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Prior to the development of the sociology of language per se, area dialectology had already clearly indicated that dis¬continuous populations (i.e., populations that lived at some distance from each other or that were impeded in their communication with each other by physical or political¬barriers) frequently revealed substantial phonological and morphological differences between their language systems {see, e.g., Herzog 1965 and Kandori 1968 for examples of such work today). Where such differences did not obtain despite the absence of communicational frequency and sociocultural unity, recency of settlement from a single source or other similar unifying factors (conquest, religious conversion, etc.) were assumed and encountered. Indeed, if we view the entire world as a single geographic area we tend to find similar (i.e., genetically related) languages clustered contiguously or closely to each other ("language families" are normally clustered geographically, except for the confound¬ing fact of colonization and distant migration ). Some parts of the world, of course, are famous for their concentration of highly diversified languages found in close proximity to each other. However, then: same areas are also noted for their mountains, jungles, desert, and rivers. i.e. for barriers that have limited travel, commerce, and common endeavor.

More difficult to explain are those variations in language and behavior that are cotteritorial. In such instances sheer physical distance cannot be invoked as either a causal or a maintenance variable for the variations encountered. In such cases cultural and social factors alone must be examined, and they alone must be meaningfully related to the degree and kind of language differences noted. In reviewing coterritorial linguistic diversity throughout history it becomes clear that it can be maintained in an extremely stable manner. Through¬out the world-but particularly throughout the ancient and traditional world-populations have lived side by side for centuries without learning each other's languages and without significantly modifying or giving up their distinctly dis¬continuous repertoires. Except for the relatively few middle¬men that connect them (merchants, translators, etc.) such populations represent distinct speech communities, although they may be citizens of the same country, of the same city, and, indeed, of the same neighborhood. However, the mainte¬nance of such well-nigh complete linguistic and sociocultural cleavage-equal in degree and kind to that encountered between territorially discontinuous populations-is usually indicative of population relocation some time in the past that has subsequently been buttressed and maintained by socio-cultural (including ethnic religious) differences. The former differences are responsible for the origin of the differences noted by Blanc (1964) between the Moslem Arabic, Christian Arabic, and Jewish Arabic of Baghdad. The latter differences are responsible for the maintenance of these cleavages in as sharp a manner, or nearly so as initially established.

While it may often be relatively difficult to overcome the cleavage between separate but coterritorial speech communities, it is not impossible to do so. The forced conversion of various Jewish and Christian communities during certain periods of Islamic rule, the urban-industrial assimilation of hitherto rural or small town immigrants and their children in the United States (Nahirny and Fishman 1965. Fishman 1965a. 1965e. 1966c), the very similar assimilation of tribal populations moving to Wolof-speaking Dakar (Tabouret-Kelley 1968), the Helienization and Roman¬ization of many "barbarian" elites in ancient Rome and Alexandria, the convergence between illiterate speakers of Marathi and Kannada in India (Gumperz 1967) -these are all examples of the fusing into one of populations that originally functioned as largely separate though coterritorial speech communities. Conversely, the mutual alienation of popula-tions that originally considered themselves to be united can create fargoing linguistic differences between them where none, or few, existed previously. In general, the more fargoing the linguistic differences between any two co¬territorial populations (i.e., the more the differences are basically grammatical-syntactic and morphological-rather than primarily phonological or lexical), the more their linguistic repertoires are compartmentalized from each other so as to reveal littlee if any interference, and the more they reveal functionally different verbal repertoires in terms of the sociolinguistic parameters reviewed in Section 4, above-then the greater the interactional and sociocultural gap between the speech communities involved.

Geertz's data might well be examined in the light of the above generalization concerning the social significance of marked grammatical discontinuity between the repertoires of coterritorial speech communities. In Geertz's case we are dealing with coterritorial speech networks that differ greatly in verbal repertoires, but that cannot be considered to be either of separate geographic origin or of separate cultural or religious self-definition. Here we find three different social classes or strata within Java, each differing in repertoire range and each lacking entirely one or more speech varieties available to at least one of the others. While the intranetwork variation shown by Geertz is probably less than that which actually exists (thus, we may assume that metaphorical switching also occurs in Java, and if it does, level 2, for example, may be employed on occasions which are normatively viewed and regulated as being more appropriate for level l b or I a), let us consider this to be merely an artifact of the data model that Geertz employs and ask ourselves (a) what kind(s) of variations does it reveal. and (b) what kinds 1 of repertoire differences does it reveal.
Geertz's data clearly indicate that social-class differences exit (or existed at the time his field work was done) in Javanese verbal behavior. In addition, however, the data also indicate that contextual-situational variation also exists in `Javanese verbal behavior. They very fact that both of these types of variation regularly co-occur is an indication that
although stratificational differences involved are rigid and deep nevertheless the strata constitute a single integrated speech community with shared normative expectations and regulations vis-a-vis intrastrata and interstrata communication

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Lirik Lagu Seconhand Serenade - Fall For You Lyric

The best thing about tonight’s that we’re not fighting

Could it be that we have been this way before
I know you don’t think that I am trying
I know you’re wearing thin down to the core

But hold your breath

Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don’t make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it’s true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You’re impossible to find
This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I’d never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed
But I have loved you from the start
But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don’t make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it’s true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It’s impossible
So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in
I’m yours to keep
And hold onto your words
Cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight
When your asleep
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don’t make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it’s true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don’t make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it’s true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You’re impossible to find

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About Contracting civil engineer: Job description and activities

Job description
Contracting civil engineers aim to turn the plans of consulting civil engineers (designers) into reality. They oversee the actual construction on the ground and work in conjunction with consulting engineers. All civil engineers need a good understanding of design and construction processes as well as of health and safety issues.
Once plans have been drawn up and approved by the client, an engineering contractor uses their professional expertise to organise human and material resources on site, and ensure the project runs to time and budget and is safe to work on. Occasionally, contractors will put together a design and build a team themselves. This blurs some of the boundaries between the services they offer and those traditionally provided by consultants.

