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Free BlackBerry Software - Repair-Games-Unlocker-E-Office-Reader-Theme

1. All BlackBerry Repair Software 

2. BlackBerry Game

3. BlackBerry Unlocker

4. BlackBerry E-Office 

5. BlackBerry Codes Reader
6. BlackBerry PDF Software
7. BlackBerry Theme Collection
  All of this can be found on 


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Free Resetter for Epson Printer

1. Free Resetter For Epson C90

2. Free Resetter For Epson C110
3. Free Resetter For Epson T11

4. Free Resetter For Epson T10

5. Free Resetter For Epson Stylus C45

6. Free Resetter For Epson R230

7. Free Resetter For Epson CX 2800

8. Free Resetter For Epson C902

9. Free Resetter For Epson C79

10. Free Resetter For All Epson Printer

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Free Tools for Waste Ink Absorber

1. Canon IP Pixma 1880 Waste Ink Absorber Full Service Tool
    Click Here

2. All Canon Waste Ink Tank
    Click Here

3. Canon IP 4000 Waste Ink Absorber
    Click Here

4. Canon IP 1000 Waste Ink Absorber
    Click Here

5. Canon IP1500 Waste Ink Absorber
    Click Here

6. Canon MP110 Waste Ink Absorber
    Click Here

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Prevents virus infection from Flashdisk Conduct of Computers.

Flash media is one of the most widely used in the spread of the virus.
At the time when you insert a USB flash to the computer, then by default windows will directly open the new task with the Auto play function.
Many viruses use the Auto Play function is to spread themselves to infection to the computer you have.
Here we will attempt to minimize the virus into the computer with us how to disable the Auto Play function is.
Here's how:

- Click Start -> run "gpedit.msc"
- Select Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates
- Then Select System, locate the file Turn Off Auto Play and double click
- Then check the option enabled and Turn Off Auto select Play All Drive
- Then, click OK, Close and restart

Another way to minimize the virus into the computer is how to enable the Guest user, and login with the guest user.
Because the Guest user is not directly kill the registry, because the virus infection will always make the file and change this registry value in it.
You can also minimize the virus into the computer with anti virus always update regularly.

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How Computer Viruses Work by type

Virus is a computer program that has the ability to destroy files or damage the computer system. 
The virus has various types of work and have a different, 
Following types of viruses and how to work each virus: 

1. Virus of Files 
Virus of Files have a way to do that is working against the infection of the application or document that is in your computer.

2. Boot Sector Virus
Boot Sector Virus have any way to do that is working against the infection hard disk boot sector (boot sector is a region in the first hard drive is accessed when the computer is turned on).
If the boot sector virus is active, users will not be able to boot computer normally.

3. E-mail Virus
This virus has a job that is spread through e-mail (usually in the form of file attachments / attachment).
The virus has a characteristic form of a special extension. Scr,. Exe,. Pif, or. Bat.
When the virus is active, then they will submit himself to the various e-mail address listed in the user's address book.

4. Multipartite Virus
Multipartite virus that is doing work against the infection of computer files at once on the hard disk boot sector.
This type of virus will cause many problems because of the damage caused fatal.

5. Polimorfis Virus  
This virus has a unique way of working that this virus can change the code itself (change shape) when spread itself to other computers
Virus type more difficult to detect because it has such a nature ..

6. Invisible Virus  (stealth virus) 
This virus has a job to Hide itself with how to create a file that seems infected file is not infected.

7. Macro virus
This virus that is doing work against the infection of Microsoft Office applications, such as Word and Excel.
Documents are usually infected by a macro virus will modify the existing command in Microsoft Office such as the "Save" to spread itself when the command is executed.

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Block IP Address By Using htaccess

If you have a website and want to make a block for a specific IP Address that can not access the website, you simply create a file with the name. Htaccess is in place the directory on your main website.
is as follows:

1. Create a file with the name. Htaccess files and content with one of the script below:

To make a block on the IP Address

order allow, deny
deny from
allow from all

To make a block Multiple IP Address

order allow, deny
deny from
deny from
deny from
allow from all

To make a block on the IP Address range to

deny from 127.0.0
To block the hostname to IP Address
deny from

*. Change IP Address in the example above with the IP Address you want

2. After that save and place the directory on your main website.
To restore your stay as remove or delete the script file. "Htaccess"

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Various Types Easter Eggs

Easter Egg in the sense of the world is a computer program or a hidden message that is usually hidden form of things and surprising things funny.
Here are some examples of Easter Egg in the world of computers you can try:

1. Easter Egg on the goggle
Go to the site, type in the Who Is Failure search textbox.
Click the "I am feeling lucky" or I'm Feeling Lucky.
Then you will directly take on the google page to american president.

2. Easter Egg on the goggle
Go to the site, type in google search textbox on the aliens.
Click the "I am feeling lucky" or I'm Feeling Lucky.
Then you will directly take on the google page to google where attack by the alien.

3. Easter Egg on the goggle
Go to the site, type the answer to life, the universe, and everything in the search textbox.
So the text will appear black and any posts with "the answer to life, the universe and everything = 42".

4. Easter Egg on the goggle
Go to the site, type in once in a blue moon in the search textbox.
So the text will appear black and any posts with the "once in a blue moon = 1.16699016 × 10-8 hertz."

5. Easter Egg on yahoo
Go to and click on the site exclamation mark (!) Any posts on the yahoo, then the vote will be yahooooo.

6. Easter Egg on mozilla
Type about: mozilla in the mozilla address bar, so any posts would be out the following:
"And so at last the beast fell and the unbelievers rejoiced.
But all was not lost, for from the ash rose a great bird.
The bird gazed down upon the unbelievers and cast fire
and thunder upon them. For the beast had been
reborn with its strength renewed, and the
followers of Mammon cowered in horror "

7. Easter Egg on Interner Explorer 7
Open Internet Explorer type
javascript: = "TheWCEE" location.href = "res: / / shdoclc.dll / wcee.htm"
in your address bar.
So credit will appear the black screen with IE.

