA, WAV, MP3 dan AAC. Menu-menunya pun mirip seperti di komputer seperti library, playlist, my music, my video dan lain-lain.

Berbekal baterai lithium ion dengan kapasitas 1130 mAh, ponsel ini bisa digunakan non stop selama 5 jam lebih. Sementara waktu siaganya bisa mencapai 4 hari.

Dalam beberapa pengujian, apa yang tertera pada spesifikasi vendor cukup terbukti. Misalnya kualitas speaker terdengar keras dan cukup bagus, kecepatan HSDPA, dan kompatibel file Office yang ada di desktop. Tapi ketika membuka file PDF yang isinya ada beragam gradasi warna tidak tampil dengan baik dan membuka per halaman agak lama prosesnya. Dengan smartphone ini Selular bisa melihat video streaming yang ada di Youtube melalui real time streaming protocol dengan baik. (source:

Untuk Review User yang menggunakan produk ini umumnya menilai cukup puas, apalagi dengan teknologi HSDPA yang telah built ini didalamnya, untuk melihat diskusi tentang Motorola Q9h ini anda bisa kunjungi Link Berikut :Klik Disini

Sekarang kita akan melihat salah satu pesaingnya yaitu Samsung C6625

2. Samsung C6625
Samsung C6625 adalah ponsel bisnis HSDPA berdesain keyboard QWERTY dengan layar LCD berukuran 2.6 inci (resolusi 320 x 240 piksel) dan telah dilengkapi dengan penerima GPS. Urusan prosesor cukup kencang dengan kecepatan 393 MHz dan memori internal 100 MB, plus slot microSD up-to 8 GB. Di pasaran, Samsung menyediakan dua versi pilihan warna yaitu putih dan hitam. Satu hal yang kurang dari Samsung ini adalah fitur WiFi, meski sebenarnya hal ini adalah wajar mengingat harga jualnya yang dibawah 3 juta.

Keunggulan utama Samsung C6625 :

OS Windows Mobile 6.1 standard edition
HSDPA 2100
VGA video 25 fps
secondary camera di bagian depan
GPS terintegrasi

Review produk ini dari beberapa pengguna banyak yang bilang kalau handphone yang satu ini boros di batere, tapi untuk fasilitasnya rata2 menilai cukup puas, kelemahan dari Morola Q9h dan Samsung C6625 hanya terletak di Wifi...kedua Hp ini tidak mempunyai fasilitas seperti HP Nokia E63..tapi never mind..yg penting koneksi HSDPA nya kenceng..kalo saya bandingkan kedua HP ini benar-benar setara..jadi tergantung selera anda masing-masing.

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About Organic Chemical Free Gardening

As much as we love gardens and the statues that adorn them, we’re also concerned about the environment. Everything we learned to do professionally can also be done in personal gardens. And that means that you can make a difference by changing your gardening practices. There are many agricultural producers who have done it, and you can use the same tricks to help your own garden, and the planet.

Every year, thousand of chemicals are poured into the environment and millions of gallons of water are needlessly wasted. How? By growing plants. Sure, most of this is done by large agricultural producers, but some of it is still done in personal gardens. And that means that you can make a difference by changing your gardening practices. There are many agricultural producers who have done it, and you can use the same tricks to help your own garden, and the planet.

Pick appropriate plants. Not all plants are appropriate for the area you live in. While you might be able to control the temperature, humidity, and rain conditions inside your house, you can’t do it out in the garden. If you pick appropriate plants for your area, you may be able to avoid using fertilizers and saving on water too. Research, what plants are native to your surrounding areas and try planting them in your own garden. Wildflowers, are just that, they can pretty much be left alone and will thrive in most areas.

Pick natural repelling plants. You don’t need to rely on poisons to keep away garden ruining pests. Many plants produce chemicals that repel these animals naturally. By putting them in or around you garden, you can keep your garden safe with little effort and no chemicals. Plus, you can pick parts of these plants and use them to make products to keep them away from you too.

If you don’t want to plant natural repellents in your garden, you can use them to spray your plants without harming them or adding artificial chemicals to your garden. Many herbs like hot pepper, vanilla, and lavender can help repel insects from your garden.

Pull weeds. We’re all looking for a quick and easy way to safely get rid of weeds without chemicals, but the good old fashioned way is still very effective. It you take time every day to pull the weeds you can find, you’ll only take a few minutes so it doesn’t seem like a lot of work. You can even get the kids involved, just be sure to do it properly so you don’t spread the seeds around. There are even some common weeds that are edible, just make sure there are no pesticides that could have gotten on them.
Crop rotation. Farmers all over the world use crop rotation to naturally fertilize plants. The concept is to change what crop you’re putting in a certain field each year. Plants use different nutrients and put other nutrients back into the soil. If you rotate crops that replace the nutrients the other plants use, you will have to fertilize the soil less.

