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Movie Reviews : "DragonBall Evolution" - Kame-Hame-Ha

Search seventh "dragon Ball"

This film is extraordinary, Lets See!
Film Title : Dragonball Evolution
Director : James Wong (Final Destination3)

At the beginning of the story "Dragonball Evolution", starting from the introduction Goku (Justin Chatwin) and Chi-Chi (Jamie Chung) in school, humiliated by the name of Goku geeko , immediately attract the attention of so chichi Chi (read: shot of energy).
At that time also, Chichi Go directly to invite me to come to the party held in her home. But at the same time, the grandfather Goku Gohan, while preparing dinner for the special Goku repeated eighth year remorse. No chance, Lord Piccolo in the house kill Gohan in Goku house. He was looking for Susinshu, dragon ball Goku owned the four-star......

Goku is not a nice feeling, immediately ask for leave from the house and found chichi Her grandfather is not powerless. In the last his life, he told two things to Goku, find Master Roshi and must always trust yourself.
When entering the house that is destroyed, it was against a thief called Bulma. He daughter of a single dynasty Coorporation Capsule. No wonder if Bulma gadget is equipped with sophisticated and futuristic.
Bulma apparently equipped with a DBE (Dragon Ball Energy) can track the existence of the dragon ball and dragon ball are seeking five-star (promethium). Start and together they find Master Roshi and fifth in Paozu dragonball others.
They clearly have a task, the Piccolo in the seventh dragonball which will be used to generate shelong, the dragon that can grant a request. Therefore Roshi teaches science tertingginya called a "kame-hame-ha."
Only that? Comic dragonball consisting of three series, be a film that be 75 minutes. So that the occurrence of the film to protests from fans comic "Dragonball"
Story of how this film ... you should watch at the nearest Cinema or to buy a DVD film ... he2x

A Great Film
The Best Actor
The Best Movie Director
Dragon Ball Mistery

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The Biggest Online Surveys In The World - How Many Surveys Checks Do You Want To Receive?

Here, the Address:


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Magic software - working with light - F.Lux - Nice Software

Magic software - working with light
Foreign usual one with this software, this application must be small, but terrible results. if you are a hard worker and often forget the time, then this application will adjust to the light conditions around you. This means that F. Lux adjust display settings based on your location and your current lighting setup as the room light is dim or work space.

When time is running, F.lux ready to check the status of the sun based on the zip code or latitude and adjust your screen colors based on temperature. the result can be two things, you feel like the environment or that interfere with your display settings so that change.
to download visit:

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PDFVue Download - PDF Browser

Today, I read in a magazine technology (PC Plus), there is good news for bloggers.
There is a software to open the PDF file in Browser. This software called "PDFVue", this kind of service such as PDFmeNot and PDFHammer, this application can open PDF files directly in your browser. So you do not need a desktop software. In addition, if you install a new browser extension offered PDFVue, this can be arranged automatically to open the PDF links found while browsing.
Fun to use this service are with the annotation tool offered. You can fill out a form, mark the text, upload images and can save them as separate PDF files.
If you're interested in using this service, Visit:

In Indonesian language:
Hari ini, saya baca dalam sebuah majalah teknologi (PC Plus), ada kabar baik buat para blogger semua.
Ada sebuah software untuk membuka file PDF di Browser. Software ini bernama "PDFVue", layanan ini sejenis seperti PDFmeNot dan PDFHammer, aplikasi ini dapat membuka file-file PDF secara langsung di browser anda. Jadi anda tidak memerlukan software desktop. Selain itu, jika anda menginstal ekstensi browser baru yang ditawarkan PDFVue, ini dapat diatur secara otomatis membuka link PDF yang ditemukan saat browsing.
Kesenangan untuk menggunakan layanan ini adalah dengan tool anotasi yang ditawarkan. Anda bisa mengisi formulir, menandai teks, upload gambar dan bisa menyimpannya sebagai file PDF terpisah.
Jika Anda tertarik menggunakan layanan ini, Kunjungi :

In Spain :
Hoy, he leído en una revista de tecnología (PC Plus), es una buena noticia para los bloggers.
Hay un programa para abrir el archivo PDF en el explorador. Este software llamado "PDFVue", este tipo de servicio como PDFmeNot y PDFHammer, esta aplicación puede abrir archivos PDF directamente en su navegador. De modo que no necesita un software de escritorio. Además, si instala una nueva extensión del navegador que ofrece PDFVue, esto se puede organizar automáticamente para abrir el PDF enlaces encontrados durante la navegación.
Diversión para utilizar este servicio son la herramienta con la anotación ofrecidos. Usted puede llenar un formulario, marque el texto, puede cargar imágenes y guardarlas como archivos PDF independientes.
Si estás interesado en utilizar este servicio, visite:

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Big Job Vacancy at Binus University, March-April 2009, - Lowongan Kerja Dosen,Kepala Lab.&Department April 2009

As One of the leading universities, BINUS UNIVERSITY is comitted in providing the highest quality education in preparing our graduates
to compete and succeed in the global arena. and the only way to deliver this commitment is to invite the best talents who share the same
dream to engage young minds and shape future leaders.
We are now opening up opportunities to join our BIG family as :

1. Head Of Department
- Information System
- Computer System
- Computerized Accounting
- Computer Science
- Computer Engineering
- Management
- Accounting
- Hotel&Tourism Management
- Civil Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Architecture
- Mathematics & Statistic
- English
- Japanese
- Chinese
- Psychology
- Graphic Design
- Marketing Communication
- Interior Design

Requirements :
-Relevant University Degree (Ph.D or Master, Overseases graduates preferred)
-Have min. 3 years experience in Higher Education Institution (HEI) as Head of Department
-Proven track record in managing education system with positive students & faculty's feedback
-Have a strong leadership, management and mentoring skill

- Information System
- Computerized Accounting
- Computer Science
- Computer Engineering
- Management
- Accounting
- International Bussiness
- Applied Finance
- Strategic Marketing
- Hotel&Tourism management
- Civil Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Architecture
- Mathematics & Statistic
- English
- Japanese
- Chinese
- Psychology
- Graphic Design
- Marketing Communication
- Interior Design
IRequirements :
-Relevant University Degree (Ph.D or Master, Overseases graduates preferred)
-Have min. 3 years experience in teaching, research and academic publication
-Have relevant industrial/corporate experiences

- Information System
- Computerized Accounting
- Computer Science
- Computer Engineering
- Management
- Accounting
- Hotel&Tourism Management
- Civil Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Architecture
- Psychology
- Graphic Design
- Marketing Communication

Requirements :
- Minimum Master Degree with relevant field of knowledge
- Have 2 years experiences as Head of laboratory or as research supervisor
- Familiar in conducting Borang Compliance activities
- Excellent in leading laboratory activities according to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

General Requirements:
- Excellent in English, both verbal and written
- Eager to grow and contribute to the professional learning culture
Interested applicants who meet above requirements are invited to send an application letter along with the latest CV to:
Talent Management Directorate
Jl.Kebun Jeruk Raya No. 27
Jakarta Barat 11530
E-mail :
(taken From KOMPAS Daily News, March, 29, 2009)

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Job Vacancy ,April, 2009 - Lowongan Kerja Migas/Pertambangan April 2009 - Kuwait Petroleum Exploration CO. K.S.C

Kuwait Petroleum Exploration CO. K.S.C
a Subsidiary of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation

KUFPEC Regional Ventures (Indonesia) Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of KUFPEC , the overseas arm of Kuwait Petroleum Coorporation. KRVIL is seeking new opportunities within Indonesia and SE Asia, both non-operated and operated and requires a highly qualified individual to join and strengthen our Jakarta team as :
Senior Reservoir Engineer (Code : SRE)
- Indonesian
- Minimum a Bachelor Degree in Petroleum engineer with 10+ years classic reservoir engineering experience
- Demonstrate hands on skill in new business ventures, prospect/asset, evaluation, oversight of existing properties, and economics using PEEP

general requirement :
- Good Understanding of health, safety and environmental laws and regulation
- Willing to have some international travels
- strong personality , intelligent as well as capable of working with limited resources as well as capable of working under pressure.
- Strong presentation skills with ability to articulate project ideas in a clear and consice manner
-candidate must be enthusiastic and result oriented
- well establish relations with BPMIGAS, MIGAS and PSCs as well as other related government bodies
- well organized, self motivated, and able to cooperate effectively with other with other team members
- Good English communication skills, both verbal and written.

