Explanation for HTTP Status Code

If you are doing at the time of the request to an HTTP URL address and get error messages or status messages, here are some error messages on the HTTP status and the following explanation that is usually met if you often make a request to the HTTP URL address.
200 - OK
The request was successful.
301 - Moved permanently.
Documents have been moved to this URL.
302 - Found
Documents have been moved to this URL.
303 - See Other
Answers to your request in this URL.
304 - Not Modified
A copy of the cache will be used.
400 - Bad Request
Browser to send the request and the server can not understand.
401 - Authorization
Autorisasi need to enter this URL.
403 - Forbidden
You do not have permission to access this server.
404 - Not Found
Document no.
405 - Method Not Allowed
The requested method GET is not allowed for the URL
408 - Request Time-out
Server timeout.
410 - Gone
The process required no longer available on this server and no forwarding address.
411 - Length Required
Request the requested method GET requires a Content-length requires a valid
412 - Precondition Failed
Precondition on the request to the URL value is evaluated false.
413 - Request Entity Too Large
Process the requested data does not allow the request using the GET method or the amount of data provided in the request exceeds the capacity limit.
414 - Request-URI Too Large
The requested URL length exceeds the capacity limit for this server
415 - Unsupported Media Type
Demand data is not provided in a format that can be received to be processed by this.
500 - Internal Server Error
An internal server error or misconfiguration and can not fulfill your request.
501 - Method Not implemented
GET method to URL is not supported
502 - Bad Gateway
The proxy server does not receive valid response from the Upstream server.
503 - Service temporarily unavailable
The server is temporarily not able to serve your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems.
506 - variant Also Negotiates
This indicates a configuration error.

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