Typical work activities
The work involves turning the designer's plans into reality by actually building them. Contracting engineers ensure that all aspects of the construction project under their responsibility - from ground works and foundations to final finishes - are completed within cost and time constraints and to client specification.
Typical activities are likely to include:
• liaising and working jointly with the design team (consulting engineers) to implement refinements;
• negotiating modifications with architects and consulting engineers;
• dealing skilfully with a diverse range of people including clients, architects, other engineering professionals, sub-contractors and members of the public;
• taking responsibility for health and safety on site;
• making judgements and solving problems;
• supervising construction;
• dealing with the logistics of supplies;
• scheduling work;
• providing appropriate plans for construction;
• monitoring the provision of materials;
• liaising with and directing the work of sub-contractors employed on the project;
• ensuring quality of workmanship.
However, turning designer’s plans into construction reality is never straightforward and other activities are likely to include:
• finding solutions to overcome unforeseen construction difficulties;
• scheduling and adjusting each stage of the project to meet time and budget targets;
• dealing with complaints from local people experiencing disruption due to building works.

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About Consulting civil engineer: Job description and activities

Job description
Civil engineers are involved with the design, development and construction of a huge range of projects in the built and natural environment. Their role is central to ensuring the safe, timely and well-resourced completion of projects in many areas, including highway construction, waste management, coastal development and geotechnical engineering.
Consulting civil engineers liaise with clients to plan, manage, design and supervise the construction of projects. They work in a number of different settings and, with experience, can run projects as a project manager. Civil engineering offers many opportunities as well as the satisfaction of helping to improve and enhance public quality of life in many settings.

Typical work activities
Within civil engineering, consulting engineers are the designers whereas contracting engineers turn their plans into reality. Consulting civil engineers provide a wide range of services to clients. During the early stages of a career, work will involve taking responsibility for minor projects, but the size of the projects may increase as experience is gained. Typical work activities include:
• undertaking technical and feasibility studies and site investigations;
• developing detailed designs;
• assessing the potential risks of specific projects, as well as undertaking risk management in specialist roles;
• supervising tendering procedures and putting together proposals;
• managing, supervising and visiting contractors on site and advising on civil engineering issues;
• overseeing the work of junior staff or mentoring civil engineers throughout the chartership process;
• communicating and liaising effectively with colleagues and architects, subcontractors, contracting civil engineers, consultants, co-workers and clients;
• thinking both creatively and logically to resolve design and development problems;
• managing budgets and other project resources;
• managing change, as the client may change his or her mind about the design, and identifying, formalising and notifying relevant parties of changes in the project;

• leading teams of other engineers, perhaps from other organisations or firms;
• compiling, checking and approving reports;
• reviewing and approving project drawings;
• using a range of design computer packages for designing projects and undertaking complex and repetitive calculations;
• scheduling material and equipment purchases and delivery;
• attending public meetings to discuss projects, especially in a senior role;
• adopting all relevant requirements around issues such as building permits, environmental regulations, sanitary design, good manufacturing practices and safety on all work assignments;
• ensuring that a project runs smoothly and that the structure is completed on time and within budget;
• correcting any project deficiencies that affect production, quality and safety requirements prior to final evaluation and project reviews.

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Engineering is a term applied to the profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences, gained by study, experience, and practice, is applied to the efficient use of the materials and forces of nature. Engineers are the ones who have received professional training in pure and applied science.Before the middle of the 18th century, large-scale construction work was usually placed in the hands of military engineers. Military engineering involved such work as the preparation of topographical maps, the location, design, and construction of roads and bridges; and the building of forts and docks; see Military Engineering below. In the 18th century, however, the term civil engineering came into use to describe engineering work that was performed by civilians for nonmilitary purposes.

Civil engineering is the broadest of the engineering fields. Civil engineering focuses on the infrastructure of the world which include Water works, Sewers, Dams, Power Plants, Transmission Towers/Lines, Railroads, Highways, Bridges, Tunnels, Irrigation Canals, River Navigation, Shipping Canals, Traffic Control, Mass Transit, Airport Runways, Terminals, Industrial Plant Buildings, Skyscrapers, etc. Among the important subdivisions of the field are construction engineering, irrigation engineering, transportation engineering, soils and foundation engineering, geodetic engineering, hydraulic engineering, and coastal and ocean engineering.

Civil engineers build the world’s infrastructure. In doing so, they quietly shape the history of nations around the world. Most people can not imagine life without the many contributions of civil engineers to the public’s health, safety and standard of living. Only by exploring civil engineering’s influence in shaping the world we know today, can we creatively envision the progress of our tomorrows.

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Contains in Cigarette

• Nicotine: addictive tolerance, intelligence weakens the brain, stimulates the production of adrenaline, causing blood freezes faster
• Carbon monoxide: the blood vessel lining damage, arteroskelorosis, reducing the intake of oxygen
• Tar: material for asphalting roads
• Acetone: nail polish laxative
• DDT, Arsenic, Naphthalene: insecticide
• Cadmium: found in batteries
• Formaldehyde: preservative body
• Hydrogen cyanide: deadly gas
• Polonium: a radioactive material
• Vinyl chloride: a plastic-making chemicals
• Benzopyrene: causes gene mutation ,the appearance of tumors & incentives
• Methanol: rocket fuel
• Butane: flammable materials

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The Show – Lenka Lyric

I’m just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze and love is a riddle
I don’t know where to go, can’t do it alone
I’ve tried and I don’t know why
Slow it down, make it stop or else my heart is going to pop
’Cause it’s too much, yeah it’s a lot to be something I’m not
I’m a fool out of love ’cause I just can’t get enough
I’m just a little bit caught in the middle