KRVI is an equal opportunity employer who rewards based on performance and results. A competitive salary and benefit packages will be offered base on the experience to suitable qualified individual.
E-mail Your Application , enclosing CV within two weeks to
please Insert the position code
(SRE) on subject of your e-mail - only short listed candidates will be notified
(taken from KOMPAS, March, 29, 2009)

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Phishing in Yahoo Mesenger

At this time I want to discuss with you about phishing, Phishing is a technique that is very chilling, imagine when someone get your password e-mail and using e-mail for the purpose of spam. we can not imagine how harmful that action.
one of the facilities of popular social networking, Yahoo Messenger, through this facility, reported phishing has occurred, may be one time, we get a message containing the call to download a picture, if we click, we'll be taken to a web site that seems is site owned by yahoo messenger. we will be entering our ID and Password, the site is not owned by Yahoo. and this is called Phishing.
Too much software is free, should think carefully, and we very rarely read the TOS, so that when we install an application, without conscious! Malware, trojan and virus entry into our computer. Be Careful,OK

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Adsenser: Why Do I Need Google Adsense?

Because it’s there, it’s fun and it’s free. If you’re reading this, you obviously have some interest in the internet. You don’t even have to have your own site, although the more sites you use Google Adsense on, the more money you will make. For example, anyone can write a blog even if it’s just your own opinion on something.

You can also make money referring other people to Google Adsense. By placing a referral button on your site you increase your earnings potential. When a publisher that you referred makes their initial $100.00 within 90 days of sign-up and is eligible for payout, your account will also be credited $100.00. Additionally, they must never have registered for a Google Adsense account before.

Don’t be intimidated by the html code. It’s already formatted. All you have to do is choose the language and kind of button you would like, and copy and paste the html code to your site. Look for the referral code and more information under Adsense support.

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The Best Tips for Using Google Adsense

Like anything else, you’ll get out of Google Adsense what you put into it. The following optimization tips can help you grow your Google Adsense dollars:

Write interesting content and write every day.

Have more than one site. The more sites you have, the more ads have the potential to get clicked.

Set up channels and monitor your statistics across all sites. If one site is performing poorly, consider changing the content or the ad layout. Experiment!

Change the ad layout and notice which layout works the best for you. There are many different layout options and there’s no way you can know going in which one will perform the best.

If you’re blogging, has a list of profitable topics. They state that you don’t have to write on those topics but you might give it a try or at least plug some of them in to the search engines.

Google different key words and phrases and notice how much and what kinds of content and ads you see.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

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3 Necessary Tools for the High Rolling Affiliate Marketer

What does it take to become a successful Affiliate Marketer? What are the ingredients of an affiliate marketing success story? Is there a shortcut to Affiliate Marketing glory? All these questions play around in the minds of affiliate marketers who want to make it big in this business.
Although affiliate marketing is touted as one of the easiest and most effective ways to earn money online, it is not as easy as it sounds. The wise affiliate marketer plans every action and executes it the best way he can. He should also maximize the potential to earn by utilizing the right tools necessary for a successful Affiliate Marketing business. We have consulted some of the most successful affiliate marketers in the business and below are the top three necessary tools for a successful affiliate marketing business.

Important Tool #1: Your Own Website

The most important and indispensable tool in Affiliate Marketing is your own website. The first step in any successful affiliate marketing business is building a good, credible and professional looking website. Your website is the jump off point of all your marketing efforts. Thus, you must first build a user-friendly website, which will appeal to your prospects and encourage them to click on the links to the products and service you are promoting and make a purchase. Therefore, you must first concentrate your efforts in building a website that will cater to what your prospects need.

The most important thing you should consider is that almost all web users go online to look for information, not necessarily to go and buy something. Above all else, make your website full of original, relevant and useful content. People will love articles that are appealing and helpful. Keep in mind that, in the internet, content is still king and good quality content will not only build your credibility, it can also help you achieve a higher search engine ranking. By posting relevant and useful articles, you establish yourself as a credible expert in the field, making you a more trustworthy endorser of the product or service you promote. Establishing a good reputation is a good step in building up a loyal consumer base.

Important Tool #2: Incentives

Competition is extremely tight in the internet world. You must always be one-step ahead of your rivals to ensure that you capture a significant share of your target market. Therefore, you must use every possible means to encourage people not only to visit your site but also to click and proceed to the websites of the products and services you are promoting. Building an opt-in email list is one of the best ways to gather prospects. Offer a newsletter or an e-zine. Better yet, offer incentives to your prospects to encourage them to subscribe to your newsletters. You can present free softwares, access to exclusive services and other freebies that will be helpful to your prospects.

Important Tool #3: Link Popularity

The importance of driving highly targeted traffic to your website cannot be emphasized enough. The all-important web traffic is at the top of the list of the most important entities in the internet world. Attracting people to your site should be the first step you should carry out. Do everything to achieve a high search engine ranking. Link Popularity is one of the factors that search engines use to determine search engine rankings. Therefore, to enhance your link popularity, you must launch an aggressive reciprocal link campaign.

One of the best ways to do this – at no cost at all – is by submitting articles, with your website's link at the resource box, to e-zines and free article sites. You will not only gain exposure, you will also have the opportunity to advertise for free, just include a link back to your site. The more sites you submit your articles to, the better your link popularity is. Make your articles original, relevant and useful so that more websites will pick it up and post it.

These are but three of the many tools that an affiliate marketer can use to maximize earning potential. The possibilities are endless and are limited only by your imagination, creativity, resourcefulness and determination. You can always explore other ideas and adapt other strategies, which you think might help you become a high rolling affiliate marketer.

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All About True Online Bussiness : So Many Affiliate Programs! Which One Do I Choose?

Ask questions first before you join an affiliate program. Do a little research about the choices of program that you intend to join into. Get some answers because they will be the deciding point of what you will be achieving later on.

Will it cost you anything to join? Most affiliate programs being offered today are absolutely free of charge. So why settle for those that charge you some dollars before joining.

When do they issue the commission checks? Every program is different. Some issue their checks once a month, every quarter, etc. Select the one that is suited to your payment time choice. Many affiliate programs are setting a minimum earned commission amount that an affiliate must meet or exceed in order for their checks to be issued.

What is the hit per sale ratio? This is the average number of hits to a banner or text link it takes to generate a sale based on all affiliate statistics. This factor is extremely important because this will tell you how much traffic you must generate before you can earn a commission from the sale.