You can use this same concept in your garden by planting different plants every year, or just rotating where you put specific plants in the garden.

So, you’ve made all these changes and are using a low-water, chemical free garden? Well, you still haven’t done the most important thing: pass it on! One garden can make a dent, but more can make a bigger difference. Tell your friends, teach your kids, you can even visit their school and teach your kids friends! Every little bit helps make a better world.

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8 Best Open Source Applications for Web Designer

There are many open source applications that can help you as a web designer.
In this article, you will find 8 Best applications open source is very useful for a web designer.
These applications can help you simplify the process of making a website.

1. SeaMonkey
Ons developed by the Mozilla Foundation.
SeaMonkey is an all-in-one "web browser for simple but powerful HTML editor.

2. KompoZer.
KompoZer is a fully-featured web authoring system that integrated intuitive FTP client and support for all operating systems.

3. Notepad + +.
NotePad + + is an open source application that is popupler as a text editor for Windows.
Although not solely for web designers, but this application has a "source code editor" editor that supports HTML, XML, CSS, and JavaScript.

4. Bluefish Editor.
Bluefish Editor is a lightweight application and quick to process directed editor for designers and web programmers.
Wizards have a useful facility for the manufacture of the HTML document.

5. Quanta Plus.
Quanta Plus is a web development IDE.
Quanta Plus is very extensible and can run custom scripts.
This application is good for editors css because it has code hints and auto complete syntax.

6. Amaya.
Amaya is a free application, open source web editor and web browser developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
Amaya started as an HTML / CSS editor, and has evolved into an editor for a variety of XML-based systems such as MathML and SVG.

7. OPEN BEXI HTML Builder.
OPEN BEXI HTML Builder is a browser-based open source application for creating HTML web pages.
OPEN BEXI HTML Builder has built CSS color picker.

8. jEdit.
jEdit is a text editor for programmers.
jEdit can run on Mac, Windows, and Linux and have facilities "syntax highlighting" for HTML, XML, CSS, JavaScript and other languages pemrograma.

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D-One DG-628 Javelin VS TiPhone T88

Let's compare the two mobile :
Specifications for D-One DG 628:
Network: Dualband GSM (900/1800 MHz) & GSM Dual On; Dimensions: 10.9 × 6x1, 25 cm Weight: 126gr; Screen: 2:46-inch, 262,144-color TFT, QVGA (320 × 240 pixels); Transfer Data: EDGE, GPRS class 12; Camera: 2 MP (1600 × 1200 pixels), 15fps video; Internal Memory: 19 MB; microSD external memory up to 8GB; Messaging: SMS, MMS Connectivity: Bluetooth support A2DP, microUSB data cable; Browser WAP 2.0, Opera Mini; Other Features: Polyphonic (MP3), Audio / video player, FM radio, Java MIDP 2.0, a full QWERTY keyboard, CPU ARM 9 208 MHz, trackball navigation, facebook application, Yahoo Messenger, Funbook, FM radio , Motion shakes, 2000 entry phonebook, Calculator, Calendar, Speakerphone, Alarm, Converter, Game; Battery: Lithium ion 1000 mAh; Standby: 120 hours, Talk time: 3 hours

PT Nusa Pratama Sarindo as the holder of trademark D-One, finally released a phone that takes the concept of the BlackBerry Javelin. Besides the designs that pick overall, D-one DG-628 also features a trackball navigation plus a QWERTY keypad. 

Unlike similar phones, D-one DG-628 uses EDGE network path to access the data, in addition to GPRS class 12 are also available. 

The phone was released through bundling programs with this XL operator, provides a variety of exciting bonus total reached Rp 1.500.000,-, with the official selling price of Rp.999.000,- 

and Now review for Ti-Phone T88

Full specifications :

* Dual GSM (1 Sympathy sim, sim 2 free)
* Trackball
* Shaking motiong picture
* FM radio
2MP Camera + Flash
* Bluetooth
* Color LCD 2.4 inches
* Polyphonic 64 channels
* MP3/MP4
* Phonebook
* Calendar / Alarm
* Note / Stopwatch


* Facebook
* Yahoo Messenger
* Twitter
* Opera Mini
* Juzfrens
* Ring Email - Push mail 2009

Bonus obtained:

* Free Internet, Talk & SMS
* Free Push Mail
* Free 1 GB Micro SD
* Bonus Leather Case

completeness is obtained: it Handphone, headset, 2 batteries, Pouch, Charger, data cable, Telkomsel Number, User guide, warranty card, Push Email guide.