Life is a maze and love is a riddle
I don’t know where to go, can’t do it alone
I’ve tried and I don’t know why
I’m just a little girl lost in the moment
I’m so scared but I don’t show it
I can’t figure it out, it’s bringing me down
I know I’ve got to let it go and just enjoy the show

The sun is hot in the sky just like a giant spotlight
The people follow the signs and synchronize in time
It’s a joke nobody knows, they’ve got a ticket to the show
Yeah, I’m just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze and love is a riddle
I don’t know where to go, can’t do it alone
I’ve tried and I don’t know why
I’m just a little girl lost in the moment
I’m so scared but I don’t show it
I can’t figure it out, it’s bringing me down

I know I’ve got to let it go and just enjoy the show
Just enjoy the show
I’m just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze and love is a riddle
I don’t know where to go, can’t do it alone
I’ve tried and I don’t know why
I’m just a little girl lost in the moment
I’m so scared but I don’t show it
I can’t figure it out, it’s bringing me down

I know I’ve got to let it go and just enjoy the show
Just enjoy the show, just enjoy the show
I want my money back, I want my money back
I want my money back, just enjoy the show
I want my money back, I want my money back
I want my money back, just enjoy the show

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Tambah fitur di Ponsel Mirip BlackBerry

Sudah banyak bermunculan HP local dengan desain ala BlackBerry, tidak hanya chatting dan Facebook saja, ada yang menambah jajaran seri terbarunya dengan fitur menarik seperti TV analog dan trackball dan ada yang benar-benar menambahnya dengan koneksi EDGE hingga wifi. Selain fitur standar yang sudah ada seperti dual sim card, shake control, gravity sensor hingga converter, alarm, organizer, ebook reader, etc.

Nah Pertanyaannya sekarang, bagaimana menambah fitur HP mirip BlackBerry tersebut. Cara install aplikasi ke ponsel mirip blackberry ini tidak jauh berbeda dengan ponsel Java lain pada umumnya, hanya saja ada beberapa tampilan dan cara yang memang lebih mirip BlackBerry.

Langkah-langkah instalasinya sebagai berikut :
1. Download file aplikasi dan games yang akan diintall kedalam ponsel, bisa didownload langsung melalui ponsel or melalui computer. Jika melalui computer, anda harus mengirimkan file java (*.Jad dan *.jar) ke ponsel menggunakan Bluetooth atau kabel data
2. Koneksi dengan kabel data ketika USB terhubung pilih mass storage, then kirim file layaknya Flash disk ke dalam ponsel, kemudian cari file Java yang akan diinstal menggunakan File Manager dalam ponsel.
3. Pada File berformat .Jad atau .Jar pilih>option>kemudian install. Ketika ada informasi penginstalan pilih “Yes”. Pilih memory penyimpanan untuk menginstal dan lanjutkan proses instalasi.
4. Setelah proses instalasi selesai, jalankan menu, pilih folder applications, games atau pada beberapa ponsel langsung tersimpan di folder Java. APlikasi dan games yang baru diinstal sudah ada didalamnya. Jalankan dan nikmati fitur tambahan baru dalam ponsel anda.

Untuk proses uninstall aplikasi, langkah-langkahnya sbb:
1. Tidak semua aplikasi Java bisa kompatibel dengan ponsel, disarankan untuk memlih aplikasi atau games Java yang mensupport layar horizontal berukuran 2-2,4 inchi.
2. Jika tidak terinstal dengan baik atau ingin membuangnya dari ponsel cukup masuk ke menu aplikasi . Selanjutnya pilih aplikasi yang ingin dibuang atau diinstall. Kemudian pilih options>delete
3. Then proses uninstall akan langsung berjalan dan menghapus aplikasi tersebut dari ponsel
4. Untuk aplikasi standar yang sudah tertanam dalam ponsel tidak dapat di uninstall, proses uninstall hanya dapat dilakukan untuk aplikasi atau games yang ditambahkan saja
(artikel diambil dari majalah Phone3)

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"Development Journalism"

The term “development journalism” is used to refer to two different types of journalism. The first is a new school of journalism which began to appear in the 1960s. The idea behind this type of development journalism is similar to investigative reporting, but it focuses on conditions in developing nations and ways to improve them. The other type of development journalism involves heavy influence from the government of the nation involved. While this type of development journalism can be a powerful tool for local education and empowerment, it can also be a means of suppressing information and restricting journalists.

The first type of development journalism attempts to document the conditions within a country so that the larger world can understand them. Journalists are encouraged to travel to remote areas, interact with the citizens of the country, and report back. This type of development journalism also looks at proposed government projects to improve conditions in the country, and analyzes whether or not they will be effective. Ultimately, the journalist may come up with proposed solutions and actions in the piece, suggesting ways in which they might be implemented. Often, this type of development journalism encourages a cooperative effort between citizens of the nation and the outside world.

The second type of development journalism can walk a thin line. On the one hand, government participation in mass media can help get important information spread throughout the nation. Governments can help to educate their citizens and enlist cooperation on major development projects. However, a government can also use the idea of “development” to restrict freedom of speech for journalists. Journalists are told not to report on certain issues because it will impact the “development” of the nation in question, and therefore citizens are not actually being given access to the whole picture.

As a tool for social justice, development journalism can be very valuable. By speaking for those who cannot, a development journalist can inform the rest of the world about important issues within developing nations. Looking at the strengths and weaknesses of a country may also help identify ways in which the nation can be helped. This style of development journalism is a tool for empowerment.

When development journalism is used as a propaganda tool, however, it can become very dangerous. Many citizens are taught that the news is a reliable and useful source of information. For example, within a developing nation which has a corrupt government, journalistic exposes of the government are extremely important for reform. If journalists are not allowed to write about what is actually going on, the citizens are not well served. Several international press organizations release reviews every year which look at the freedom of press in individual nations in an attempt to bring freedom of the press to all countries for this very reason.