8. Easter Egg on the goggle chrome
Goggle chrome open your browser, type about: Internets in the address bar.
So you will see the view from the windows screensaver.

9. Easter Egg on winrar
Winrar program open, click the Help menu -> About winrar.
Click image winrar, then you will see the pictures move.

10. Easter Egg on Winamp
Open your Winamp, change your skin winamp skin with Bento. (Options -> Skins -> Bento)
After that go to the Preferences menu (CTRL + P)
In the left menu select Skins-> Modern Skins, go to the tab "Current Skin."
Then Double click an image animation Bento.
So you can play games snake.
If you want to see the kind of easter eggs is more complete, you can visit the site

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During the browsing, to a degree never experienced a certain problem, such as speed, security or the other. To avoid some problems, it's good you have any tips or tricks during a solitary browsing the Internet.
Speed access is the major part of the tips for maximizing the use of the Internet. Below are 10 tips that can be used as a guide when browsing the Internet.

1. Cache Settings
Drain Take advantage of the cache, it is possible that this step has not been done. Because when you visit a web page, the data is always stored in a cache (temporary data storage) on the hard disk. Then when you reopen the page, the data will always be added to the cache, and the browser displays the cached page is better than the copy of the download from the web server.
Executable file cache earlier, prior to connecting to the server from the web page when the web page is busy. Once can access the page will be added in the cache.
To empty the cache in Netscape communicator:
- Click on preferences from the edit menu,
- Open the advanced category, click the sub category cache.
- Then click the clear memory cache and clear the disk cache.
For users of microsoft internet explorer (IE),
- Select the tools menu, select Internet options.
- In the city dialog, select the general tab page,
- Click the button delete files.

2. Usage History
Data on the web page of the cache, which is stored in the recording list the name and URL (universal resource locator, Internet address) at each site visited. You can also use the history list to return directly on the site.
To clear the list of history-a list of communicator
- Click edit, select preferences, highlight the category navigator,
- Click the clear history.
While in the internet explorer
- Click on tools, select internet options,
- Select the general tab and click clear history.
Settings can also be done in order to keep the history data for some time according to needs.

3. Time Out
Many ISPs (internet service providers) who use a monitoring system for the automation disconect dial-up connections. This is the ISP to load the latest messages every 20 minutes. Messages can be news or e-mail. When you stay active, there will usually be the separation of (disruptive) site between the active site with an ISP that has been revised once every 20 minutes. That way you always do refresh.
To avoid this, you can set up e-mail application in order to make checking every 10 or 15 minutes once.
On the communicator,
- Open the preferences dialog box, double-click category mail & newsgroups.
- Highlight the sub category mail servers.
- Create koneksitas filed incoming mail on the mail servers.
- Then click the edit button.
- In the next dialog box, click the check-box check for mail every-minute.
- Set to always check every 10 or 15 minutes.
In the IE can be men-setting in the options dialog box and search options for new check-masseges every minute.
On microsoft outlook, look at the mail delivery tab, in the dialog box options.
For microsoft internet mail, the settings can be read in the tabs on the dialog box options.

4. Security
Paa netscape and microsoft securiy usually offer protection, which is also supporting both standards on the protection and security while online. For example, you click on the button that security is in the communicator's standard toolbar buttons to find the site of the original, when the page is cached locally then the page will update in the following specification of the other site. Click the button where you conduct a transaction online.
For internet explorer, you can configure security settings. You can choose from low, medium-low, medium, and high security settings, to get full security settings you can choose high, if not want to use the full security, you can use low and medium settings.

5. Take advantage Bookmark
To improve efficiency at the time online, you can use the catalog and move the bookmark that contains the web site in the favorites folder in particular. To create a bookmark folder in the communicator, click the bookmarks icon in the toolbar and select the location edit bookmarks from the menu pop up.
In the dialog box bookmarks, open the file menu select new folder. Fill in the name of the folder, and provide in the bookmark properties dialog box.
Meanwhile, to make a bookmark in internet explorer, open the favorites menu, click on organize favorites. In the next dialog box, click the create a folder, the contents of the folder name, click close.

6. Protection
Try entering each specific site you must complete a user name and password. To enter a username and pass word are very simple, where you stay the course. Usually a system with a good work to do on data protection. But more important is when you enter the data that is more important, such as credit card number. Use a password that is unique, such as merge or combine hurup between large and small as well as a number, in order to get the maximum protection.

7. Start Up
Set the application default position on the internet, to avoid disruption at the time of application start-up internet. If you are using netscape communicator, the configuration settings can be done e-mail application, calendar, or HTML in order to open the application by default. In the preferences dialog box, highlight the categori Appearances, and you will see a list of applications that are displayed on the communicator area launch on startup. Select the default option on the navigator. To change, click the option for a navigator-deselectnya, click the option that you iginkan (messenger, composer, or the calendar) as the default Internet applications, click OK. Now you have created a default application for the Internet.

8. Adding Toolbar
On internet explorer, the user is permitted to add a button on the standard toolbar, which is located on the toolbar button that becomes the default for the standard toolbar, such as back, forward, stop, reload, and print.
To add a key, you can do, right-click on an empty toolbar area, select customize the pop up menu.
Then, displayed toolbar customize dialog box, choose the button that often or that you always need, click close. If you want to restore as (setting default toolbar), click the reset button.

9. Avoiding Spam
Spam? Perhaps it is the least preferred at the time to open the e-mail. Although now many software-software to eliminate spam, but also not appear effective level. The very best way is to use two e-mail address.
You can create multiple e-mail, but may be confusing you. Should use the e-mail address as an alternative. Eg for e-mail first ana use as Yahoo (, Excite (, or GO. Com (
Use e-mail address for the second touch with everyone, without exception. And certainly in the e-mail address of the second there is a lot of spam. To e-mail address of the primary, use to connect with friends, relations, or anyone who you believe.