" Which is better??? ... if you see from the price,  I prefer the Ti-Phone,because it's cheaper!! but if you see the Internet facility, I prefer the D-One cause use Edge Technology "

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This Information, taken From
Blackberry benar-benar menginspirasi produk lain untuk membuat produk yang serupa, kita mungkin sudah mengenal produk2 yang serupa dengan BlackBerry seperti Nexian, HT dan Seri Mito, tetapi semuanya tidak serupa dengan BlackBerry, fasilitasnya jauh sekali dengan BlackBerry yang asli, yah lumayan sih untuk harga 1 jutaan.
Balik ke info yang akan saya berikan, bulan ini telah hadir sebuah produk Hp dari vendor lokal degan kualitas mendekati BlackBerry, TiPhone merupakan vendor lokal pertama yang mengaplikasikan fasilitas push mail dalam produknya seperti yang ada di BlackBerry. Aplikasi push mail yang bernama Ring Email Pusah Mail 2009 itu ausah ditanam pada produk terbaru mereka yang diberi nama TiPhone T88. Melalui aplikasi tersebut, pengguna dapat berkomunikasi melalui email layaknya SMS. Kali ini TiPhone menggandeng Telkomsel sebagai mitranya. (informasi ini saya dapatkan dari link ini)

T88 ini juga berbentuk QWERTY, sama seperti BlackBerry dan dilengkapi dengan trackball untuk memudahkan proses navigasi. Handset ini memiliki layar berukuran 2,46 inchi dan bisa memancarkan 262 ribu warna. Terdapat juga berbagai jenis aplikasi online, seperti Opera Mini, eBuddy dan Yamee. Situs jejaring seperti Facebook dan Twitter juga bisa diakses dengan ponsel ini.

Ada juga aplikasi multimedia, mulai dari FM Radio, image viewer, sound recorder, hingga pemutar audio yang support format MP3, MIDI, AMR, 3GP, AVI dan MP4. Terdapat juga jack audio yang berukuran 3,5 mm.

Handset ini juga dilengkapi sensor gerak, sehingga pengguna dapat memindahkan kanal radio dengan cara menggerakan ponsel ke kiri atau ke kanan. Dengan sistem dual GSM, memungkinkan pelanggan mengaktifkan dua kartu sekaligus. Slot pertama untuk kartu simpati dan slot kedua bisa diisi dengan provider lain. Ponsel ini dibanderol seharga Rp 999.000 .

Meski demikian, memory internal handset ini hanya sebesar 19,5 MB dan memory micro SD 1 GB, hal tersebut membuat pengguna tidak asal dapat membuka attachment yang kemungkinan terdapat dalam email. Format berat seperti JPG tidak dapat dibuka pada ponsel ini.

Selain itu, ponsel ini mengandalkan fasilitas GPRS dan EDGE dalam aktivitas internetnya, sehingga pengguna harus bersabar dalam saat menggunakan internet. Sementara itu, layanan push mail gratis selama satu bulan hanya dibatasi sebesar 25 MB. Jika penggunaan lebih dari itu, maka akan dipotong dari pulsa.
Anda mau coba produk yang satu ini, silahkan kunjungi gerai handphone di kota anda...

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Eliminating Ads Display On Facebook

For a maniac with facebook, you may never see the ads display  on facebook, the ad is usually located on the right side of page views your facebook profile. If you ever felt annoyed by the appearance of those ads, you can remove the ads by using the add-ons from firefox and the script from userstyles. 
Here are the steps:
1. Open your Mozilla Firefox browser.
2. Open the add-ons link below and install on your firefox.
    - https: / /
3. Once installed, restart your firefox.
4. Then go to the link below:
    - Http://
5. Click the button "Install with Stylish". Situated on the top right corner.
6. Once installed, restart your firefox again.
7. Go to facebook and login with your account.
8. Try to go to your profile page, the ad on facebook you will be lost.
To display your ad longer live there remove the check mark to choice add-ons are located at the bottom right corner of your firefox, and vice versa.

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Vitamin and Mineral Supplements for Pregnancy

There is no universal agreement about the use of vitamin and mineral supplements during pregnancy . Ideally, the diet should supply all the nutriens needed so supplements are not necessary. Some physiciams prescribe a multivitamin and mineral supplement as a precaution against deficiencies. The Subcommitee on Dietary Intake and Nutrient Supplements During Pregnancy of the Food and Nutrition Board (Institute of Medicine, 1990) considers supplements During pregnancy an intervention to be used oly when specifically indicated. They point out that supplementation can create imbalances. 
Because increasing one nutrient often hanges the requirement for other nutrients. There also may be unidentified essential nutrients. There also may be unidentified essential nutrients that supplementation could affect adversely.
Iron and folacin the most frequently recommended supplement, because they are difficult to obtain by diet alone. The subcommittee for an Implementation Guide (Institute of Medicine, 1992) recommends a low-dose supplement of 30 mg /d of elemental iron for the woman who is not anemic. For the anemic woman, a supplement of 60 to 120 mg/d is recommended. Iron tablets taken between meals are absorbed more completely than those taken with food. Because large doses of iron appear to depress plasma zinc in preganant women, zinc supplementation may be needed when a supplement of more than 30 mg/d of elemental iron is taken. If zinc is given, the Subcomitee recommends the addition of a 2-mg copper supplement 
to offset zinc’s depressive effect on copper absorption (Institute of Medicine, 1992).