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Cara Kerja Komputer

Cara kerja komputer dapat kita gambarkan sebagai berikut
1. Input Device, adalah perangkat-perangkat keras komputer yang berfungsi untuk memasukkan data ke dalam memori komputer, seperti keyboard, mouse, joystick dan lain-lain.

2. Prosesor, adalah perangkat utama komputer yang mengelola seluruh aktifitas komputer itu sendiri. Prosesor terdiri dari dua bagian utama, yaitu ;
• Control Unit (CU), merupakan komponen utama prosesor yang mengontrol semua perangkat yang terpasang pada komputer, mulai dari input device sampai output device.
• Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), merupakan bagian dari prosesor yang khusus mengolah data aritmatika (menambah, mengurang dll) serta data logika (perbandingan).

3. Memori adalah media penyimpan data pada komputer.
Memori terbagi atas dua macam, yaitu ;
• Read Only Memory (ROM), yaitu memori yang hanya bisa dibaca saja, tidak dapat dirubah dan dihapus dan sudah diisi oleh pabrik pembuat komputer. Isi ROM diperlukan pada saat komputer dihidupkan. Perintah yang ada pada ROM sebagian akan dipindahkan ke RAM. Perintah yang ada di ROM antara lain adalah perintah untuk membaca sistem operasi dari disk, perintah untuk mencek semua peralatan yang ada di unit sistem dan perintah untuk menampilkan pesan di layar. Isi ROM tidak akan hilang meskipun tidak ada aliran listrik. Tapi pada saat sekarang ini ROM telah mengalami perkembangan dan banyak macamnya, diantaranya :

•PROM (Programable ROM), yaitu ROM yang bisa kita program kembali dengan catatan hanya boleh satu kali perubahan setelah itu tidak dapat lagi diprogram.
•RPROM (Re-Programable ROM), merupakan perkembangan dari versi PROM dimana kita dapat melakukan perubahan berulangkali sesuai dengan yang diinginkan.
•EPROM (Erasable Program ROM), merupakan ROM yangdapat kita hapus dan program kembali, tapi cara penghapusannya dengan menggunakan sinar ultraviolet.
•EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Program ROM), perkembangan mutakhir dari ROM dimana kita dapat mengubahdan menghapus program ROM dengan menggunakan teknikelektrik. EEPROM ini merupakan jenis yang paling banyak digunakan saat ini.

• Random Access Memori (RAM), dari namanya kita dapat artikan bahwa RAM adalah memori yang dapat diakses secara random. RAM berfungsi untuk menyimpan program yang kita olah untuk sementara waktu (power on) jika komputer kita matikan, maka seluruh data yang tersimpan dalam RAM akan hilang. Tujuan dari RAM ini adalah mempercepat pemroses data pada komputer. Agar data yang kita buat tidak dapat hilang pada saat komputer dimatikan, maka diperlukan media penyimpanan eksternal, seperti Disket, Harddisk, flash disk, PCMCIA card dan lain-lain.

4. Output Device, adalah perangkat komputer yang berguna untuk menghasilkan keluaran, apakah itu ke kertas (hardcopy), ke layar monitor (softcopy) atau keluaran berupa suara. Contohnya printer, speaker, plotter, monitor dan banyak yang lainnya. Dari penjelasan diatas dapat kita simpulkan bahwa prinsip kerja komputer tersebut diawali memasukkan data dari perangkat input, lalu data tersebut diolah sedemikian rupa oleh CPU sesuai yang kita inginkan dan data yang telah diolah tadi disimpan dalam memori komputer atau disk. Data yang disimpan dapat kita lihat hasilnya melalui perangkat keluaran.

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Service Quality Model and The PrimaryFocus of The Model

1. Quality gap analysis 
a diagnostic management tool which facilities the identifications of several salient quality gaps. Useful in attempts to improve the quality of the offering

2. Organizational service quality improvement
The model provides a framework for launching an overall quality improvement programme. It highlights the steps involved in an organizational quality drive and pertinent factors at each stage.

3. Service quality trade-offs
The model facilitates the identification of quality trade offs using three salient services atributes. These are :
a) degree of customization
b) degree of labour intensity
c)  the degree of contact and interaction

4. Service Journey and customer processing
These two models focus primarly on operational issues. They depict the stages of a service journey. Moreover, they attempt to show the impact of the experience at each stage on the formation of expectation and perception of quality. They are useful in highlighting the operational areas of a service organozation that influence the quality issues.

5. Behavioural
This model stresses the importance of behaviour of the delivery personnel on the perceived quality. the vital quality factor according to this model is the balance between the customer's and staff expectations. 
The model also stresses the importance of the delivery system.

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Characteristics of Service

Characteristics of Service:
1. Intangible: Service is an abstraction, can never be touched or felt touched but can only be felt by the customer, can not be heard, can not be felt, can not be seen.

2. Heterogenic: Service can not be standardized, meaning that the service provided by a company that one will be different with other companies. (Unique)

3. Inseerable: Service can not stand alone but is attached to the perpetrator's own service, but that service is always associated with other actions.

4. Perishable: Due to the intangible nature of services will be easily lost if not done in real.

5. Fluctuating according to demand: The desire and need for service Custumer will continue to change, so the company should be able to anticipate customer satisfaction.