How are referrals from an affiliate’s site tracked and for how long do they remain in the system? You need to be confident on the program enough to track those people you refer from your site. This is the only way that you can credit for a sale. The period of time that those people stay in the system is also important. This is because some visitors do not buy initially but may want to return later to make the purchase. Know if you will still get credit for the sale if it is done some months from a certain day.

What are the kinds of affiliate stats available? Your choice of affiliate program should be capable of offering detailed stats. They should be available online anytime you decide to check them out. Constantly checking your individual stats is important to know how many impressions, hits and sales are already generated from your site. Impressions are the number of times the banner or text link was viewed by a visitor of your site. A hit is the one clicking on the banner or text links.

Does the affiliate program also pay for the hits and impressions besides the commissions on sales? It is important that impressions and hits are also paid, as this will add to the earnings you get from the sales commission. This is especially important if the program you are in offers low sales to be able to hit ratio.

Who is the online retailer? Find out whom you are doing business with to know if it is really a solid company. Know the products they are selling and the average amount they are achieving. The more you know about the retailer offering you the affiliate program, the easier it will be for you to know if that program is really for you and your site.

Is the affiliate a one tier or two tier program? A single tier program pays you only for the business you yourself have generated. A two tier program pays you for the business, plus it also pays you a commission on the on the sales generated by any affiliate you sponsor in your program. Some two-tier programs are even paying small fees on each new affiliate you sponsor. More like a recruitment fee.

Lastly, what is the amount of commission paid? 5% - 20% is the commission paid by most programs. .01% - .05% is the amount paid for each hit. If you find a program that also pays for impressions, the amount paid is not much at all. As you can see from the figures, you will now understand why the average sales amount and hit to sale ratio is important.

These are just some of the questions that needed answering first before you enter into an affiliate program. You should be familiar with the many important aspects that your chosen program should have before incorporating them into your website. Try to ask your affiliate program choices these questions. These can help you select the right program for you site from among the many available.

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All About True Online Bussiness : How You Can Become a Super Affiliate??

The humdrum existence of going to the office day after day doing the usual 9-5 shift is a trying task for those who have lived all their lives doing so. This is why the convenience of doing work at home under amazingly flexible working hours is a dazzling prospect to them. Doing work at home that is as fulfilling as having a career working for a computer on the 19th floor of a skyscraper is already a possibility in these modern times. This is because the jungle-like network that is the internet has given birth to a business that has given some people practically new lives doing nothing but so.

This particular business allows people to work at home under flexible working hours. There is no boss to scream around putting pressure on everyone about the deadline at hand. There is no clutter of messy paperwork that needs to be completed the soonest possible time. Conveniences such as these are experienced by those who are into affiliate marketing, the newest way to earn money without having to go through all sorts of routine found in regular employment.

Those who have been in the business long enough can attest to the fact that it is a lucrative business indeed, one that can actually give people things that they could not possibly possess or experience under ordinary circumstances.

The business called affiliate marketing involves an affiliate’s promotion of a merchant’s website. Here the website owned by the affiliate is made to advertise and market the website of the merchant through the affiliate program that they run. Whenever someone clicks on the merchant’s website promoted by the one owned by the affiliate, the affiliate is given a commission. This is in recognition of his effort in helping the merchant make a sale.

The system involved in affiliate marketing seems easy, but it also takes a lot of diligence and perseverance for one to be able to penetrate it thoroughly. Those who want to get into this type of business should possess the necessary skills to be able tread through the industry with confidence and self-assurance. Still, other factors are needed by one to be able to really break in. Knowledge about the business at hand is very important as it dictates the actions that are to be done by people who are into it.

The leading figure in affiliate marketing is the super affiliate. He is basically an e-mail marketer who collects large databases of e-mail addresses through newsletters. Super affiliates are also those who know the business even better than affiliate managers as a result of their knowledge about the affiliate marketing industry inside out. Those who want to be super affiliates should know that becoming a super affiliate is not easy, because it takes a lot to be able to master the marketing craft.

Becoming a super affiliate means having one’s own website and autoresponder. These tools will help a lot in one’s facilitation of the business. Building one’s own list is another. Creating a loyal customer base and taking care of it is one secret that successful super affiliates have. Making good customer relations is also important if one wants to be a super affiliate to reckon with.

Continuing to market to the people on one’s list is another must if one wants to succeed as a super affiliate. Sending out quality content in lieu of ads is an advantage as products are marketed better whenever enough information is given about them.

Building traffic to one’s own site is also one of the most essential points in the affiliate marketing business. Making one’s affiliate links his own business will allow him to build a strong relationship with his customers, enabling him to market to them over and over again.

The most important thing one should remember if he wants to become a super affiliate is to treat affiliate marketing as a business first and foremost. If he is capable of doing this, then he will never have to go back to the humdrum existence of working the 9-5 shift. A career as a super affiliate in the business which will change his life forever could possibly take that unexciting job’s place.

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All About True Online Bussiness : Making Money with Articles: Article Directories

Article directories are websites that house free articles. These articles are usually put there by whoever owns the copyright to them as a promotion method. Each article has the owners byline placed under it so that those who eventually read the article will know who wrote it (or at least who owns it) and will be able to get in contact with or visit their website for further information.

Articles directories are a great place to put your articles so that they will make you money. By using this method, people who are interested in your product or service will see your article, view you as an expert in the subject, and will visit your website. Even if you cannot write or do not have any knowledge on the subject on which you are promoting (for example for you run an affiliate website), you can always hire a writer to do the work for you. Getting quality articles written will be expensive up front, but they will pay for themselves in no time, either through affiliate sales or selling your own services, and everything from then on is pure profit.

Let’s take a real life example. Imagine that you are an accountant working from home. You write an article on an accounting topic and place it on various article directories. Those who are looking for the subject you wrote about will read your article, see that you have the knowledge and skill that is needed to do a job for them, and visit your website or contact you via e-mail. Your article just gained you a new client who may use your services regularly, but will definitely give you a nice profit at least once.

Furthermore, since you have posted it on a free article directory, others who have affiliate websites about accounting will inevitably use your article for their website. Since they must attach your byline to it, this will bring you even more exposure for every website that re-posts your article. This because you will be benefiting of off the traffic that they get to their website.

There are numerous article directories out there for you to utilize. Your bet best is to put a copy of each of your articles on every one for maximum exposure. It will eventually help to bring more traffic and customers to your website, which will lead to new orders and more profit.

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All About : E-Bussiness Model

There are several classifications made Judy Strauss (2006)

1. Content Sponshorship
This business model is to get some money from the ads, the same model with the newspaper and magazines. Ads will be displayed in the space that is owned by website owners. And if you have a blog, a blog can also be used for all of that. One of the most interesting at this time is google adsense. You can become rich, if you are charming.

2. Direct Selling
Sales of this one is directly between buyer & seller transactions occur directly

3. Infomediary
Provide data on consumers (the fun, hobbies, income, etc.) and all that is required by the company.

4. Intermediaries
This model consists of a broker, agent and online retailers. This program is most often used by online business owners. Brokerage role as intermediary between seller and buyer. Agent served as broker for finding a buyer or seller, while online retailers sell products is through the web site. (Also Taken From Media Kita Book-Taufik H)

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About Mobinity.Net, The New social networking site for the latest mobile phone.