10. Mobile Access
By using a good equipment, you can access the web from anywhere. Because at this time most of the web site has complete and utilize the wireless technology, such as on a mobile ( or MSN mobile (

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Viewing IP Address From Your Email Sender

Next I give a tutorial how you can see the IP Address and detail info of your email sender.

For Yahoo Mail.
1. Login to your email account (
2. Go to the inbox and open one of the email you want to see.
3. In the right corner of any posts under the search menu "Full headers" and click to any posts.
4. So you can know the ip address of the email info and other details.

For Gmail / Google Mail.
1. Login to your email account (
2. Log in to inbox
3. Open one of the email you want to see,
4. See right there at the top of the Reply option, in addition to any posts Reply continue to have the arrow to the bottom, click the arrow and select Show Original.
5. So you can know the ip address of the email info and other details.

For Hotmail.
1. Login to your email account (
2. Open one of the email you want to see
3. Right-click the email and select View Source.
4. So you can know the ip address of the email info and other details.

For Outlook Express.
1. Open the Outlook Express program and login to your email.
2. Right click on one of the email you want to see.
3. Click the Properties menu.
4. Click the Details tab.
5. So you can know the ip address of the email info and other details.

For Microsoft Outlook.
1. Open the Outlook Express program and login to your email.
2. Right click on one of the email you want to see and select Options
3. So you can know the ip address of the email info and other details

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Free Hosting To Upload Pictures

1. Imageshack (
Imageshack hosting media that is used for storage of image files.
Imageshack format provides a link you can use to display images on the forums, or provide a link images directly.
Imageshack image format support JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF and SWF.

2. Photobucket (
You must first register for a free account on Photobucket.
You will get tools to manage and edit your images.
Photobucket support the format with JPEG images, GIF, BMP and PNG files up to 1 MB free for the user.

3. Tinypic (
TinyPic is a photo sharing service and the video is owned and operated by that allows users to upload and share pictures and video links on the Internet.
The idea is similar to TinyURL at each upload images with an Internet address, which is relatively short. There is no need to use the account Tinypic.

4. ImageVenue (
ImageVenue is an easy image hosting solution for everyone.
With this website, you can easily upload any image from your computer and share with other people in the world.
After uploading images, this website will automatically create a link to your image.
Copy and paste the link anywhere you want. ImageVenue will also generate links such as BBCode ([img] [/ img]). You need to do is copy and paste the generated link.

5. Freeimagehosting (
FreeImageHosting can save images with JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, and up to 3 MB of free and used in email, forums, Auctions and much more.

6. ImageCave (
With a free account ImageCave you can upload images with JPEG and GIF formats up to size 250 KB.

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Free Website to Download Missing Motherboard Driver

If you want to search for missing motherboard driver and match with the Brand of your PC or Laptop, here I give some info site that provides free motherboard driver.
Link to download the motherboard is deliberately taken from sites authorized so you need not fear your PC will infected by virus.

1. ASUS (
Download Driver:

2. Gigabyte (
Download Driver:

3. Intel (
Download Driver:

4. MSI (
Download Driver:

5. PCChips (
Download Driver:

Download Driver:

7. Asrock (
Download Driver:

8. AOpen (
Download Driver:

9. ECS (
Download Driver:

10. Jetway (
Download Driver:

11. IWill (
Download Driver:

12. ABIT (
Download Driver:

13. Chaintech (
Download Driver:

14. EPoX (
Download Driver:

15. FoxConn (
Download Driver:
Please try your sites to search for drivers on the motherboard you need.
Taken from (

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How to set up a server with Apache , PHP , MySQL , Perl , phpMyAdmin

Let's start by installing apache (http server). 
you can download the apache installer on 
download the verion you like ,even thought,in win systems i recomand version 2 (this tutorials is for apache 2). here is a link for it :

for a faster mirror :

After downloading the file (.msi installer),run it. 
The installation wizard is a next , next , finish 'work' ... The installer will ask you some details like your server name , your server adress and the admin's mail adress . if you have a domain name or a hostname , enter the info's like this :

Server Name :
Server Adress :
Admin Email :
if you don't have one , you should get on e free at :

Check the 'Run as a service for all users on port 8080' option and click next , finish to fiinish the instllation. Advice : Install it in c: (he creates a folder for it , don't worry) to make sure you configure it easyer . If you are finished , open up a browser and write in the adress bar :
If you will see a 'Test Page for Apache Installation',everything works .Let's install PHP. download the archives from . Here is a direct link for verion 4.3.9 :


Make sure you download the archive and not the installer.Ok! after downloading it , extract the archive in c:/php (this is to simplify paths).Now , open up c:/apache/conf/httpd.conf and search for this line:
#LoadModule ssl_module modules/
under that line , add this :

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
LoadModule php4_module "c:/php/sapi/php4apache2.dll"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php3
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4

Now search for this line :
Change :
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
# AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files.
# It can be "All", "None", or any combination of the keywords:
# Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
AllowOverride None

into :
Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks MultiViews ExecCGI
# AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files.
# It can be "All", "None", or any combination of the keywords:
# Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
# AllowOverride All

This will allow .htaccess support on your server and make sure you can see the content of a folder without getting a 403 forbidden error .
Now search for :
DirectoryIndex index.html index.var.html
and change it into :
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php

Save the file and restart apache . (you can restart it by pressing the Restart apache server shortcut in the start menu or by writing :
Code: net apache restart
in a command prompt window . Ok!

you have php working for your server icon_wink.gif . Now let's configure php and make sure it really works ! Open up c:/php/php.ini (php.ini-dist renamed) and search for this paragraph :
Code: max_execution_time = 60 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
max_input_time = 60 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
memory_limit = 5M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)
you should change this to whatever you want . here is an option i use :
max_execution_time = 300 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
max_input_time = 300 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
memory_limit = 5M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)

Now search for :
Code: register_globals = Off
and change it into :
Code: register_globals = On
Search for :
Code: extension_dir = ".\"
and change it into :
Code:extension_dir = "c:/php/extensions"
assuming you have installed php in c: ...
Search for :
;Windows Extensions
;Note that MySQL and ODBC support is now built in, so no dll is needed for it.and uncomment (delete the ; in the front) the following modules :

Code: extension=php_bz2.dll

Ok! now let's change the smtp settings (this is good icon_smile.gif for you mail()
function . you need this !!!) Search for :

Code: [mail function]
; For Win32 only.
smtp_port = 25

; For Win32 only.
;sendmail_from =

and change to :
Code: [mail function]
; For Win32 only.
smtp_port = 25

; For Win32 only.
sendmail_from =

if you don't have a mail server or :

Code:[mail function]
; For Win32 only.
SMTP = localhost
smtp_port = 25

; For Win32 only.
sendmail_from =

if you have a mail server ...