Folic acid is recommended for 4 weeks prior to conception and during the first 3 months of pregnancy (Institute of Medicine, 1992). Suplementation prior to in early pregnancy has been found to protect against neural tube defects in women who had a previously affected pregnancy (MRC Vitamin Study Research Highlight). If there is any evidence of an inadequate dietary intake, folic acid may be given throughout the pregnancy.

Certain conditions or habits of the pregnant woman may increase requirements fo certain nutrients. For example, women who are carryng more than one fetus or who smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, or use illicit drugs may require additional supplementation. Special attention also needs to be given to the adequacy of calcium and vitamin D intake for pregnant women younger than 25 years, because their bon mineral density is still increasing (Institute of medicine 1990). Calcium Supplements might be advised for women who drink little or no milk, and Vitamin B12 might be needed by the vegan who eats no animal protein (Williams, 1993). If any vitamin or mineral supplements are used, it is important for the woman to understand that these are in addition to, not stead of, her recommended dietary intake
(taken From Assesment and Management in the Antepartum Period Book)

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I found this story on my sister notebook, here the story :
Long long time ago, there was a farmer couple. They were staying in a village near a forest. They lived happily. Unfortunately, they hadn’t had any children yet.
Every day they prayed to God for a child. One day a giant passed their home. He heard what they were praying. Then the giant gave them a cucumber seed.
"Plant this seed, then you’ll get a daughter,” said the giant. “Thank you, Giant,” said the couple. “But in one condition, in her 17-th birthday, you must give her to me,” said the Giant. The couple wanted a child so much that they agreed without thinking first.

Then the couple planted the cucumber seed. Each day they took care the growing plant so carefully. Months later, a golden cucumber grew from the plant. The cucumber was getting heavier and bigger each day. When it was ripe, they picked it. Carefully they cut out the cucumber and how surprised were they when they found a beautiful baby inside. They were so happy. They named the baby Timun Mas, or Golden Cucumber.

Years were passing by and Timun Mas had grown into a beautiful girl. Her parents were very proud of her. But their happiness turned to fear when her 17th birthday came. The giant returned to ask for their promise. He was going to take Timun Mas away.
The farmer tried to be calm. “Just a moment, please. Timun Mas is playing. My wife will call her,” he said. Then the farmer came to his daughter. “My child, take this,” as he was giving her a little bag to Timun Mas. “This will help you from the giant. Now, run as fast as you can,” he ordered. So Timun Mas ran away.

The couple was very sad about her leaving. But they didn’t want the giant to eat Timun Mas. Meanwhile, the giant had been waiting for too long. He became impatient. Somehow he knew that the couple had lied to him. So he destroyed their house and ran for Timun Mas.
The giant was chasing Timun Mas and he was getting closer and closer. Timun Mas then took a handful of salt from her little bag. She spread out the salt behind her. Suddenly a wide sea appeared between them. The giant had to swim to reach her

Timun Mas was still running, but now the giant almost caught her. Then she took some chilly and threw them to the giant. The chilly suddenly grew into some trees and trapped the giant.
The trees grew some thorns as sharp as a knife. The giant screamed painfully. At the mean time, Timun Mas could escape again.
But the giant was very strong. Again he almost caught Timun Mas. So Timun Mas took the third magic stuff, the cucumber seeds. She threw the seeds and suddenly they became a wide cucumber field. The giant was very tired and hungry so he ate those fresh cucumbers. He ate too much that he felt sleepy and fell asleep soon.

Timun Mas kept on running as fast as she could. But soon she was very tired herself. To make things worse, the giant had woken up! Timun Mas was so scared. Desperately she then threw her last weapon, terasi (a kind of shrimp pasta). IT did a miracle again. The pasta became a big swamp. The giant fell into it but his hands almost reached Timun Mas. Suddenly the lake pulled him to the bottom. The giant panicked and he couldn’t breathe. At last he was drown.
Timun Mas was very relieved. She was safe now. Then she returned to her parents’ house. Her parents were of course very happy to see their daughter safe and sound. “Thanks God. You have saved my daughter,” they cried happily. From then on, Timun Mas lived happily with her parents with no fear anymore.

