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Monster Nessie Hunting, Google Send a Street View Camera to Loch Ness Lake

EDUNBURG,, Following reports of a giant figure recorded in Google Earth is alleged Nessie, the legendary monster of Lake Loch Ness, Google too seriously. Street View camera will be directed to the region to see a place, not only from the vertical direction, but also from different angle so that more detail.

Startling figure that looks like a giant sea creature was first reported by Jason Cooke, a security officer at the middle of Nottingham exploring Google Earth. The white figure tens of meters long that was seen swimming in the lake's surface.

On the report, as reported by the Telegraph site, Google said that the special cameras Street View will be sent to Loch Ness on Thursday (27 / 8). Thus, the Loch Ness Lake will be the first site in the United Kingdom which will be recorded by the Street View camera  in Google Earth.

Previously, Google had been planning to record a choice location with Street View. However, pooling the results conducted online last month showed that preference fell to a site The Angel of the North, Stonehenge, the Eden Project, Warwick Castle, Cardiff Millennium Stadium, and Bamburgh Castle.

Recordings figure of  Nessie monster allegedly were at coordinates Latitude 57 ° 12'52 .13 "N, Longitude 4 ° 34'14 .16" W. To see it, also can click on the address in Google Map :,-4.5706609&z=18&t=h&hl=en

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