Save the files . Now let's finalize the php installation . copy all the dll's
from c:/php/dlls into c:/windows/system32 . copy c:/php/php4ts.dll into
c:/windows/system32/ and copy php.ini from your folder php into
windows and system32 folder . restart apache . open up notepad and
add this into the file :

Code: save this file in your htdocs folder (c:/apache/htdocs) as info.php and
open up a browser . in the adress bar write :


you should see php's configuration in a table . a looong file icon_smile.gif
you can optionaly install zend optimizer . i am using it ... it doesn't
needs a tutorial . to install the PEAR modules for php , just run the
go-pear batch from the php folder and 2click the reg file to finish the
instAllation .

let's install mysql . download mysql from .this tutorial applyes to verion 4.0.* ... i don't recomand using mysql 4.1 . here is a direct link :


after downloading , extract the arhive somewhere and run the setup.exe . install mysql in c:/mysql and complete the installation . open up command prompt and write this :

Code: cd mysql
cd bin
mysqld-max-nt --install

this will install mysql as a service . recomended . now you would probably consider downloading mysql control center . a gui tool to administrate the server in a graphical mode . here is a link :


install it like any other program and run the shortcut in the desktop . a window will pop-up . it will ask you to add a new connection . here are the info's you need to fill in :

name : localhost or main or whatever :)
host : localhost
user : root
pass :

click add , expand the databases menu and delete databse text . now expand the users menu and delete all users except root@localhost . right click it and select edit user . change it's password to whatever you want icon_smile.gif now right click the server and select edit . change the password to the pass you chosed for user root . as easy as that . mysql is installed !
phpMyADmin . you can download it from . i recommend using verion 2.5.1 pl1 . the last verion is still bugy icon_smile.gif download , unzip the contecnt into a folder in htdocs (phpMyAdmin) and open up with a text editor .

search for :
$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = '';

change it to your phpmyadmin url . eg. :
$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] =';
now search for :
$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = '';
and change it to your mysql root password like this :
$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = 'password';
now search for :
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
and change it to :
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';
save and exit . that's it ! phpMyAdmin works icon_wink.gif
Perl . Optioanl for your server , very usefull . i recomend you to install it . you can download it from . here is a direct link :
Code: download , install and you are ready . put your perl scripts in the /cgi-bin/
folder (c:/apache/cgi-bin) .
Hope this helped , you're welcome . No , you don't need to pay ...

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Tips & Trik - Free Access To Websites Without Registering

Now, Go to this address:

and type the URL of the website you want to log into.
etcetera. Another (and better) way is changing the user agent of your browser to:

This is very easy in Mozilla's Firefox. Download and install the User Agent Switcher from
and add the Googlebot user agent

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We Will Not Go Down Gaza Lyric - Michael Heart

Here.. Song lyrics :
A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they're dead or alive

They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who's wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

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Serial CD Keys for Windows Vista-2000-Xp-Me-Office Xp-And 2000-2003-2007

Windows Vista Serials (Final RTM 6.0.6000.16386)

windows vista ultimate rtm_build 6.0.6000.16384

Windows vista

serial Windows Vista Ultimate Final PT-BR.doc

Windows 2000 pro....... VXKC4-2B3YF-W9MFK-QB3DB-9Y7MB
Windows 2000 server.... RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVM6
Windows XP pro......... FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8
Windows ME............. RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG
Office XP pro.......... FM9FY-TMF7Q-KCKCT-V9T29-TBBBG
Office 2000 premium.... DT3FT-BFH4M-GYYH8-PG9C3-8K2FJ
Office XP Professional 2004.... FM9FY-TMF7Q-KCKCT-V9T29-TBBBG
Office xp 2003........ GWH28-DGCMP-P6RC4-6J4MT-3HFDY 7G4H4-T4XXW-BVXTH-4QP4V-9CV28

Office 2007.......... TT3M8-H3469-V89G6-8FWK7-D3Q9Q
Office.2007.Pro.FRENCH............. KGFVY-7733B-8WCK9-KTG64-BC7D8
Office Professional 2007........... TT3M8-H3469-V89G6-8FWK7-D3Q9Q
Office Professional Enterprise 2007 Product............MTP6Q-D868F-448FG-B6MG7-3DBKT
Office 2007 Beta.............. TT3M8-H3469-V89G6-8FWK7-D3Q9Q
Office Professional Plus 2007 ......... MTP6Q-D868F-448FG-B6MG7-3DBKT
Office 2007 Enterprise............ KGFVY-7733B-8WCK9-KTG64-BC7D8
Office 2007......... TT3M8-H3469-V89G6-8FWK7-D3Q9Q

Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edidition Corporate Edition
Activatable Keys :

win server2003 serials.txt
The proper serial is : DVH7B-VB7YM-CXDPD-D9BQX-J3M76



WINDOWS SERVER 2003 RTM Enterprise




Windows Server 2003 En., Final MSDN RTM

Windows 2003 BUILD 3790 RTM

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10 Best Sites for Social Bookmarking

1. MySpace (
MySpace is a popular social networking site that offers a network between friends, personal profiles, blogs, groups, photos, music and videos for teenagers and adults around the world.