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Several Types Of Commercial Aircrafts

 Operated by two cockpit crew.
 Cruising speed 843 km/hour.
 Seat capacity 65 to 85 passengers.
 Operated by two cockpit crew.
 Cruising speed 845 km/ hour.
 Seat capacity 107 to 122 passengers.
 Operated by two Cockpit Crew.
 Cruising speed 880 km/ hour.
 Seat capacity 256 to 293 passengers.
 Operated by three cockpit Crew.
 Cruising speed 996 km/hour.
 Seat Capacity 470 Passengers.
 Operated by two Cockpit Crew.
 Cruising speed 854 km/hour.
 Seat capacity 245 passengers.
 Operated by two cockpit crew.
 Cruising speed 893 km/hour
 Seat capacity between 400 to 550 passengers, depended on seating configuration.
 Operated by two cockpit crew.
 Cruising speed 893 km/ hour.
 Seat capacity 365 passengers.
 Operated by three cockpit crew.
 Cruising speed 960 km/ hour.
 Seat capacity 330 passengers.
 Operated by two cockpit crew.
 Cruising speed 903 km/ hour.
 Seat capacity between 80 to 115 passengers
 Operated by three cockpit crew.
 Cruising speed 982 km/hour.
 Seat capacity 380 passengers.
 Operated by two cockpit crew.
 Cruising speed 925 km/ hour.
 Seat capacity 410 passengers.

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Sample of curriculum vitae (CV)

Jindar Ahmad
Jl. Menak Jingga No. 999
Solo 94511
Hp : 08997654321
E – mail address : JINDAR@YAHOO.COM

Date /Place of birth :
Sex :
Height /Weight :
Health :
Nationality :


Year : Degree, Name of university, Faculty
Year : Name of previous Education, Level


Year : Type of course ,College etc.


English : Second language etc.


Year : Company Name, Position etc.

Leisure and Interest : Hobby ,Skills etc.

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John Denver - Leaving on a Jet Plane

All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go
I’m standing here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye
But the dawn is break in it’s early morn
The taxi’s waiting blowing his horn
Already I’m so lonesome I could die

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you wait for me
Hold me like you never let me go
Cause I’m leaving on a jet plane
Don’t know when I’ll be back again
Oh babe I hate to go

Now the time has come to leave you
One more time let me kiss you
Close your eyes, I’ll be on my way
Dream about the days to come

And I won’t have to live alone
I tell you now they don’t mean a thing
Every place I go I’ll think of you
Every song I sing I’ll sing for you
When I come back I’ll bring you wedding ring

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Convert files online

Sites that provide such services are:

Online file conversion service supports file formats such as a very complete:
1. Archives format (7z bz2 bza lha GZ CAB RAR LZH TAR TGZ ZIP YZ1)
4. Sound format (MP3 WAV OGG WMA AAC MP4 3GP)

Very easy to use, you can click on browse to find the file you want in the process, continue to select the type of conversion you want the site automatically will make the conversion process. Conversion results can be directly downloaded at the URL link that will appear if the conversion process is complete. This service also provides the facility to convert the file from a URL

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We Name It Bloody Friday

A day on the job , for the flight attendant could mean a trip to Paris or an emergency landing . It can be fun, adventurous, or both. Being thousand miles and days away from your home is the way you earn income . The more multi- day- flight you do the more money you get . Nothing beats hanging out in Honolulu for five days with a company- paid hotel room and expense money.

The working system you practice does not necessarily mean flight all the time .It could be “stand by “ , “ reserve “ and “ active “ or “ extra crew “ . Stand by is the duty when you are responsible for a schedule revision .You do this task at your place on certain duration. Reserve means to stand by at the airport, the task is to back up the uncompleted set of the available in the room . active crew scheduled to execute the flight. Extra crew is the crew on board as passenger, the task of which is to continue the rotation of the flight.

What flight do we call the bloody Friday ? This is the story.

The airlines have domestic and international networks. It flies to many destination all over the world. The crews have monthly schedule, which will take day and a multi day trip. Three days flight to Australia is the schedule that most of the crew do not seem to like. The rotation is Jakarta - Denpasar - Melbourne.

Sydney, departing from Jakarta on Friday evening with final destination Sydney.

There are two transitory stop in between Denpasar and Melbourne. The flight is always full .you can find any free seat. Normally it reaches Denpasar almost midnight hour, and has about one- hour ground stop to load and unload passengers and cargo.

After the transitory stop, The flight is continued to the next destination ,Melbourne the flight will go for the final destination ,Sydney, arriving on the next day morning.
After an eight-hour flight ,a three-hour ground stop within three landings ,the crew get off in Sydney and stay there for one night.

The common habit of the crew is shopping anywhere they stay . They always hunt shopping area. Saturday is not the right time to shop around in Sydney . Most of the department stores are generally closed on weekend. The only thing the crew can do is to go out for eating, hanging around in the city or perhaps staying in hotel room the whole day .

After laying over in Sydney ,the crew must go back to work, home bound the same routes as they flew the out bound , departing from Kingsford smith, the airport of Sydney in the morning, arriving in Jakarta after dark same day . It’s a restless flight , I guess that’s why we call it bloody Friday.

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Discussion About ”Heart Disease “

Diseases can affect any part of the heart. However, the most common disease is a chronic disease in the coronary arteries is called atherosclerosis. Therefore, heart disease commonly known and most common is coronary heart disease or coronary arteria disease. This disease most often causes a heart attack in someone who can cause death. the cause is narrowing of the coronary arteries, where the vessel serves to provide blood to the heart muscle. constriction caused by a pile of cholesterol or other proteins derived from food intake in the body. This buildup causes the coronary blood vessels become stiff. This rigidity is arterosklerosis.

Atherosclerosis occurs if there is buildup of plaque or fatty deposits in artery walls. over time, plaque can accumulate, harden, and narrow the arteries, and inhibits blood flow in the heart. blockage in one or more coronary arteries can cause a heart attack suddenly. cause for cardiac requested exceeds the available oxygen. thus triggering
a heart attack. why?
when the heart muscle does not receive oxygen for a long time, can damage surrounding tissue. Unlike other networks, did not have the heart muscle regeneration. the longer the attack, the more damage to the heart and the more likely it died.
Even in arteries that are not too narrow because of plaque and fatty deposits, deposits of plaque can rupture and form a crust of blood or thrombus. in addition, the diseased arteries also tend to experience sudden muscle contractions. so, a piece of crust of blood can form a contraction, releasing chemicals, which then resulted in narrowing the artery wall, triggering a heart attack.