You may hear this news, a new social network, was introduced specifically for mobile phone users. This site will be introduced at the end of march this year. Incredible! is a call to this site or referred to the mobile community network, designed specifically to take advantage of the feature phone and smartphone.
Some of the existing facilities on this site :

1. Integrated with the chat service, for while this yahoo Messenger.
2. Syncing photos, photos on facebook can Synchronize to Your Mobile Phone , so that when someone calls you, will show photos of the people.
3. Locator, this facility is supported by GPS technology, so that we can find a friend who is on a location.
4. Mobile Citizen Journalist, can record narration, add comments and upload news through mobile phones.
5. more connected with the system created by InToouch. More points means that users can spend to a merchant or service subscription fees

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Get a "Expired Domain" with Easy

At this time, I will discuss what is called ... "Expired Domain, Expired domains with the same" expired traffic ", the domain is not extended again by the owner.

When you get a "Expired Domain" with high traffic, This is the beginning of your enjoyment he2x .. ..
You need not be bothered to promote your website, as is well known.
to address some registration "Expired Domains"...


Once you select a domain you want to register and start enjoying your domain ... try and feel the difference

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Where To Go In Jakarta - For Your Leisure

Where To Go In Jakarta :

Italian Film IIC Cine Club at The italian Institute of Culture (IIC jakarta).
Jl. HOS.Cokroaminoto 117, Central Jakarta tel : 021-3927531
March 25 7.p.m I demoni di san Pietroburgo

Italian Languages Classes at Italian Institute, Jl.HOS.Cokroaminoto 117, Menteng Central jakarta. Telp: 021-3927531. The Classes will be held in two sections
Regular Classes (5 Months)
Saturday Classes (7 Months)

United Nation Information Centre - Surya Building. Jl. M.H Thamrin , Kav.9 Central Jakarta. We have a range of free information and promotional materials on UN issues, extensive documents and films on the United nation and organize seminars on development with top experts, and public briefings on UN issues.

Jakarta International Community Choir (JICC) and Dancing Community - is the place for you to sing, dance, laugh and enjoy. it is also for a social activities through choral singing and dancing in Jakarta for expatriates and local residents, Telp:021-720213

Museum Nasional, Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No.12 Central Jakarta
Puppet Museum, Jl. Pintu Besar Utara No.27 West Jakarta

Fine Arts&Ceramics Museum, Jl.Taman Fatahillah No.2 West Jakarta No.2 West Jakarta
Textile Museum, Jl. KS.Tubun No.4 West JakartaMonas Moseum, Jl. Silang Monas, central Jakarta
Maritime Museum, Jl. Pasar Ikan No.1 , North Jakarta

:exploring Street Life and pop Culture in Jakarta, a talk ilustrated with photos and film by Daniel Ziv. At Erasmus House. Jl. Rasuna Said for Details click

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Adsense Tools Address some of the most important to You

Here Tools Website :

Adsense tool Download :

Adsense Desktop

Adsense Charts

Adsense Web Tool

Revenue Checker

Google Rankings

Adsense tracker

Adsense Tracking Script .....many more...

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If you like to write, Paid To Reviews-it's Your Choice

This article Especially for my friends who love writing, the blog, is identical with the writing, understand and convey something. This program is fun for you to follow, you will be paid only with the written opinion which was successfully loaded on a product, service or a blog / site specific. if in Flixya, writing can be seen in the property flixya blog, but this program is for any posts that we can review in a blog, and our own web service provider. One of the most important requirement for the program .. you must be proficient in English ... but you still do not have fear, we can use software to create an adjuvant English articles, such as me, I use google translate or transtool. But try the PTR with the dollar paid, you can access them in, PTR is paid in rupiah. more visitors in your blog, the greater the opportunity to get paid the extraordinary. Cool man .... There is another question? How can? an author / blogger is paid to write? Someone / company that want their business known in the community, require third parties to promote their products. The more people who write about their products, the greater the opportunity for them to sell their products easily and effectively. If the products and services you see a lot of visitors to review, this opportunity, that will make you pay more expensive ... still dealing with the traffic, bro! .. He2x. So , if you have a blog on english, lets join ... following addresses you can make the reference:

that this is very famous, of course ... if you know this one, you do not need to have a blog or anything, just a list on the web daytipper, continue following the program.
2. Play requires a Web blog:
- and many more others, you live the keywords "paid to review" in google search. but you must remember! search that is not a scam ... .. ok happy to try friends

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(Blood glucose level is abnormal low) occurs when glucose down to 60 below 50 mg / dl (2.7 to 3.3 mmol.L)

Is a general description of the type I DM and may arise in type II DM client is treated with insulin or oral preparation.
1.Granting excessive insulin
2.antidiabetik oral delivery of excessive
3.consumption of food that is too little
4.That heavy physical activity.
5.Balance the nutrition and fluids due to nausea and vomiting
6.Consumption of alcohol

sign and symptoms
-Pale - cold sweat
-Nervous - sleep around the mouth
- Weak - diplopia
-Hungry - the pain
-palpitasi - eventually coma

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写真を撮るには有料 - Paid To Take Picture Program ~Earn Cash Now~- Dapatkan Uang Dengan Foto Anda

English Version:

I will show a recent photo business, in which the term "Paid To Take Picture", this business can you run with your fun. for those of you who delighted in the images or create a work of art, business is another option for you.
You will get 50-80% of each sale. If the application is received, the image you are ready to be sold and will be placed on the first level. if the image has been downloaded 25 times, then will increase to the second level and increase to level in the fifth after the successful download of 200. You can make a withdrawal through the commission Management Area, with a check, paypal or Moneybookers account.
Show themselves, get the money .Amazing. ! Wait Do More
Join here....
Versi Bahasa Indonesia :
Saya akan perlihatkan sebuah bisnis photo terbaru,yang dalam istilah "Paid To Take Picture", Bisnis ini bisa anda jalankan dengan kesenangan anda. bagi anda yang senang di foto atau membuat sebuah karya seni, bisnis ini pilihan lain untuk anda.
Anda akan mendapatkan 50-80% dari setiap penjualan. Jika Aplikasi diterima, foto anda sudah siap untuk dijual dan akan ditempatkan di level pertama. jika foto sudah di download sebanyak 25 kali, maka akan naik menjadi level kedua dan naik menjadi level kelima setelah berhasil di download sebanyak 200. Anda bisa melakukan penarikan komisi melalui menu Management Area, dengan cek, akun paypal atau moneybookers.
Tampilkan diri, dapatkan uangnya..Luar Biasa bukan!Tunggu Apa Lagi
Gabung disini :
To Join Please click Read More ...