2. Facebook (
Facebook is a social networking website theme (People in the World Search on the internet).
Facebook is a social networking website launched on 4 February 2004 and was founded by Mark Zuckerberg.

3. Windows Live Spaces (
Windows Live Spaces blogging platform is Microsoft.
Windows Live Spaces is a blog site and social networking based on technology that replaces MSN Spaces.

4. Friendster (
Friendster is a social networking website where a user will create a virtual identity, and then fill the data itself and then to an account in Friendster.
In Friendster, we can also see our friend's friend's friend and friend of our friend, than to see our own friends.

5. Hi5 (
Hi5 is one of the sites that provide social networks (social networking).
Hi5 is a social networking site most common in Latin America.

6. Flickr (
Flickr is a popular image sharing, currently used by hundreds of thousands of users and traffic is already very much.
Flickr is a web site for photo sharing sites and online communities.
As a popular website for sharing personal photos, the service used by many bloggers as a storage place for photos.

7. Orkut (
Orkut is a community website from Google.
With Orkut, photo sharing, we can, send a message, testimony, sharing and upload videos, discuss, interact and more.

8. Flixster (
Flickr is one of the popular video sharing site.
You can review-sharing movie reviews, and also gives rating.
Flixster also has a database of information related to the film which is very large.

9. Multiply (
Multiply is a social networking site with features that allow people to share each other-some media, such as photos, videos, and blogs.

10. Netlog (
Netlog is one of the sites that provide social networks (social networking).
Netlog is the social network site that is popular in Europe.

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Tools For Online Mapping

Here are some sites that provide services for Online Mapping:

1. Yahoo Maps (
Yahoo Maps Flash GUI has the look that good in the eyes, Local Maps with directions and information multipoint traffic directly.
You can also enter your phone number and directions will be sent directly to your phone.
Driving directions can be printed on paper so that it more easier for users who travel by car.

2. Google Maps (
Google Maps is a service that offers a powerful mapping technology and user friendly and local business information-including business locations, contact information, and directions.
With Google Maps, you'll enjoy the special features below:
* Business results are integrated
* Map can tow
* Satellite Photo
* Street View
* Details instructions
* Keyboard Shortcuts
Double * Click to activate the zoom function
* Zoom with scroll wheel
3. Google Street View (
Street View into one of the most popular and interesting environment in Online Mapping Tools.This tool provides 360 ° panoramic street-level view, making it possible to see the city in a certain surface.
The camera on a car that was taken from the big cities from different countries, with some even offer a picture of these strange or funny picture of Street View.

4. Live Search Maps (
Live Search Maps is Microsoft's search engine that has a unique feature where you can make a point on the map and allows you to share with other people.
Cities show 3D buildings and objects render resolution with a very high detail.
You can expor your personal data to the navigation tools in any and view the resulting map with the Google or Platial.
Live Search Maps will also have a service that you can take an RSS feed from any location.

5. Ask Maps (
Ask Maps offers, among others, to assist with the direction of the Auto-Drive feature, which displays an animation of the route.
Ask City has two features in two modes - street and aerial view - and the ability to search for local business, or the film and all activities throughout the United States.

6. MapQuest (
MapQuest to create maps and directions quickly on the fly.
The main features including FindIt (find business in a particular region), Maps (location to create a map based on address or longitude / latitude), and Driving Directions (the route from A to B). City guides offer information on the location of shopping, entertainment, and even photos of children lost in an area.

7. WikiMapia (
WikiMapia is an online map resource that combines Google Maps with the wiki system, allowing users to add information (in the form of notes) at any location on earth.
You can mark the location and provide data on the spot in one of 64 languages supported, and add a link to the Wikipedia page.

8. Multimap (
Multimap is one of the site's interactive map.
You can get the train station, Wi-Fi Spot and parking for almost every destination in the cover by Multimap.
Multimap also offers location services anatar restaurants, train and hotel booking services, SMS weather alerts, or the ability to purchase prints of historical photos or air.
One other interesting feature is the overlay of Wikipedia, so you can access articles that have been digeotagging on the map.

9. HousingMaps (
HousingMaps is a virtual Mashup of Google Maps and craigslist.
HousingMaps used as a tool to search for real estate for sale or rent, there are some better options online.

10. Maporama (
Maporama has the ability to select the map size and style, including its layers, such as parks, commercial and industrial areas and even street numbers.
For mapping the distance from A to B, Maporama provides many options, such as: distance off, the fastest, with the foot or by subway.

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Hide Files in Pictures

I'll share a few tips for you to hide your confidential files to an image file.
Make sure that you have installed WinRAR on Your PC.

Step 1:
Collect the files that you want to hide in and compress so one using winrar.
Suppose name filesecret.rar

Step 2:
Prepare an image file (. Jpg).
Suppose name picture.jpg

Step 3:
Put the two files (File picture.jpg and filesecret.rar) in a directory the same.
eg Drive c:

Step 4:
Open command prompt and type:
c: \> copy / b picture.jpg + filesecret.rar result.jpg

Step 5:
After that will create a new file with the name result.jpg.
Try to open your file result.jpg.
Overview of the difference will not have to file picture.jpg property unless you increase the file size in large.
You can still open the file with the Picture Editor or Image Viewer you.
There are no signs that actually have a secret inside.

Step 6:
How do I open the file you confidential?
Right-click on the file choose result.jpg ago [Open With] -> [Choose Program ..]. Choose WinRAR and click [OK].
You will be able to view your confidential files and can extract the files as usual

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Antivirus Download For Handphone

Used for the following Antivirus Handphone Symbian-based or Pocket PC.
Some of them were not only used as an antiviral, but also can be used for firewall and anti spyware. Antivirus below is not all free, because there are some who give fasiltas free trial and if you want full version then we should buy it.

