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Viewing Photos With Facebook Add-ons

Facebook is a social networking web sites (social networking) in the world, for those of you who often toy facebook, here I find an add-ons for mozilla firefox to see pictures of others on the facebook with no large kits must click first . Name add-ons is Boost for Facebook.
Benefits of using add-ons this is we can see the pictures profile people who are not our friend with the large size of the image / images with large sizes can only be seen on the profile page and not all the others except for their friends to see the profile page them.

Following description of add-ons that are described in their website:
* Autopoke and EZPoke options
* Try the new Facebook layout
* View all photos of a user
* Hide / Show all applications
* Auto-Refresh Home
* Rollover image for each view in full size
* Hide all applications and related info
* Ability to load all the album photos on a page
* Hundreds of Skins
Selectable Features - Use only what you want!
* Quick Access icon in the status bar
* Skins for school banners
* Rollover all profile pic thumbnails
* Auto-login and password is stored
* One-click pokes
* 3 Supercharged Album options
* Skin Banner
Download :

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