French Version
Je vais montrer une photo récente, pour lesquels le terme "Payé Pour prendre une photo", cette entreprise peut vous courez avec votre plaisir. pour ceux d'entre vous qui ont ravi dans les images ou de créer une œuvre d'art, les entreprises est une autre option pour vous.
Vous obtiendrez des 50-80% de chaque vente. Si la demande est reçue, l'image que vous êtes prêt à être vendu et sera placé sur le premier niveau. si l'image a été téléchargé 25 fois, puis passera à la deuxième niveau et d'accroître le niveau de la cinquième, après le succès de téléchargement de 200. Vous pouvez faire un retrait de la commission de gestion de zone, avec un chèque, Paypal ou Moneybookers.
Voir eux-mêmes, l'argent .. pas extraordinaire! Attendez Do More
Jappanese Version
私は、このような事業を実行することができますあなたの楽しみは、用語" "最近の写真を撮影するには有料のビジネスが表示されます。映像の中にいる人なら、喜んでや芸術作品を作るために、ビジネスに使える方法です。
それぞれの販売の50 〜 80 %を得るだろう。アプリケーションが受信される場合は、画像を販売する準備ができていると、最初のレベルに配置されます。場合は、画像を25回ダウンロードされているし、 2番目のレベルと5番目のレベルに増加する200の成功をダウンロード後に増加する。場合は、委員会の管理エリアで、小切手、または MoneybookersのアカウントをPayPalでお金を引き出すことができます。
Netherland Version :
Ik zal een recente foto, waar de term "betaald aan Take Beeld", dit bedrijf kan u met uw plezier. voor degenen onder u die blij in de beelden of maak een kunstwerk, het bedrijfsleven is een andere optie voor je.
U krijgt 50-80% van elke verkoop. Als de aanvraag is ontvangen, wordt de afbeelding u bent klaar om te worden verkocht en zal worden gelegd op het eerste niveau. Als de afbeelding is gedownload 25 keer, dan zal op het tweede niveau en de verhoging van het niveau in de vijfde na de succesvolle download van 200. U kunt een intrekking door de Commissie Beheer Ruimte, met een cheque, Paypal of Moneybookers account.
Toon zelf, krijgt het geld niet .. Bijzonder! Wacht meer doen
Join hier:
Click Here For Join: Or Click This Image

Royalty Free Images

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I want to share happiness with you all - Berbagi Kebahagiaan ,100 Euro Hanya Dalam Waktu Sehari

English Version :
Online business is not as easy as I imagined, but I want to share happiness with you all ... this morning I get a few surprises, and you want to do that would surprise me to see!
Get me 100 euros a day ..., Try! .. imagine if you exchanged currency rupiah, In exchange your country .. truly amazing...
Business that will give me true and real, you will enjoy your online business is more fun ... do not waste time! try this one and join now

Indonesian Version :
Bisnis Online tidak semudah yang saya bayangkan, tapi saya ingin berbagi kebahagiaan dengan anda semua...pagi ini saya mendapatkan kejutan, dan Anda ingin tau kejutan yang akan saya tunjukkan!
Saya Mendapatkan 100 Euro...dalam sehari, Coba! anda bayangkan..kalau ditukar mata uang rupiah, Dalam kurs negara anda..benar-benar luar biasa.
Bisnis yang akan saya berikan benar dan nyata, anda akan menikmati bisnis online anda makin terasa menyenangkan...jangan buang waktu...coba yang ini dan bergabunglah sekarang juga..

For Join ...Click Readmore...OK

For International User
Click Here For Join
Untuk Orang Indonesia klik yang ini
Gabung Disini Ya

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Find The FIRST LANGUAGE for Baby

In fact, infants aged 0-3 months the baby has the same language in the world. No matter race, gender and nationality.
Baby language, it is accidentally found by Priscilla Dunstan since that already has a small unique talents, that is to remember all kinds of sound or the sound is known by the term photograph. When Priscilla had a baby, he realized that the new baby was also trying to communicate with his mother. Finally, the language a baby can be identified after more than 1,000 babies in the world examined.
There are 5 words which is known by the language to communicate with babies adults. If parents responded no, the baby will stop using it. Parents should hear the following words before the baby is crying hysterical:

1. Neh (hungry)

This is quite similar to Heh and Eh, so be careful listen. If we have not responded well, the baby will cry harder.

2. OWH (nod)

Perhaps the word is more easily understood as spoken by the baby's mouth with a round shape or O.

3. Heh (Not Comfortable)
Baby say the word with this exact mimic different with Neh. If we understand these words, then flee to make the baby to be comfortable so that it does not speeding.

4. EAIRH (flatulency)

Sound like a person or suppress grrrhhh. If the baby already say this word, immediately correct the position.

5. EH (belch)
Usually pronounced finished drinking or even stomach being empty.

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Bank Muamalat open The First International Financial Center in Malaysia

I think is a great...(taken from Jakarta Post)

Pt. Bank Muamalat Indonesia, which has Rp. 12,67 Triliun in assets, opened its first financial center in Kuala Lumpur on March 5, responding to the rising demand for sharia products in that country.
Mr.Riawan the president director of Bank Muamalat Indonesia, explained that malaysia was chosen due to its sound macroeconomics fundamentals, political stability, transfarant judicial framework and high standard of financial regulations

and with the opening of both Bank Muamalat and first Islamic Investment Bank as the subsidiary in Malaysia, its targets to attract US 100$ million worth of investment from middle east and malaysian investor
Posting Higher than forecasted profits of Rp. 300 million in 2008, the introduction of the bank new branches in malaysia, with an initial investments of 25 million ringgit Malaysia, is the Bank's initial move to establish a presence across the globe

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Where To Go In Bandung


1. Sheraton Bandung Hotel and Towers.
jl.Ir.H.Juanda no.390 Tel.022-2500303 :
- Tuscany's Restaurant : Pianist And Vocalist, friday to Saturday from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
- Samsara Lounge : Kecapi Suling Live

2.Holiday Inn
Jl. Ir.H.Juanda No.33 (telp:022-4211333)
- Lobby bar, Live Music, Wednesday -friday, 7 pm - 9 pm

3.Santika Hotel,
Jl.Sumatera No. 52-54
- Pandan Wangi Restaurant : Live Music, daily 7pm - 10pm

4.Grand Hotel Preanger
Jl.Asia Afrika No.81 :
- The Preanger restaurant;Live Music daily, 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
- Lobby - Kecapi Suling Performance

5. Hotel Papandayan
Jl. gatot Subroto No. 83 Bandung ;
- The Burangrang Loune, Live Music
- Talagabodas Coffe House, Live Piano & Saxophone, Monday-Friday, 12 pm to 2 pm

1. Selasar Sunaryo Art Space, jl.Bukit Pakar Timr No.100 022-2507939
2. Tea House gallery, Taman Budaya jawa barat jl. Bukit Dago Utara
3. Gallery Hidayat, Jl.Sulanjana 36 022-4208257
4. Saung Angklung Ujo - Padasuka Bandung (Jakarta Post)

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Tips to Buy a Second Handphones

A new mobile phone, of course, sold at very high prices, according to the ability of the assets. The price reached a few million, even the mobile phone that is very sophisticated, the range can reach 10 million Rupiah.

For us who do not have enough money, more wisely used if the search for mobile phone use is still feasible. Difference between new and used mobile phones is quite significant and we can use for other purposes.
The problem is, how can we get a mobile phone used a truly good. Whether it's the physical aspect of the content of offal and used the mobile phone. Sometimes if we are not careful, a former mobile phone appearance is relatively "Good Appearance" that we can not use again in just a matter of some weeks only.

Below we give a few tips if you are interested in buying a mobile phone used.

* Test used a mobile phone you buy it with a SIM card (if you have not, try to borrow your friend). Do not be too quickly satisfied only if the mobile phone used to know this can work, do try to call a friend to the speaker make sure, receive and still function properly.