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Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hated.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.
Also Hearing This :
No one can go back and make a brand new start.
Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.
God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.
Disappointments are like road humps, they slow you down a bit but you enjoy the smooth road afterwards.
Don't stay on the humps too long. Move on!
When you feel down because you didn't get what you want, just sit tight and be happy, because God is thinking of something better to give you.
When something happens to you, good or bad, consider what it means ....
There's a purpose to life's events, to teach you how to laugh more or not to cry too hard.
You can't make someone love you, all you can do is be someone who can be loved, the rest is up to the person to realise your worth.
The measure of love is when you love without measure.
In life there are very rare chances that you'll meet the person you love and loves you in return.
So once you have it don't ever let go, the chance might never come your way again.
It's better to lose your pride to the one you love, than to lose the one you love because of pride.
We spend too much time looking for the right person to love or finding fault with those we already love, when instead we should be perfecting the love we give.
When you truly care for someone, you don't look for faults, you don't look for answers, you don't look for mistakes.
Instead, you fight the mistakes, you accept the faults, and you overlook the excuses.
Never abandon an old friend. You will never find one who can take his place.
Friendship is like wine, it gets better as it grows older.

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i-Phone 3G vs BlackBerry Bold

i-Phone 3G Specification :
HSDPA, OS Mac X v10.4.10,  3,5” touch screen 16 Million Colour, 320x480 pixel, Camera 2MP, Safari web browser, Memori 8GB/16GB, Wifi 802.11b/g, GPRS – EDGE – HSDPA, A- GPS, google maps, iPod player (Audio & Video), TV out, photo browser, photo geotagging, voice memo, scratch resistance surface, sensor accelerometer/proximity/ambient light, bluetooth v2.0 (tanpa dukungan A2DP), built-in application, seperti iTunes Store, Application Store, Google maps, Weather, Document Viewer.
BlackBerry Bold Specification :
HSDPA/Quad Band GSM.
Dimention: 114 x 66 x14mm.
Weight : 133 gram.
Screes:- 65.000 Colour Screen
- resolution 480x 320 piksel.
Fitur: Full QWERTY Keyboard, Trackball Navigation, polyphonic, MP3, 3,5 mm stereo headset jack, microSD (up to 8 GB, 128 MB flash memory, 624 MHz processor, GPRS kelas 10 (4+1/3+2 slots), EDGE kelas 10, Wifi 802.11 b/g, Bluetooth, A2DP,USB,sma, mms, push email, Instant Messaging, HTML,Games, kamera 2 MP (1600 X 1200 piksel), video, flash, GPS built-in, BlackBerry Maps, DataViz document viewer/editor, Java, Media Player MP3/WMA/AAC+, Video player DivX/wmv/XviD/3GP, organizer, calculator, voice dial, built-in handsfree, voice memo, baterai Li-ion 1500 mAh

Review :
Dua-duanya sama-sama gadget yang menarik dan punya kelebihan masing-masing, menurut saya ada dua hal yang berbeda antara keduanya, kalau anda pilih Musik sebagai fitur utamanya saya yakin anda akan memilih i-Phone 3G, akan tetapi kalau anda memilih keamanan berinternet seperti email, BlackBerry lebih mumpuni untuk hal ini, sekarang pilihan ada ditangan anda. mau pilih yang mana, apa yang ada di benak anda, i-Phone 3G ataukah BlackBerry Bold?

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Teknologi CDMA EVDO REV A vs Modem 3,5 G HSDPA, Tentukan Pilihan Anda!

Baru-baru ini, setelah banyak operator me launching teknologi modem 3,5 G, seperti Indosat dengan paket IM2 Broadbandnya, teknologi yang akan meramaikan persaingan telekomunikasi Indonesia adalah teknologi CDMA EVDO Rev.A dengan pelopor operatornya adalah smart, kita akan lihat bagaimana perbedaan kedua teknologi dari sudut pandang yang berbeda.
Menurut informasi yang saya temukan di wikipedia tentang Teknologi 3,5 G dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut:
High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) adalah sebuah protokol telepon genggam dan kadangkala disebut sebagai teknologi 3,5G.
HSDPA fase pertama berkapasitas 4,1 Mbps. Kemudian menyusul fase 2 berkapasitas 11 Mbps dan kapasitas maksimal downlink peak data rate hingga mencapai 14 Mbit/s. Teknologi ini dikembangkan dari WCDMA sama seperti EV-DO mengembangkan CDMA2000. HSDPA memberikan jalur evolusi untuk jaringan Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) yang memungkinkan untuk penggunaan kapasitas data yang lebih besar (sampai 14,4 Mbit/detik arah turun).
HSDPA merupakan evolusi dari standar W-CDMA dan dirancang untuk meningkatkan kecepatan transfer data 5x lebih tinggi. HSDPA memdefinisikan sebuah saluran W-CDMa yang baru, yaitu high-speed downlink shared channel (HS-DSCH) yang cara operasinya berbeda dengan saluran W-CDMA yang ada sekarang. Hingga kini penggunaan teknologi HSDPA hanya pada komunikasi arah bawah menuju telepon genggam.

