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5 motorcycles with the most expensive in the world

1.Dodge Tomahawk V10 Superbike - Price: 550.000 dollar AS (Rp 6.051.650.000)
2.Ecosse Titanium Series - Price : 250.000 dollar AS (Rp 2.787.500.000) 
3.Macchia Nera Concept Bike - Price: 150.000 euro (Rp 2.357.626.162) 
4.MTT Gas Turbine Superbike - Price: 175.000 dollar AS (110.000 euro; Rp 1.728.925.852) 
5.MV Agusta F4 CC  - Price : 100.000 euro (Rp 1.571.750.775)

We may be surprised to hear stories about the price of large motorcycles similar to the car or reach hundreds of million rupiah. In fact, compared with following a motorcycle, much different. From a variety of online media, there are 5 that these motorcycles in the world. 

Price range, the low (can not be called cheap), from the 139,567 U.S. dollars (Rp 1.57 billion) to a 550,000 U.S. dollar (Rp 6.051 billion). Although fast and forceful, a motorcycle that is not for racing. Because the expensive price, this vehicle is fit as a collection. 

Criteria that must be fulfilled is the motor of these are sold commercially. The amount of production is not restricted, although in reality made limited or exclusive. Other requirements, can be used on public streets or street legal. 

In fact, most of the five most expensive motor this is studied only 10 units and there are also limited to 100 units. Until now, there has been no reports of the number of motor units of these is sold

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Organisasi Resmi Informasi Bounty Hunter said...

nice info, sbaiknya tampilkan gambar bro.. biar makin top infonya


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