If the work system of the heart is damaged, the normal rhythm of the heart can become chaotic. and the heart began to tremble with uncertainty, or experiencing fibrillation. This abnormal rhythm known as arrhythmia, that is a deviation from normal heart rhythm. this will cause the heart to lose the ability to effectively pump blood to the brain.

“symptoms of heart disease”

1. Pain
As long as we do activities, will feel the pain in some parts of the body. Tersuplai muscles that do not fit the needs of blood, oxygen and metabolic processes makes excessive cramps. Chest pain, shortness, because the heart muscle not getting enough blood intake. Pain that is felt would happen almost every day.
2. Shortness of Breath
The entry of fluid into the cavity of the lungs that interfere with air flow in the lungs. The patient will experience shortness of breath. The patient felt shortness of breath when doing activities, if the patient was short of breath at rest (rest) means the category of advanced heart disease. Shortness of breath is often experienced in lying position. Because of accumulated fluid in the lungs flows into the heart.
3. Fatigue or tiredness
A weakened heart muscle causes the blood pumping process is not perfect. Patients often feel weak and tired despite not doing any activities. To avoid weakening of heart function, we should exercise regularly and do a lot of movements that will trigger a more active work of the heart.
4. Palpitations (Palpitation)
Palpitations signs of heart disease is the same type of racing with other symptoms when a person is tired, shortness of breath and pain in the body. Not heart flutters when watching movies or fear.
5. Dizziness and Fainting
Blood pumping so abnormal net revenue to be disrupted blood, a person may feel dizzy from lack of blood. Heart rate that resulted in weakening the patient unconscious. The pain is continuous pain in the spine, and brain disorders that make blood supply abnormalnya dizziness and fainting.
If you find any similar symptoms, had better get to the doctor. Knowing early will help you overcome your health problems later on.
Hopefully Helpful!

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Lirik Lagu Tell me where it hurts - M.y.m.p.

Why is that sad look in your eyes
Why are u crying
Tel me now, tell me now
Tel me why your feeling this way
I hate to see you so down oh baby
*is it your heart
Oh breaking all in pieces
Making u cry
Making u feel blue
Is there anything that i can do
Why don’t u tell me where it hurts now baby
And i’ll do my best to make it better
Yes i’ll do my best to make the tears all go away
Just tell me where it hurts now tell me
And i love u with a love so tender
And if you’ll let me stay
Il take all of the hurt away
Where are all those tears coming from
Why are they falling?
Did somebody, somebody, somebody leave your heart in
D cold
U just need somebody to hold so baby
Give me a chance
To put back all the pieces
Take hold of your heart
Make it just like new
There’s so many things that i can do
Repeat chorus
Repeat * and chorus
Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me baby
Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me
And i’ll do my best to make it better
Yes i’ll do my best to make the tears all go away
Just tell me where it hurts now tell me
And i love u with a love so tender
Oh and if u let me stay
Il take all of the hurt away…

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Cara Update Firmware Nokia N97

Ada dua cara untuk mengupdate Firmware nokia N97. Cara mudah dan sedikit rumit, kami akan menunjukkan cara yang mudah terlebih dahulu. Nokia N97 mendukung user data preservation, sehingga kontak, data aplikasi dan lainnya dibiarkan utuh begitu saja tanpa harus diotak-atik. Tapi ada baiknya anda tetap melakukan backup untuk mengantisipasi  hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan.

Cara mudah, ketik *#0000# dilayar utama N97. Layar update seharusnya nongol. Masuk ke Option.check for updates. dan berdoalah agar update ditemukan. pada saat uji coba yang dilakukan majalah phone3, kami mendapatkan error "No Updates Found". jika anda mengalami hal ini silahkan lanjutkan ke "cara sulit". Tapi jika beruntung, anda tinggal mengikuti intruksi dilayar. cara ini hanya memerlukan waktu beberapa menit saja.

Adapun cara yang sedikit rumit adalah sbb :
Hubungkan Nokia N97 ke komputer dengan modus PC suite, jalankan PC suite dan buka software updater. Pastikan baterry ponsel aman untuk melakukan proses update. paling tidak baterai hampir penuh.
perlu diketahui, komputer akan melakukan download file yang besarnya kira-kira 143 MB. pastikan pula , Nokia N97 tetap tersambung dengan komputer. Ikuti intruksi dilayar. Pada salah satu tahapan, layar ponsel anda akan mati atau berkedip beberapa kali. tapi jangan khawatir , itu bagian dari proses update.

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Spesifikasi&Review for Tocall T550

Specification :
Network : dual on quad band GSM (850/900/1800/1900MHz)
Size : 109mm x 61mm x 13.5mm
Screen : 2,2 Inci TFT 262.144 Colour
Ringtone : Polyphonic, MP3, midi
Messaging : SMS, MMS, Email
Data transfer ; GPRS, MMS, Email
Memory 1GB
Processor : MTK 6225
OS : Proprietary
Platform Support :JAVA
Camera : 1,3 Megapixel, Max resolution :1280 x 960 pixel
Other features : Polifonik (MP3), Audio/video player, platform software MTK 6225, java, radio FM, facebook application, yahoo search, google search, twitter, MSN, E-buddy, opera mini, Trackball Navigation, Gravity sensor, calculator, calendar, alarm, Clock, Converter, Flash light, E-book reader, Speker Phone, game
Battery : Li-ion 1500 mAh
Review :
Keterangan ini saya ambil dari majalah Phone3 Edisi 8-21 Oktober 2009, kali ini kita akan bahas mengenai HP qwerty Tocall T550, pertama kali melihat ponsel ini, yang pertama terlintas dalam benak adalah smartphone dari HTC Snap yang juga menyerupai BlackBerry, dengan kombinasi warna silver dibawah layar dan sekeliling bagian muka ditambah paduan warna hitam pada bulatan keypad dan tombol qwerty membuat ponsel ini terlihat kokoh dan berbeda jika dibandingkan dengan ponsel sejenis. Tepat dibawah layar horizontal 262 ribu warna berukuran 2,2 inci tersedia tombol navigasi berupa trackball yang jarang dimiliki oleh ponsel lokal berdesain sejenis. Meskipun belum sempurna trackball ini cukup memudahkan pengguna untuk mengakses semua menu dalam ponsel. Tersedia juga dua tombol call yang menunjukkan bahwa ponsel ini mendukung dual simcard GSM didalamnya. Keypard Qwerty Tocall berukuran besar dan nyaman ketika digunakan, satu tombol mewakili dua fungsi dan untuk mengetik hurup besar dan symbol disediakan tombol khusus tanpa harus mencarinya didalam menu ponsel.