Kecepatan unduh data

Di lingkungan perumahan teknologi ini dapat melakukan unduh data hingga berkecepatan 3,7 Mbps.
Dalam keadaan bergerak seseorang yang sedang berkendaraan di jalan tol berkecepatan 100 km/jam dapat mengakses internet berkecepatan 1,2 Mbps.
Di lingkungan perkantoran yang padat pengguna dapat menikmati streaming video dengan perkiraan kecepatan 300 Kbps.

Kelebihan HSDPA

Kelebihan HSDPA adalah mengurangi tertundanya pengunduhan data (delay) dan memberikan umpan balik yang lebih cepat saat pengguna menggunakan aplikasi interaktif seperti mobile office atau akses Internet kecepatan tinggi untuk penggunaan fasilitas permainan atau mengunduh audio dan video. Kelebihan lain HSDPA, meningkatkan kapasitas sistim tanpa memerlukan spektrum frekuensi tambahan. Hal ini menyebabkan berkurangnya biaya layanan mobile data secara signifikan

Selanjutnya mari kita bandingkan dengan kompetitornya yaitu Teknologi CDMA EVDO REV. A, informasi yang saya dapatkan dari berbagai sumber menunjukan bahwa teknologi ini tak kalah hebat dibanding dengan teknologi 3,5 G.

Informasi ini berasal dari koran tempo :
Teknologi baru itu adalah CDMA EV-DO Rev. A (baca revisi A). Ini adalah teknologi terbaru keluaran Qualcomm dari Amerika Serikat.
Teknologi yang akan diusung oleh smart (dengan produknya jump) sudah pernah masuk ke Indonesia pada 2004. Waktu itu yang diboyong ke negeri ini adalah teknologi CDMA EV-DO Rev. 0. Teknologi itu dibawa oleh Mobile 8 atau Fren.
Dengan teknologi EV-DO , pengguna bisa mencicipi kecepatan hingga 2,4 Megabit per second (Mbps) untuk (download) atau 153 Kilobit per second (Kbps) untuk mengirim data (upload). Saat itu, teknologi ini telah mengalahkan teknologi 3G keluaran GSM.
Berbeda dengan CDMA 2000 1x, kecepatan akses EV-DO Rev. A adalah 1,5 kali teknologi EV-DO Rev. 0. Kecepatan akses teknologi EV-DO Rev. A mencapai 3,1 Mbps. Sedangkan untuk mengirim data, pada teknologi yang lama, EV-DO Rev. 0 kecepatannya hanya 153 Kbps, sedangkan pada Rev.0 kecepatannya naik menjadi 1,8 Mbps.
Teknologi EV-DO ini, lebih baik ketimbang teknologi GPRS. Alasannya, pertama kecepatannya. Kedua, EV-DO ini dirancang khusus untuk menyalurkan khusus data. Data yang terkirim, tak tercampur suara. Jadi, “Ketika traffic suara meningkat, akses data tak dikalahkan. Ini berbeda dengan GPRS, saat traffic suara meningkat, akses data dikalahkan.
Alasan ketiga, saat pengguna tak masuk jaringan CDMA EV-DO, otomatis pengguna akan dialihkan ke jaringan CDMA 2000 1x yang kini banyak tersebar di Indonesia. Kecepatan akses teknologi ini juga lumayan, tiga kali lebih cepat ketimbang akses melalui dial up ke telepon rumah (PSTN).
Di Amerika Serikat, teknologi EV-DO Rev A ini sudah lama populer. Buku elektronik Amazon, Kindle, pun memanfaatkan teknologi ini. Operator seluler, Sprint, misalnya juga sudah menggandeng produsen PDA asal Taiwan, yakni HTC, untuk menyediakan PDA dengan kecepatan tinggi. Sejumlah vendor dari Korea Selatan juga sudah menawarkan modem data
Kalau saya cermati dan bandingkan kedua teknologi tersebut mempunyai keunggulan dan kekurangan masing-masing,- tapi yang paling penting untuk kosumen ingat adalah jenis layanan dan harga yang ditawarkan, kalau misalnya anda pilih layanan 3,5 G tapi ditempat anda belum tercover layanannya, menurut saya lebih baik pake layanan evdo, mesti kalau jaringannya tidak ada toh teknologi Evdo terbackup dengan jaringan CDMA 2000, dan itu lebih baik dari teknologi GPRS yang dikeluarkan GSM. Intinya ada di signal juga, pengalaman selama ini menunjukan kalau sinyal ditempat anda, hilang timbul...wah alamat anda bakal kecewa berat. Dan lihat juga harga yang ditawarkan murah mana...pilihlah yang termurah dengan layanan terbaik tentunya itu yang kita harapkan, Ok deh segitu aja review dari saya..silahkan anda memberikan komentar...

