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(Blood glucose level is abnormal low) occurs when glucose down to 60 below 50 mg / dl (2.7 to 3.3 mmol.L)

Is a general description of the type I DM and may arise in type II DM client is treated with insulin or oral preparation.
1.Granting excessive insulin
2.antidiabetik oral delivery of excessive
3.consumption of food that is too little
4.That heavy physical activity.
5.Balance the nutrition and fluids due to nausea and vomiting
6.Consumption of alcohol

sign and symptoms
-Pale - cold sweat
-Nervous - sleep around the mouth
- Weak - diplopia
-Hungry - the pain
-palpitasi - eventually coma

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Kavi BorLand said...

wah judulnya kok gak 2 bahasa juga yah.. heheh..

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