Fitur To call T550
Tocall sepertinya mengutamakan para penikmat internet mobile dengan menyediakan semua shortcut seperti google, msn, opera, ebuddy, twitter, facebook, yahoo melalui koneksi GPRS yang sangat memudahkan pengguna dengan tampilan menu gaya Blackberry. Tocal T550 telah dilengkapi MP3 player dengan kualitas suara jernih dan 3D surround, disediakan juga radio FM, meskipun harus selalu terhubung ke headset. Dan yang menjadi unggulan lain adalah kamera 1,3 megapixel dengan lampu flash dan beragam fitur untuk mempercantik foto.
Harga saat tulisan ini diturunkan 1,2jutaan

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What is colostrum? How does it benefit my baby?

Your breasts produce colostrum beginning during pregnancy and continuing through the early days of breastfeeding. This special milk is yellow to orange in color and thick and sticky. It is low in fat, and high in carbohydrates, protein, and antibodies to help keep your baby healthy. Colostrum is extremely easy to digest, and is therefore the perfect first food for your baby. It is low in volume (measurable in teaspoons rather than ounces), but high in concentrated nutrition for the newborn. Colostrum has a laxative effect on the baby, helping him pass his early stools, which aids in the excretion of excess bilirubin and helps prevent jaundice.

When your baby is breastfed early and often, your breasts will begin producing mature milk around the third or fourth day after birth. Your milk will then increase in volume and will generally begin to appear thinner and whiter (more opaque) in color. In those first few days it is extremely important to breastfeed your newborn at least 8-12 times each 24 hours, and more often is even better. This allows your baby to get all the benefits of the colostrum and also stimulates production of a plentiful supply of mature milk. Frequent breastfeeding also helps prevent engorgement.

Your colostrum provides not only perfect nutrition tailored to the needs of your newborn, but also large amounts of living cells which will defend your baby against many harmful agents. The concentration of immune factors is much higher in colostrum than in mature milk.
Colostrum actually works as a natural and 100% safe vaccine. It contains large quantities of an antibody called secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) which is a new substance to the newborn. Before your baby was born, he received the benefit of another antibody, called IgG, through your placenta. IgG worked through the baby's circulatory system, but IgA protects the baby in the places most likely to come under attack from germs, namely the mucous membranes in the throat, lungs, and intestines.

Colostrum has an especially important role to play in the baby's gastrointestinal tract. A newborn's intestines are very permeable. Colostrum seals the holes by "painting" the gastrointestinal tract with a barrier which mostly prevents foreign substances from penetrating and possibly sensitizing a baby to foods the mother has eaten.
Colostrum also contains high concentrations of leukocytes, protective white cells which can destroy disease-causing bacteria and viruses.

The colostrum gradually changes to mature milk during the first two weeks after birth. During this transition, the concentrations of the antibodies in your milk decrease, but your milk volume greatly increases. The disease-fighting properties of human milk do not disappear with the colostrum. In fact, as long as your baby receives your milk, he will receive immunological protection against many different viruses and bacteria.

Your breasts produce colostrum beginning during pregnancy and continuing through the early days of breastfeeding. This special milk is yellow to orange in color and thick and sticky. It is low in fat, and high in carbohydrates, protein, and antibodies to help keep your baby healthy. Colostrum is extremely easy to digest, and is therefore the perfect first food for your baby. It is low in volume (measurable in teaspoons rather than ounces), but high in concentrated nutrition for the newborn. Colostrum has a laxative effect on the baby, helping him pass his early stools, which aids in the excretion of excess bilirubin and helps prevent jaundice.

When your baby is breastfed early and often, your breasts will begin producing mature milk around the third or fourth day after birth. Your milk will then increase in volume and will generally begin to appear thinner and whiter (more opaque) in color. In those first few days it is extremely important to breastfeed your newborn at least 8-12 times each 24 hours, and more often is even better. This allows your baby to get all the benefits of the colostrum and also stimulates production of a plentiful supply of mature milk. Frequent breastfeeding also helps prevent engorgement.

Your colostrum provides not only perfect nutrition tailored to the needs of your newborn, but also large amounts of living cells which will defend your baby against many harmful agents. The concentration of immune factors is much higher in colostrum than in mature milk.
Colostrum actually works as a natural and 100% safe vaccine. It contains large quantities of an antibody called secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) which is a new substance to the newborn. Before your baby was born, he received the benefit of another antibody, called IgG, through your placenta. IgG worked through the baby's circulatory system, but IgA protects the baby in the places most likely to come under attack from germs, namely the mucous membranes in the throat, lungs, and intestines.
Colostrum has an especially important role to play in the baby's gastrointestinal tract. A newborn's intestines are very permeable. Colostrum seals the holes by "painting" the gastrointestinal tract with a barrier which mostly prevents foreign substances from penetrating and possibly sensitizing a baby to foods the mother has eaten.