1. NetQin Mobile Antivirus
Type: Freeware

2. F-2.0 Postcard
Type: Freeware

3. AVG beta
Type: Freeware

4. Airscanner Mobile Antivirus v2.0
Type: Freeware

5. 1-2-3 Spyware Free Mobile
Type: Freeware

6. exoVirusStop
Type: Shareware

7. Mobile Security Pack 2
Type: Shareware

8. BullGuard Mobile Antivirus 2.0
Type: Trial

9. Kaspersky Mobile Security
Type: Trial

10. ® ESET Mobile Antivirus
Type: 30-day Trial

11. Avira Mobile
Type: 30-day Trial

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Between Facebook Vs Friendster

Facebook is a social networking website launched on 4 February 2004 and was founded by Mark Zuckerberg, a Harvard graduate and former Ardsley High School students.
Friendster is a social networking website where a user will create a virtual identity, and then fill the data itself with an account in Friendster.
Both sites are on social networking web site which is very famous in the world.
Here I give a little illustration of the advantages and disadvantages of social networking web site Facebook and Friendster, so that you can conclude yourself where superior facilities offered facebook and friendster.

Facebook advantages and weaknesses:
1. Provide facilities to the user to perform registration.
2. Editing on the Facebook is not as easy to do editing on a laptop, the user "forced" to use default view.
3. Facebook has privacy be regarded as good enough to enable the user to set who is allowed to access the information on the profile, and who does not.
4. Chat Facilities.
5. We can build an application and then installed in our profile, we can use the Facebook platform API's.
6. Has a feature Live News Feeds and so that users can see what activities are done by someone new in Facebook.
7. In addition, All people can make such a comment with the other easily.
8. Sign up at the first time, we can select a network of friends based on the country. With this feature we can easily find friends who are in Indonesia.
9. Have  Group facilities where the group has features that best to  online form communities such as discussion, photos, wall, or testimonials, etc.  
10. Facebook has a feature that allows us to offer goods or services to other users. 
11. Facebook can access directly from your mobile phone. With the view that the condition is adapted mobile access easier and faster than accessing the website with the look of the desktop phone.
12. Bandwidth used is not too large, so that in the Surf of Facebook faster than in Friendster.

The advantages and weaknesses Friendster:
1. Provide facilities to the user to perform registration.
2. Editing on the display easier because Friendster has features CSS Friendster spoil the user to create a display profile that is unique.
3. Privacy Friendster has a less good because there are some data that can be displayed, such as your name, city, or address.
4. Does not have any  chat facilities.
5. It looks too many ads.
6. Does not have any features Live News Feeds and Feed.
7 The search facility to search for other members of Friendster, according to the name, address, or even the schools, organizations, companies or affiliates.
8. Friendster comment features are still very poor because they do not respond directly to comments written by others. Furthermore, a comment must be entered prior to the selection shown on the profile.
9. Sometimes it feels heavy when accessed in the Load so requires a long time to open 1 page. This can spend a lot of bandwidth
10. Function Add Comment / Testimonial its simpler. Testimonials can be a comment, congratulatory birthday, or an image that is interesting.
11. We can create a profile as we want. Unlike the facebook where we must follow the wishes of the creator of the application.
View benefits and weakness of the above, that Facebook is superior compared to Friendster, it can also be seen with increasing rank Alexa traffic Rank indonesia Facebook to surpass the current tv ratings

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12 Best Hacker in The World

Hackers are people who learn, analyze, and  can create, modify, or even exploit the system that exists in a device such as computer software and computer hardware such as a computer program, administrative and other matters, particularly about security.
Here's some 12 Hacker at this time:

1. Kevin Mitnick
Kevin is the first hacker who face indicated in the poster "FBI Most Wanted."
Kevin is also a "Master of Deception" and has written a book entitled "The Art of Deception."
This book explains various social engineering techniques to gain access to the system.

2. Linus Torvalds
A hacker-bred, to develop the Linux operating system is a combination of "Linus MINIX".
Operating system Linux operating system has become the "standard" hacker.
Together with Richard Stallman with the GNU-Linux version of its building and early collaboration with the programmer, developper and hackers around the world to develop the Linux kernel.

3. John Draper
The 2600 single-tone whistle Herz use a plastic box is a gift from cereals.
Is a pioneer of 2600 Hz tone and is known as Phone Phreaker (Phreaker, read: frieker)
2600 Hz tone used as a tool to make the phone free.
On development, 2600 Hz tone is no longer made with a plastic whistle, but uses a tool called the "Blue Box".

4. Mark Abene
As one of the "Master of Deception" phiber optics, provides inspiration thousands of young people to learn the internal phone system state. Phiber optical as one of 100 people by wiz New York Magazine.
Using Apple computers, Timex Sinclair and Commodore 64.
Computer is the first Radio Shack TRS-80 (trash-80).

5. Robert Morris
A scientist from the National Computer Security Center, which is part of the National Security Agencies (NSA).
First time writing so that the Internet Worm momental in 1988.
Infected thousands of computers connected in a network.

6. Richard Stallman
One of the "Old School Hacker", working on the MIT Artificial Intelligence lab.
Feeling disturbed by commercial software and copyright and privacy.
Eventually establish GNU (read: guhNew), which stands for GNU is NOT UNIX.
Using the first computer in 1969 at the IBM Center Scintific New York at the age of 16.

7. Kevin Poulsen
Fraudulent conduct of the digital radio station KIIS-FM, to ensure that it is the caller to win the 102 and porsche 944 S2.

8. Ian Murphy
Ian Muphy with 3 colleagues, make hacking into computers and AT & T setting compose its internal hours.
This resulted in the user community get telephone discounts "midnight" at the time of the afternoon, and had to wait until midnight to pay the bills with the high.