* Check the battery power. Used a mobile phone you can buy so cheap, but if the battery is not in good condition, then you must buy a new battery that would make the price mobile phone has become more expensive.
* If you buy a mobile phone equipped with the former without the charger, you should be more vigilant, especially if the label is missing or serial number loose from the back of the mobile phone. Calculation of price charger (and probably the battery, if the battery is too old) as the total price of mobile phone used if purchased. If the charger and the battery is quite old or difficult to obtain in markets, the price can also be more expensive.
* Check the IMEI number (a sticker on the back of the phone, usually located under the battery). If there is no IMEI number, you can view the code by pressing "* # 06 #" on the handset, the handset IMEI momor will appear Is your mobile phone. this also is a good step to determine whether the mainboard of the mobile phone has been changed or not, with equate the number that appears with the IMEI listed on the sticker. This can also be done on some CDMA mobile phone.
Do not only view the mobile phone looks good, because the display looks new mobile phone that does not guarantee the phone is problematic. very easy to change the mobile phone casing that is opaque casing with new, more interesting with a very cheap price.
* Try to find some instructions or scar on the mobile phone mainly on the antenna, battery, casing, if there are scratches or former impact. (New Ponsel's)

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Flixya, के सामाजिक नेटवर्किंग साइटों अच्छा - Flixya, social networking sites of good

What you waiting, quickly join! .. On Flixya 100% Adsense revenue is for you ... so you automatically when we write something, then flixya adsense will display ads according to the chanel ad us.
I just join ... very fun ..Try to read this, this announcement at their website :

Flixya 100% Ad Revenue Share Program

Our revenue share model offers 100% ad revenue to all contributing members.

When you register with Flixya, you can choose to participate in earning the total revenue from ads that appear surrounding any video, photo or blog posting. It's a quick and easy process!

Upload or share your videos from YouTube, Google Video, Revver, Daily Motion, and other video sharing sites. Flixya also offers unlimited free image hosting for posting photos on Craigslist and Ebay or share your photo gallery with friends.

Flixya is the only social network that pays you 100% ad revenue and our easy to use publishing and one-click media distribution tools, drive traffic and enable you to earn residual income from each piece of content that you contribute.

Share your online videos, organize your photos or create and write a profitable blog. Join Now! Click Here

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ブロガーとしての成功 - 37 The Best PPC Open Site – Pay-Per-Click Program


Now the period, the increasingly sophisticated technology, the demands of information technology needs grow. Many people interested in the diverse selection of information technology products. Internet is part of the technology products, and can not be denied, if it has a presence large enough for our lives now.
Through this blog, I will invite you to join the business internet's most popular at this time.
I will introduce a program that is pay-per-click, the program members will get paid when other people make a successful website we see the blog belonging to a merchant or a way to click on the merchant's ad.
advertising pay-per-click to appear on the websites or blogs can be a text or banner (images).
PPC Program was launched by the advertiser (advertisers) who will pay with the calculation of certain calculations, each in the form of text ads and banners on the click by visitors.

In the PPC, including ads per impression, pay per the number of ads viewed by visitors. For example, a system with "cost per 1000 impressions (CPM), the owner of the web page will be paid when their clients ad tertayang 1000 times, with or without a visitor to click on ads.
This program is highly sought by web and blog owners, because the only place the ad is clicked or viewed by visitors, the member will get the money, irrespective of whether there will be sales generated by the click

Through this blog I will give 37 best sites for this progran PPC.
You can register as a publisher by providing space in your blog or website. Search code html / javascript and paste in blog / your website. Earn Big Money
Next Address 37 available
7. www.azoogleads

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亲爱的同事们 - Associates Program Provider to Earn Big Money

亲爱的同事们 - Here Associates Program Provider - That You Can Join :

9. Affiliatefuel
Thanks 亲爱的同事们 for Visiting My Blog

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Free Download Afgan Song 2009 - "Bukan Cinta Biasa"

Afgan out the latest album in 2009
I provided a link to download .. Click Readmore for Download

Free Afgan Song 2009 Download

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Others Paid To Share Program - Get $

Others Paid To Share Program for you
here, you will get paid $ 20 for every 10,000 files downloaded. If successful Invite people to join, you will get 10% of the commissions they earn..
For Join ..Click Upload

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icterus(Ikterus) on the new baby born

Papers on icterus(Ikterus) on the new baby born .. Ikterus Pada Bayi

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Max Your revenue Where it Pays To Socialize with Yuwie

If this one, you certainly do not foreign anymore
, meaning you have to follow the site-social network sites such as this. Yeah! .. On Yuwie, you will be able to deposit money to your online activities. Images from each visitor viewed, the blog is written and a friend or a family invited to join the program.
lets join, especially with the awaited, free..for Join CLICK HERE or Click Banner above

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FLIXYA..Use Your Adsense Account To Increase Your Revenue

Another Sites of dollars for you
. - (Situs Penghasil Adsense Terbaik),
in More Language:
Flixya in, you can write a blog with your own style, and every blog you see any posts, it will increase your adsense page Impression, it is possible for the ads you see the higher, that is the excess flixya .. you can also upload videos, photos and galleries, and all of that land can be a money immediately ... flixya own account, through this blog .. you know since I joined, page impression and my adsense income increased sharply.
If in your Friendster and Facebook is not paid, but if the flixya ... You will be paid 100% ... Because Flixya with Google Adsense
Germany :
Wenn in Ihrem Friendster und Facebook ist nicht bezahlt, aber wenn die flixya ... Sie wird 100% ... Da Flixya mit Google Adsense
Spain :
Si en su Friendster y Facebook no se paga, pero si el flixya ... Se le pagará el 100% ... Porque Flixya con Google Adsense
Se nel tuo Friendster e Facebook non è pagato, ma, se la flixya ... Sarai pagato al 100% ... Perché Flixya con Google Adsense
あなたのフレンドで、 Facebookが納付されない場合ですが、 Google AdSenseの場合は、 flixya ... ... Flixyaのために100 %支払われます
ID :
Kalau di Friendster dan facebook anda tidak dibayar, tapi kalau di flixya...Anda Akan dibayar 100%...Karena Flixya Bekerjasama dengan Google Adsense
That this is still a company with Google, if you list here, the member can use adsense account to increase revenue by 100% will be owned by PTC member. for Join Click Here.
Untuk Gabung Bisa Juga Klik Disini

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Ziddu Pays You to Upload,Share Videos,Photos, Files and Blog

Upload your files show in the millions Peoples. Let's step telling the following:

You may be new in the online business, but if you find this blog, this is the right choice because I will give everything for free.
Link to Best Paid To Share, one of which is, a member who joined the ziddu, will be paid $ 0.0001 for each file that is uploaded and downloaded by the visitors.
This site provides the choice of many languages, very interesting, for you to follow:
To Join, Click Here or Click the banner above this article

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If you ask, why most internet marketers do not reach peak of success, you will find a variety of reasons.