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BlackBerry Bold Vs BlackBerry Curve 8310

Review For BlackBerry Bold :
BlackBerry Bold smartphone - Crafted from premium materials, inside and out, that radiate elegance with a dramatic presence, the BlackBerry Bold is designed to give business professionals and power users unprecedented functionality and performance in an intuitive BlackBerry smartphone. It is the first BlackBerry smartphone to support tri-band HSDPA high-speed networks around the world and comes with integrated GPS and Wi-Fi, as well as a rich set of multimedia capabilities. From its lustrous black exterior, satin chrome finished frame and stylish leather-like backplate, to its stunning display, sophisticated user interface and newly designed full-QWERTY) keyboard, the BlackBerry Bold smartphone is a symbol of accomplishment and aspiration.
The BlackBerry Bold smartphone’s support for tri-band HSDPA and enterprise-grade Wi-Fi (802.11 a/b/g) networks and its next-generation 624 MHz mobile processor make short work of downloading email attachments, streaming video or rendering web pages. The BlackBerry Bold also includes 128 MB Flash memory plus 1 GB on-board storage memory, as well as a microSD/SDHC memory card slot that is conveniently accessible from a side door. It comes with the renowned BlackBerry productivity applications, including phone, email, messaging, organizer and browser, and works with thousands of mobile business and lifestyle applications, making it easier than ever to stay connected, productive and entertained. With this powerful new smartphone, users can even talk on the phone while sending and receiving email or accessing the web, and download Word, Excel or PowerPoint files and edit them directly on the handset using the preloaded DataViz Documents to Go suite.

The BlackBerry Bold smartphone comes with the most vivid and bold display ever introduced on a BlackBerry smartphone. Its half-VGA (480x320 resolution) color LCD is fused to the undersurface of the lens, making images leap out with stunning definition and clarity. Pictures are vibrant and razor sharp, while videos play smoothly and web pages, documents, presentations and messages snap with exceptional quality and contrast.

With its newly enhanced, high performance browser and high-resolution, ultra-bright display, the BlackBerry Bold smartphone gives users an on-the-go web browsing experience with desktop-style depiction. The trackball mimics a mouse, making it easy to navigate sites in “Page View?or “Column View?or to zoom in on specific parts of a web page, while various emulation settings allow users to choose between the full desktop-style HTML content and layout or the mobile version. Attachments can also now be downloaded from within the browser and there is support for watching streaming videos (RTSP - real-time streaming protocol).

While it is designed to meet the extensive requirements of the business professional during the day, the BlackBerry Bold smartphone also caters to the business person’s consumer side during evenings and weekends. It features a 2 megapixel camera with video recording capability, built-in flash and 5x digital zoom. The enhanced media player can display pictures and slideshows quickly, play movies smoothly in full screen mode, and manage an entire music collection. Audio can be played over the handset’s dual speakers in rich, stereo sound, and when using wired headphones or external speakers, the media player gives the user an equalizer with 11 preset filters - like “Lounge? “Jazz?and “Hip Hop?- that boost or soften audio ranges to create the perfect ambiance.

For managing music and video, the BlackBerry Desktop Manager software includes Roxio Media Manager for BlackBerry as well as Roxio Photosuite 9 LE, which makes it easy to enhance pictures and create photo albums on the computer. For users that manage their collection with iTunes, the new BlackBerry Media Sync application provides a simple way to sync iTunes digital music collections with the smartphone. Support for High Speed USB 2.0 allows all files to be transferred quickly from a desktop computer to the BlackBerry Bold smartphone.

For even broader high-speed network coverage, the BlackBerry Bold smartphone supports the 802.11 a/b/g Wi-Fi standards, ideal for use in enterprise or campus wireless LAN deployments, over Wi-Fi hotspots and on wireless home networks. A new “Push Button Setup?is included, making it faster for users to connect to protected wireless networks that require a sign on process.

Through its integrated GPS, the BlackBerry Bold smartphone can pinpoint its exact location, supporting applications like BlackBerry Maps and other location-based applications or services. With its improved rendering capabilities, faster download speeds and ability to support simultaneous voice and data, the BlackBerry Bold smartphone even allows users to navigate while on a call.

