Here are the commands in the Command Prompt related to computer networks.
To perform these commands you must enter the Command Prompt
To perform these commands you must enter the Command Prompt
(Click Start -> Run -> Type CMD)
1. ipconfig / all
Displays the connection configuration information, such as Host Name, Primary DNS Type, Ethernet LAN Adapter.
2. ipconfig / flushdns
Removing DNS Cache
3. ipconfig / release
"Removing" all connections IP Address.
4. ipconfig / renew
Creating a new IP address for a particular adapter.
5. ipconfig / displaydns
Displaying DNS Cache.
6. ipconfig / registerdns
To refresh control and re-connection control register.
7. ipconfig / showclassid
Displays information DHCP Class.
8. ipconfig / setclassid
Changing DHCP Class ID
9. netconnections control
Displaying Network Connection.
10. nslookup
Knowing the IP address in the address of the domain name in the list
11. netstat
Displays information TCP / IP is currently active.
12. route
Displays local route.
13. hostname
Displays the name of the computer.
14. ping
Example: ping
Test hero-business.blogspot connection to the site.
The less% loss was the better connections.
15. tracert
IP Address Displays route information.
Displays the connection configuration information, such as Host Name, Primary DNS Type, Ethernet LAN Adapter.
2. ipconfig / flushdns
Removing DNS Cache
3. ipconfig / release
"Removing" all connections IP Address.
4. ipconfig / renew
Creating a new IP address for a particular adapter.
5. ipconfig / displaydns
Displaying DNS Cache.
6. ipconfig / registerdns
To refresh control and re-connection control register.
7. ipconfig / showclassid
Displays information DHCP Class.
8. ipconfig / setclassid
Changing DHCP Class ID
9. netconnections control
Displaying Network Connection.
10. nslookup
Knowing the IP address in the address of the domain name in the list
11. netstat
Displays information TCP / IP is currently active.
12. route
Displays local route.
13. hostname
Displays the name of the computer.
14. ping
Example: ping
Test hero-business.blogspot connection to the site.
The less% loss was the better connections.
15. tracert
IP Address Displays route information.
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