Approximately when collected, the reason may be like this:
1. Poor quality content.
2. Elections web hosting that is not appropriate.
3. Web design ugly.
4. Do not have the autoresponder system.
5. System sales are not good.
6. Do not have the right product
7. sold to the wrong place
8. And others

But try to remember longer. Is the points above to be the cause you are not successful? There may be truth. But you need to know, points are NOT the major cause failure of your internet business.
If your business now feels like running in place, could be the main cause is yourself. Yes, yourself!
Relax, you need not be frustrating and do not dispose of used to dream become a successful people. I will show you more detail so that you can quickly take steps to change the repair Everything for your business today and the future of your life.
now if you are NOT achieving success in business, is surely because you still make mistakes is fatal.
Perhaps one mistake or even more. (Taken from e-14 error boook internet)

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Six Tips to beautify your Blog

Tips to beautify your blog.
Get facilities from a third party (the website other facilities), facilities that are often used among the bloggers:

1. For make a chat box, go to, and get a registration code, via the menu go to my control panel, then in the quick start option, select the codes .. get a copy of the code, and do not forget to back up the code in Ms.word, as you note, if you at any time you change the templates with the new.
2. That often show co-blogger, is a facility to display the site feed us, which means the feed (which the article) that is accessed by our visitors. Through this facility we can find out the location from which people access our blog. To add it go to, then join feedjit and get the code
3.Hits Visitor, this is what you want to know how many people have come around to your blog, you must install this widget. Try to access and search menu widget to get the code
4.Show flag state, go to:, take the code and add it to your blog
5.PageRank, is a site that will determine our ranking based on pagevies, page after page is accessed. To get the code into, page rank is very important because there are some sites that require PageRank blog we have at least 4, then they want to advertise on our blog that can enhance your blog and you can create a blog visited by advertiser, of course you will get benefits. $ Amount of money, what you wait the more your ranking small. Unlike the PageRank that rank should increase. Go to, look widgets / toolbar, and then capture the code. Alexa will require a number of registration fields, such as what the name of our blog and e-mail us. Usually for the beginning, our blog's ranking will reach tens of millions, more visitors will rank the wane. The smaller, more crowded, the greater your opportunities seen by advertiser ... so hold, and write!

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Dollars of the Money Hit ...

Dollars of the money hit ...
If during this hobby you just chat, facebook, or send an e-mail ...
Start Now ... Leave it all!
Very enjoyable hobby if you bring a lot of money.
If you enjoy playing games, visit, or

In addition, also, if you like writing, you can get fun with your hobby is. will answer all of them, you will be paid on each article you publish them. And for you who like the design, will provide the design for 100 dollars sold.
There will be hundreds of sites that I will update it for you, for free ... continue to follow this blog ya

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Learn forex Most spectacular, Easy and Interesting!

Join the Business forex

There are many business that you must follow on the internet, very few that leads you to success and success, through this blog I will show sites for your online business. Business is about business forex online, even though this site is only for those who have a lot of money but no one if you learn about the forex., is the best site for you to learn about forex. may be a time later when you are successful, you can be a powerful broker that., yeah! This site provides real cash $ 5 and $ 10,000 for virtual trading demo.
This site is absolutely free, in addition you can get the latest info-info that is useful for your business. By joining with this business you will get many benefits.
Complete data yourself, and join to become a member on this site.
facilities in the Marketiva:
1. Account Center
2. Portfolio
3. Forex
4. Fund
5. Indexes
6. Commodities
7. Discusions
8. Charting
9. Trade: Buy /Sell

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Play Games, Get Free Money - Paid To Play Game

If you like play games, this is the right choice for you. € cash type play a game with the commission and the prize is big enough. if you become a hobby income you make is very unusual. To join and become a player, you simply register on the following address:
The contents of the Online stock simulation, where participants can share sale and purchase transactions with the virtual model. end of round, the participants with the highest will get $ 100 cash through paypal


Game this one unique, your capital will be $ 100,000 as initial capital. game form Tebak-guess-and sell Tebak guess, if you are smart you will get $ 100.

This game has a game for the photos and you will be paid $ 100 if you guess correctly. players may play only one time for each week

This game is fun, the money will be growing as we become a pemenannya game.

With the click on the link provided, players will get some money

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Drive More Traffic to Your Blog,Now!!

This is how increase traffic on your blog:
If you already have a blog site, the next step you must do is introduce your site to the public. Of course, you'll be happy and excited when the articles, poems or stories that you publish on the website blog responses by others. And you certainly would not work if your blog only u to feel&know it .next, this is the steps that you can to increase the traffic of the blog site and publish to the general public.1. This is Directory to list Blog not special to some site below:

1. Http://
2. Http://
3. Http://
4. Http://
5. Http://
6. Http:// Blog directory task is to send your data and posting to various search engines, including the three major search engines namely,,
(2) Switch Link (blogroll)and links ExchangeAsk your friend or anyone who has a lot of visitors to exchange mutual links (Blogroll Blogging world in terms). Ask them to include your link, then enter ur blog as a return link on their blog site or you can register to the link exchange, such as in or you can search through the search engine by typing keyword "free link exchange "Or if you chance to find other people who have to enter your blog address in the link, then you must reply to budi own by entering the link into your link directory. If not you will be labeled as "Blogger stingy." How do I? Please do check with the name of your blog like this blog or whoever you want to know. Example: and press search, please see your results.
(3) Many comment on the other Blog & always visiting other blogs and do not forget to always leave your comments and type the web address of your blog.
(4) Post Box on Chat facility to attract visitors you can add interactive features such as, Chat Box. To obtain free of charge, please register to or you can see an example in the blog who have the right.
(5) Write the address on the ur Blog and So eMail Signature ... do not forget a signature to fill in the email with your blog's web address. Each person you send that email will always read the end of their email and your heart will be moved to at least try to click on that.
(6) Content that you should interest,exciting and important. Remember that the person sitting in front of computer and browsing the Internet is that people need the information for himself, then you are the person who will provide that information. Look for themes that are by many people (which is called the Tags).
To find out you can see on the site quoted from:

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–•–.harun yahya - ebook
Another striking example of the fake world created by the brain is our dreams.
The life we live in our dreams is often extremely “real”. A person dreaming that a stranger is following him sweats as he runs across the streets. He becomes so tense that he may even have a heart attack. While all these processes take place, there exists no actual stranger and not even his own body.
In brief, a dream is a clear example of virtual reality where one assumes existence in an actual environment.
What if you are in a dream right now? This may seem an odd question to ask. But just for a minute assume that somebody tells you that what you are experiencing right now is just a dream and all the things happening around you are occurring only in your brain. What would your answer be? It occurs to you that there is no evidence indicating that you are dreaming. Everything seems to be clear, logical and real. There is nothing that will make you suspect otherwise. Consequently, you are not in a dream, But, does the way by which you assess the difference between dreams and reality rest on these criteria? Or is it because the images are so real and seem to be part of a sequence of events?
Beware! The method you used to differentiate dreams from reality does not seem to be scientific.
When you are dreaming, you cannot understand whether you are in a dream or not. So, there is no reason to look with contempt at dreams. You talk with somebody that does not exist in reality and want to possess a virtual car. When you wake up, both dreams and the “life” you assume to be real,have the same features and haracteristics, since both are experienced in your brain.
When you are dreaming, events develop beyond your control. You are not given the opportunity to choose the place, time and scenario of your dream. Suddenly, you find yourself having an adventure while still asleep. What is more, you do not find the happenings around you strange,although they do not comply with common sense and are against the laws of nature.
Most probably, for you, reality is represented by the things that can be touched and seen. You also hold something with your hand and see it in your dream, where you neither have a hand nor eyes,nor an object to see. This situation is practically deceiving! A philosopher who ponders on this conflict states the following:
“For while we dream, we do not know that we are dreaming; it is only later, after awaking, that we recognize our dream as a dream. How can we claim that our present experiences are of a more reliable type than those of a dream? The fact that they are associated with a feeling of reality does not make them more dependable, because we have the same feeling in a dream. We cannot completely exclude the possibility that later experiences will prove that we are dreaming even now.” (Hans Reichenbach, The Rise of Scientific Philosophy, University of California Press, 1973, p.29)
Descartes also made the same proposition: “In my dreams I see myself going to places;
when I wake up I realize that I have been nowhere and I find myself just lying in my bed.
Who can assure me that I am not dreaming right now, or that my whole life is not a
dream? For these reasons, the reality of the world I live in becomes a totally dubious
concept.” (Macit Gökberk, Felsefe Tarihi (History of Philosophy), p.263)
Then what is the difference between real life and dreams? Is it the fact that real life has an uninterrupted, continuous nature, or is it because a different kind of reasoning mechanism prevails in dreams? These are not important differences in principle, since both kinds of life experience occur in the brain.
If we can live in a virtual life when dreaming, why wouldn’t we be living in a virtual life when we are not dreaming? There is no logical reason to prevent us from thinking that we are starting to live in a longer dream that we call “real life”, when we wake up from a dream. It is our prejudice and traditional way of thinking which lead us to have no doubts about this subject, although we do not have any solid evidence about it