The BlackBerry Bold smartphone features a new acoustic design that increases the size of the phone’s audio sweet spot, improving listening quality and clarity. It also comes with numerous premium phone features including Speaker Independent Voice Recognition (SIVR) for Voice Activated Dialing (VAD), Bluetooth 2.0, with support for hands-free headsets, stereo headsets, car kits (including car kits that adhere to the Bluetooth Remote SIM Access Profile) and other Bluetooth peripherals. It is a quad-band EDGE and tri-band HSDPA handset that supports global roaming and features dedicated ‘send? ‘end? and ‘mute?keys, smart dialing, speed dialing, conference calling and call forwarding. It also features noise cancellation technology that offsets background noise, a powerful speaker phone and support for polyphonic, mp3 and MIDI ring tones.

like all BlackBerry smartphones, the BlackBerry Bold gives users the industry’s leading mobile messaging solution. It works with BlackBerry Enterprise Server, which enables advanced security and IT administration within IBM Lotus Domino, Microsoft Exchange and Novell GroupWise environments, as well as BlackBerry Professional Software for small businesses. It also works with BlackBerry Internet Service, which gives users access to up to 10 work or personal email accounts (including most popular ISP email accounts), and the BlackBerry Unite! software for SOHO and home users.

The BlackBerry Bold smartphone comes with a variety of convenient accessories including a stereo headset, travel charger, carrying case or sleeve and USB cable. Users will also be able to personalize their BlackBerry Bold smartphone by purchasing replaceable leather-like backplates that come in a range of colors. The removable / rechargeable 1500 mAhr battery provides multi-hour usage with a target talk time of approximately 5 hours and 13 days standby time. source :

ReView for BlackBerry Curve:

Featuring a metallic finish, clean lines and soft edges, the BlackBerry® Curve™ 8310 smartphone is the smallest and lightest BlackBerry® smartphone ever to come with a full QWERTY keyboard.

It’s packed with incredible features*, including a camera, media player, built-in GPS, expandable memory, Voice Dialing, BlackBerry® Maps and trackball navigation. Plus, you get all the core functionality you’ve come to expect in a BlackBerry smartphone—email and text messaging, instant messaging, web browser and advanced phone functionality.

The BlackBerry Curve 8310 features complete functionality, including:
  • Wireless email
  • Organiser
  • Browser
  • Phone
  • Camera
  • BlackBerry® Maps
  • Corporate data access 1
  • SMS
  • MMS 1
  • Next-generation multi-media player
  • Instant messaging
  • Built-in Global Positioning System (GPS) – view your geographic location and use the pre-loaded BlackBerry® Maps and other location-based applications for turn-by-turn navigation and more.
  • 64 MB Flash memory plus microSD expandable memory slot**
  • Full QWERTY keyboard
  • Dedicated Send, End and Mute keys, a trackball navigation system, plus user definable convenience keys
  • Speakerphone and Voice Dialling
  • 1100 mAhr battery
  • Bluetooth® capability for hands-free dialogue via headsets and car kits—mono/stereo headset, hands-free and serial port profile supported. Bluetooth stereo audio (A2DP/AVCRP)
  • 3.5mm stereo headset capable
  • Integrated attachment viewing
  • Compatibility with popular Personal Information Management (PIM) software
  • High resolution, light sensing screen that adjusts lighting levels automatically for ideal indoor and outdoor viewin
  • Easy email integration with your business and/or personal email account
Both the Curve and the Bold are comparable in size and weight, however, the Bold is just a bit larger and heavier, and it will also be the most powerful BlackBerry yet, and will have several features that the Curve does not have.

The screens of both phones are the same size, yet the Bold boasts a 480×320 pixel screen which means that everything will look a lot sharper and clearer. They both have a QWERTY keyboard, and a 2 megapixel camera, but the Bold also has a video recorder with half VGA resoltion. Both phones also have GPS, although you may nee extra software for turn by turn directions.

As far as memory goes, the Curve has 128MB out of the box, while the Bold has a whopping 1GB out of the box, with a 16GB memory slot. 0.2 EDGE is the data speed for the Curve as well as some of the previous BlackBerrys, while the speed of the Bold is a nice 3.6 HSDPA which means that downloading will be a breeze.

The design, the calling, messaging, talk time, and navigation are all very good on the Curve, and should be even better on the Bold. Web browsing, memory, connectivity, productivity, video, and music are all improved on the Bold.

If you need more in a phone and can wait a little longer for it to be released then you might want to go with the Bold, but if you don’t need all that the Bold has to offer, the Curve is still a very good smartphone that will do what you need it to do

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I can not guarantee that the information on my blog is 100% correct