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10 Best Sites for Social Bookmarking

1. MySpace (
MySpace is a popular social networking site that offers a network between friends, personal profiles, blogs, groups, photos, music and videos for teenagers and adults around the world.

2. Facebook (
Facebook is a social networking website theme (People in the World Search on the internet).
Facebook is a social networking website launched on 4 February 2004 and was founded by Mark Zuckerberg.

3. Windows Live Spaces (
Windows Live Spaces blogging platform is Microsoft.
Windows Live Spaces is a blog site and social networking based on technology that replaces MSN Spaces.

4. Friendster (
Friendster is a social networking website where a user will create a virtual identity, and then fill the data itself and then to an account in Friendster.
In Friendster, we can also see our friend's friend's friend and friend of our friend, than to see our own friends.

5. Hi5 (
Hi5 is one of the sites that provide social networks (social networking).
Hi5 is a social networking site most common in Latin America.

6. Flickr (
Flickr is a popular image sharing, currently used by hundreds of thousands of users and traffic is already very much.
Flickr is a web site for photo sharing sites and online communities.
As a popular website for sharing personal photos, the service used by many bloggers as a storage place for photos.

7. Orkut (
Orkut is a community website from Google.
With Orkut, photo sharing, we can, send a message, testimony, sharing and upload videos, discuss, interact and more.

8. Flixster (
Flickr is one of the popular video sharing site.
You can review-sharing movie reviews, and also gives rating.
Flixster also has a database of information related to the film which is very large.

9. Multiply (
Multiply is a social networking site with features that allow people to share each other-some media, such as photos, videos, and blogs.

10. Netlog (
Netlog is one of the sites that provide social networks (social networking).
Netlog is the social network site that is popular in Europe.

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