9. Vladimir Levin
Graduates St. Tekhnologichesky Petersburg University.
Citibank and deceive computer get profit 10 million dollars.
Interpol arrested at Heathrow Airport in 1995

10. Steve Wozniak
Apple build a computer and use the "blue box" for the sake of their own.

11. Tsutomu Shimomura
Successfully capture impressions Kevin Mitnick.

12. Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thomson
Dennis Ritchie is the author of a C language, with Ken Thomson UNIX operating system to write elegantly.(

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10 Tools and Interest Applications for Facebook

Facebook members who have increased a lot from day to day because Facebook allows users to use applications and even create your own application. Facebook has many tools and Add-ons that can make you feel comfortable when playing with facebook.
Here are 10 Facebook Applications and Tools that may make you feel comfortable playing with facebook and can also facilitate you in managing your facebook.

1. Facebook Toolbar (
Facebook Toolbar has a search box, a notification, an icon that can be used to check the pictures your friends and status.

2. Simple Photo Uploader
Simple Photo Uploader is a desktop application for facebook that can help you to upload images easily.
Simple Photo Uploader also provide the ability to tag photos.

3. FacePad (https: / /
Facepad is a firefox add-ons that enable you to download friend facebook album and events.

4. Advanced Wall (
Rather than post messages through the default option, Advanced Wall can post photos, pictures, graffiti, video, flash, change text size and color, along with many other things using the simple WYSIWYG editor.

5. Facebook Mobile (
Facebook Mobile is an application that is used by many users.
Gives you the ability to upload photos and notes from a camera phone directly to Facebook.

6. ScrapBoy (
ScrapBoy is a desktop application for the facebook application that can be used to do almost everything associated with facebook.
With features such as writing a wall post, view photos or Facebook chat, see the 'wall' a few friends, photo album and chat window at the same time and the other.

7. Graffiti (
Graffiti is a Facebook-based application that can be used for drawing on the walls of your friends.

8. Task Master (
Task Master allows you to manage your tasks on facebook more efficiently.

9. Friends Organizer (
Friends Organizer is a nifty application that can be used to sort your contacts into groups, such as schoolfriends, work friends, friends of social media etc..

10. Last.Fm Music (
Last.Fm Music is a music application for all the people who love music and of course
You can compare your music with friends, listening to their songs, and place of the artist and album photo in your profile

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Wordpress Plugins For AdSense

1. AdSense Manager
Adsense plugin for this function manage the Google Adsense ads on your wordpress.

2. AdRotator Wordpress Plugin
Adsense plugin this function to display program such as google adsense AdSense, Clicksor, Chitika alternately.

3. Adsense Earnings
Adsense plugin this function to display Google Adsense income on your WordPress dashboard.

4. Adsense Deluxe
This plugin offers the option to manage the placement of Google Adsense ads or Yahoo Publisher Network on your wordpress.

5. Adsense Injection
Adsense Injection is a plugin for WordPress that allows you to insert adsense code at random in different places in your blog.

6. Inline Adsense
Plugins that work to show Google AdSense ads in the Post.

7. Shylock Adsense
Plug this work to include Google Adsense ads into the blog without having to modify the template. Excellence Shylock Adsense is the ability to give place where we want to show our adsense code.

8. AdSense Widget
Google Adsense Plugin This work provides a widget for Google Adsense your WordPress blog.

9. Google Ad Wrap
Plugin Google Adsense is working for ad targeting better.

10. AdSense Sharing Revenue and Earnings System
Adsense plugin to view this work in your adsense adsense impression and show your friends and blog co-authors .

11. All in One Adsense and YPN
Plugins that can automatically insert google adsense ads or yahoo publisher network in the post to you quickly.

12. AdSense Integrator
This plugin was developed to insert and manage AdSense ads, based on the latest regulations and Google AdSense update.

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Keyboard key combinations for ASCII Code

American Standard Code for Information Exchange, or ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is an international standard in the code letters and symbols such as Hex ASCII and Unicode, but more universal.ASCII code is always used by computers and other means of communication to show text.
ASCII code actually has a composition of 8-bit binary.
Starting from 00000000 to 11111111.
Total combinations that produced as much as 256, the code starts from 0 to 255 in Decimal system number.
Example: Press and hold ALT key on the keyboard and press the number 1 on the Numpad keyboard, then release ALT key. This combination will produce characters ☺.
Here is an ascii code of which you can use with the combination on the button to your keyboard:
1. alt + 1 = ☺
2. alt + 2 = ☻
3. alt + 3 = ♥
4. alt + 4 = ♦
5. alt + 5 = ♣
6. alt + 6 = ♠
7. alt + 7 = •
8. alt + 8 = ◘
9. alt + 9 = ○
10. alt + 10 = ◙
11. alt + 11 = ♂
12. alt + 12 = ♀
13. alt + 13 = ♪
14. alt + 14 = ♫
15. alt + 15 = ☼
16. alt + 16 = ►
17. alt + 17 = ◄
18. alt + 18 = ↕
19. alt + 19 = ‼
20. alt + 20 = ¶