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Increase your Modzilla Speed

Be careful if you want to increase your browser speed, but i have some way to increase the speed for example : modzilla in your address bar type About:config and then change this network.http.pipelining;false and change to

network.http.pipelining;true network.http.pipelining.maxrequests;40 network.http.proxy.pipelining;true

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Word Crisis, is there Impact To Your Online Bussiness?

In the Jakarta Post (page 17,march,12 2009), Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke on TUESDAY called on governments to take “forceful” action to stem unending financial turmoil and immediately consider reforms to prevent another crisis. Describing the current financial turmoil as the worst since the great depression of the 1930s, he said until governments stabilized the financial system, “a sustainable economic recovery will remain out of reach”
In the near term, governments around the word must continue to take forceful and, when appropriate, coordinated actions to restore financial market functioning and the floeof credit, “he told the Council on Foreign Relations, a think thank, in Washington.

“we must have a strategy that regulates the financial system as whole, I a holistic way, not just its individual components,”he said
I think, word crisis in America is going to combine a very weak trade sector and stronger investment, stimulus package from Barrack Obama Goverments brought cheer to business. But one question for you , this crisis, is there Impact to your online business??
I think more impact …because word crisis,
In which falling prices prompt consumers to delay buying, deepening a downturn-has become a growing concern across the globe as demand for goods sinks. Deflation will be a much bigger risk for the economy in the rest 2009..due to ongoing demand destruction and commodity collapse.
Online bussines, different than another…although more impact because word crisis, I think this business more fight. Online business will be growth in the future, I hope.

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Free Add Url drive more traffic

If your blog have less visitor, try to visit this url and submit for free
and introduce your blog, automatically :
1. Yahoo! Search
2. Google
3. Live Search
4. Dmoz Directory
5. Exalead
6. MavicaNet

If your blog no have much visitor, try to visit this url and submit for free
and introduce your blog, automatically :
1. Yahoo! Search
2. Google
3. Live Search
4. Dmoz Directory
5. Exalead
6. MavicaNet
7. ScrubTheWeb
8. Wikia Search
9. World Site Index
10. Cuil
11. What U Seek
12. ExactSeek
13. BusinessSeek
14. EntireWeb
15. SearchMe
16. IllumiRate
17. 01WebDirectory
18. Amfibi
19. SearchSight
20. WebbieWorld
21. Web Linker
22. NetInsert
23. SonicRun
24. Thales Directory
25. Link Centre

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Put PageRank Widget to Your Blog

PageRank is a link analysis algorithm used by the Google Internet search engine that assigns a numerical weighting to each element of a hyperlinked set of documents, such as the World Wide Web, with the purpose of "measuring" its relative importance within the set. The algorithm may be applied to any collection of entities with reciprocal quotations and references. The numerical weight that it assigns to any given element E is also called the PageRank of E and denoted by PR(E).

The name "PageRank" is a trademark of Google, and the PageRank process has been patented (U.S. Patent 6,285,999 ). However, the patent is assigned to Stanford University and not to Google. Google has exclusive license rights on the patent from Stanford University. The university received 1.8 million shares in Google in exchange for use of the patent; the shares were sold in 2005 for $336 million

Google describes PageRank:[3]

“ PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page's value. In essence, Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B. But, Google looks at more than the sheer volume of votes, or links a page receives; it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves "important" weigh more heavily and help to make other pages "important". ”

In other words, a PageRank results from a "ballot" among all the other pages on the World Wide Web about how important a page is. A hyperlink to a page counts as a vote of support. The PageRank of a page is defined recursively and depends on the number and PageRank metric of all pages that link to it ("incoming links"). A page that is linked to by many pages with high PageRank receives a high rank itself. If there are no links to a web page there is no support for that page.

Google assigns a numeric weighting from 0-10 for each webpage on the Internet; this PageRank denotes a site’s importance in the eyes of Google. The PageRank is derived from a theoretical probability value on a logarithmic scale like the Richter Scale. The PageRank of a particular page is roughly based upon the quantity of inbound links as well as the PageRank of the pages providing the links. It is known that other factors, e.g. relevance of search words on the page and actual visits to the page reported by the Google toolbar also influence the PageRank.[citation needed] In order to prevent manipulation, spoofing and Spamdexing, Google provides no specific details about how other factors influence PageRank.[citation needed]

Numerous academic papers concerning PageRank have been published since Page and Brin's original paper.[4] In practice, the PageRank concept has proven to be vulnerable to manipulation, and extensive research has been devoted to identifying falsely inflated PageRank and ways to ignore links from documents with falsely inflated PageRank.

Other link-based ranking algorithms for Web pages include the HITS algorithm invented by Jon Kleinberg (used by Teoma and now, the IBM CLEVER project, and the TrustRank algorithm.

[edit] History
PageRank was developed at Stanford University by Larry Page (hence the name Page-Rank[5]) and later Sergey Brin as part of a research project about a new kind of search engine. The project started in 1995 and led to a functional prototype, named Google, in 1998. Shortly after, Page and Brin founded Google Inc., the company behind the Google search engine. While just one of many factors which determine the ranking of Google search results, PageRank continues to provide the basis for all of Google's web search tools.[3]

PageRank is based on citation analysis that was developed in the 1950s by Eugene Garfield at the University of Pennsylvania, and Google's founders cite Garfield's work in their original paper. By following links from one page to another, virtual communities of webpages are found. Web link analysis was first developed by Jon Kleinberg and his team while working on the CLEVER project at IBM's Almaden Research Center One Question...How Important Page Rank For Your Bussiness
-Some Bussiness, need page rank in TOS
-The Google Toolbar's PageRank feature displays a visited page's PageRank as a whole number between 0 and 10. The most popular websites have a PageRank of 10. The least have a PageRank of 0. Google has not disclosed the precise method for determining a Toolbar PageRank value. Google representative Matt Cutts has publicly indicated that the Toolbar PageRank values are republished about once every three months, indicating that the Toolbar PageRank values are historical rather than real-time values.
So, Lets Put a widget to your website , i found in
two code, two choices :
First code,
The first code will display your pagerank for the main URL only. for example, whether you paste it on or, the page rank will be for "" only
Second Code :
The second code will display your pagerank for the page that the button is on, for example, if you paste it on , it will show the pagerank for that page.
So Please
Click Here To Register

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