21. alt + 21 = §
22. alt + 22 = ▬
23. alt + 23 = ↨
24. alt + 24 = ↑
25. alt + 25 = ↓
26. alt + 26 = →
27. alt + 27 = ←
28. alt + 28 = ∟
29. alt + 29 = ↔
30. alt + 30 = ▲
31. alt + 31 = ▼
32. alt + 32 = “space”
33. alt + 33 = !
34. alt + 34 = “
35. alt + 35 = #
36. alt + 36 = $
37. alt + 37 = %
38. alt + 38 = &
39. alt + 39 = ‘
40. alt + 40 = (
41. alt + 41 = )
42. alt + 42 = *
43. alt + 43 = +
44. alt + 44 = ,
45. alt + 45 = -
46. alt + 46 = .
47. alt + 47 = /
48. alt + 48 = 0
49. alt + 49 = 1
50. alt + 50 = 2
51. alt + 51 = 3
52. alt + 52 = 4
53. alt + 53 = 5
54. alt + 54 = 6
55. alt + 55 = 7
56. alt + 56 = 8
57. alt + 57 = 9
58. alt + 58 = :
59. alt + 59 = ;
60. alt + 60 = < 61 =" =" 62 =" ">
63. alt + 63 = ?
64. alt + 64 = @
65. alt + 65 = A
66. alt + 66 = B
67. alt + 67 = C
68. alt + 68 = D
69. alt + 69 = E
70. alt + 70 = F
71. alt + 71 = G
72. alt + 72 = H
73. alt + 73 = I
74. alt + 74 = J
75. alt + 75 = K
76. alt + 76 = L
77. alt + 77 = M
78. alt + 78 = N
79. alt + 79 = O
80. alt + 80 = P
81. alt + 81 = Q
82. alt + 82 = R
83. alt + 83 = S
84. alt + 84 = T
85. alt + 85 = U
86. alt + 86 = V
87. alt + 87 = W
88. alt + 88 = X
89. alt + 89 = Y
90. alt + 90 = Z
91. alt + 91 = [
92. alt + 92 = \
93. alt + 93 = ]
94. alt + 94 = ^
95. alt + 95 = _
96. alt + 96 = `
97. alt + 97 = a
98. alt + 98 = b
99. alt + 99 = c
100. alt + 100 = d
101. alt + 101 = e
102. alt + 102 = f
103. alt + 103 = g
104. alt + 104 = h
105. alt + 105 = i
106. alt + 106 = j
107. alt + 107 = k
108. alt + 108 = l
109. alt + 109 = m
110. alt + 110 = n
111. alt + 111 = o
112. alt + 112 = p
113. alt + 113 = q
114. alt + 114 = r
115. alt + 115 = s
116. alt + 116 = t
117. alt + 117 = u
118. alt + 118 = v
119. alt + 119 = w
120. alt + 120 = x
121. alt + 121 = y
122. alt + 122 = z
123. alt + 123 = {
124. alt + 124 = |
125. alt + 125 = }
126. alt + 126 = ~
127. alt + 127 = ⌂
128. alt + 128 = Ç
129. alt + 129 = ü
130. alt + 130 = é
131. alt + 131 = â
132. alt + 132 = ä
133. alt + 133 = à
134. alt + 134 = å
135. alt + 135 = ç
136. alt + 136 = ê
137. alt + 137 = ë
138. alt + 138 = è
139. alt + 139 = ï
140. alt + 140 = î
141. alt + 141 = ì
142. alt + 142 = Ä
143. alt + 143 = Å
144. alt + 144 = É
145. alt + 145 = æ
146. alt + 146 = Æ
147. alt + 147 = ô
148. alt + 148 = ö
149. alt + 149 = ò
150. alt + 150 = û
151. alt + 151 = ù
152. alt + 152 = ÿ
153. alt + 153 = Ö
154. alt + 154 = Ü
155. alt + 155 = ¢
156. alt + 156 = £
157. alt + 157 = ¥
158. alt + 158 = ₧
159. alt + 159 = ƒ
160. alt + 160 = á
161. alt + 161 = í
162. alt + 162 = ó
163. alt + 163 = ú
164. alt + 164 = ñ
165. alt + 165 = Ñ
166. alt + 166 = ª
167. alt + 167 = º
168. alt + 168 = ¿
169. alt + 169 = ⌐
170. alt + 170 = ¬
171. alt + 171 = ½
172. alt + 172 = ¼
173. alt + 173 = ¡
174. alt + 174 = «
175. alt + 175 = »
176. alt + 176 = ░
177. alt + 177 = ▒
178. alt + 178 = ▓
179. alt + 179 = │
180. alt + 180 = ┤
181. alt + 181 = ╡
182. alt + 182 = ╢
183. alt + 183 = ╖
184. alt + 184 = ╕
185. alt + 185 = ╣
186. alt + 186 = ║
187. alt + 187 = ╗
188. alt + 188 = ╝
189. alt + 189 = ╜
190. alt + 190 = ╛
191. alt + 191 = ┐
192. alt + 192 = └
193. alt + 193 = ┴
194. alt + 194 = ┬
195. alt + 195 = ├
196. alt + 196 = ─
197. alt + 197 = ┼
198. alt + 198 = ╞
199. alt + 199 = ╟
200. alt + 200 = ╚
201. alt + 201 = ╔
202. alt + 202 = ╩
203. alt + 203 = ╦
204. alt + 204 = ╠
205. alt + 205 = ═
206. alt + 206 = ╬
207. alt + 207 = ╧
208. alt + 208 = ╨
209. alt + 209 = ╤
210. alt + 210 = ╥
211. alt + 211 = ╙
212. alt + 212 = ╘
213. alt + 213 = ╒
214. alt + 214 = ╓
215. alt + 215 = ╫
216. alt + 216 = ╪
217. alt + 217 = ┘
218. alt + 218 = ┌
219. alt + 219 = █
220. alt + 220 = ▄
221. alt + 221 = ▌
222. alt + 222 = ▐
223. alt + 223 = ▀
224. alt + 224 = α
225. alt + 225 = ß
226. alt + 226 = Γ
227. alt + 227 = π
228. alt + 228 = Σ
229. alt + 229 = σ
230. alt + 230 = µ
231. alt + 231 = τ
232. alt + 232 = Φ
233. alt + 233 = Θ
234. alt + 234 = Ω
235. alt + 235 = δ
236. alt + 236 = ∞
237. alt + 237 = φ
238. alt + 238 = ε
239. alt + 239 = ∩
240. alt + 240 = ≡
241. alt + 241 = ±
242. alt + 242 = ≥
243. alt + 243 = ≤
244. alt + 244 = ⌠
245. alt + 245 = ⌡
246. alt + 246 = ÷
247. alt + 247 = ≈
248. alt + 248 = °
249. alt + 249 = ∙
250. alt + 250 = ·
251. alt + 251 = √
252. alt + 252 = ⁿ
253. alt + 253 = ²
254. alt + 254 = ■
255. alt + 255 = “space”

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I can not guarantee that the information on my blog is 100% correct