Colostrum also contains high concentrations of leukocytes, protective white cells which can destroy disease-causing bacteria and viruses.
The colostrum gradually changes to mature milk during the first two weeks after birth. During this transition, the concentrations of the antibodies in your milk decrease, but your milk volume greatly increases. The disease-fighting properties of human milk do not disappear with the colostrum. In fact, as long as your baby receives your milk, he will receive immunological protection against many different viruses and bacteria.

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Desktop Application For Facebook/Desktop Aplikasi Untuk Facebook

Facebook is one the most famous social networking site . If the people want to use facebook, they usually have to access the facebook site in advance by using a browser that we will be able to log on facebook. Here I give some applications you can install on your computer to manage facebook without having to access the site in advance through a browser.

1. Facebook Desktop v1.0
* Automatic login. Stay logged in until you get out!
* Tells you if you get a new message
* Tells you if there is a post on your wall
* Tells you if there is demand for new friends
* NET Framework 2.0 from Microsoft, if you do not have a computer you can download the official microsoft site.
* Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000.
* Facebook account and internet connection.
Download the application:

2. iDeskbook
* Allows you to find your friends Facebook.
* Allows you to easily change your status
* And so on.
* NET Framework 2.0 from Microsoft, if you do not have a computer you can download the official microsoft site.
* Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000.
* Facebook account and internet connection.
Download the application:

3. Fbquick
* Allows you to receive alerts on your desktop profiles.
* Stay connected with friends, groups, and events.
* Monitoring Facebook profile without a web browser
* And so on.
* Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000.
* Facebook account and internet connection.
Download the application:

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Merubah Template/Themes Facebook

suatu hari Anda mungkin pernah merasa bosan dengan tampilan facebook anda, yang hanya itu-itu aja, dominan warna biru, ternyata tampilan/layout facebook bisa kita ganti dengan tampilan yang kita inginkan dengan memanfaatkan beberapa penyedia layanan tersebut danbrowser mozilla firefox. tapi untuk saat ini hanya browser modzilla yang ditemukan bisa dirubah, kalau anda menemukan yang lainnya silahkan kasih komentar, artikel ini saya ambil dari

Berikut beberapa cara untuk mengganti tampilan facebook anda :
1. Menggunakan Aplikasi yang disediakan oleh
- Gunakan Browser Mozilla Firefox
- Masuk ke
- Pilih Start Install
- Install Add-ons tersebut dan setelah selesai restart Mozilla Firefox tersebut.
- Login account facebook anda
- Masuk ke
- Install aplikasi PageRage tersebut di facebook anda.
- Lalu pilih tampilan facebook yang anda inginkan.
- Selesai dan lihat perubahannya.

2. Menggunakan layanan yang disediakan oleh
- Gunakan Browser Mozilla Firefox
- Install Add-ons yang ada di
- Install Add-ons tersebut dan setelah selesai restart Mozilla Firefox tersebut.
- Login account facebook anda.
- Masuk ke
- Lalu pilih tampilan facebook yang anda inginkan.
- Klik tombol “Load into Stylish” lalu Save.
- Refresh halaman facebook Anda
- Selesai dan lihat perubahannya

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Danger Signs in Pregnancy

1. Vomiting continuously, can not eat, this situation will endanger the mother
2. Bleeding
Bleeding in early stages of pregnancy can cause miscarriage

3. Pale
Pale on conjunctiva, face, palms of the hands showed anemia (blood deficiency)
4. Swelling in the feet, hands and face, or sometimes accompanied by headache, seizures, this condition may endanger the safety of mothers and babies in the womb

6. High fever, usually because of infection. High fever that could endanger the safety of the mother lives, cause miscarriage or birth less months
7. Amniotic fluid out prematurely, a sign of disorder in pregnancy, can harm the baby in the womb

8. Babies in the womb decreased movement or not move, this situation is a sign of danger to the fetus

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Tips Preventing Heart Disease

• Diet advice
Avoid foods that contain lots of fat or high cholesterol. Seafood has a high cholesterol content which may harm the heart. Reduce eating fried foods that contain lots of fat, otherwise the food can be processed in a way boiled, steamed or baked. As possible, the food products we eat low-fat or no fat. Choose milk, cheese, butter or other foods low in fat. Fry using olive oil has a little fat so that it can be the choice when to process food by frying. Besides avoiding fatty foods, avoid foods with too high sugar content like soft drinks. Do not consume too many carbohyfrate, because in the body, carbohydrates are broken down into fat. In contrast, consumption of oats or wheat that can help keep the heart healthy. Keep your diet is not excessive to avoid obesity, because someone who has a waist circumference of more than 80 cm, greater risk of this disease.

• Stop smoking
Smoking is not good for the heart healthy, then stop smoking advice to heart remains.

• Avoid Stress
Stress is very difficult to avoid if you live in the airport, known for his work. During a person experiences stress, the body will release the hormone cortisol which causes the blood vessels become stiff. Hormone norepinephrine to produce the body when faced with stress, which will result in increasing blood pressure. So, very good if you avoid the stress both in the official or at home.

• Hypertension
hypertension or high blood pressure can also cause heart disease. Hypertension can injure arterial wall and allows the channel to enter LDL cholesterol
and increase the accumulation of arterial plaque.

• Obesity
Overweight or obese increases the high blood pressure and abnormal fat. Avoiding or treat obesity or overweight is the main way to avoid diabetes. Accelerate diabetes and coronary heart disease increases the risk of heart attack.

• Exercising regularly
You can do sports activities such as walking, brisk walking, or jogging. Non-sport activities are competitive and not too much work to strengthen the heart and blood circulation throughout the body.

• Consumption of antioxidants
Air pollution, motor vehicle fumes or cigarette smoke cause free radicals in the body. Free radicals can cause ulcers or deposits in blood vessels that can cause blockage. To remove the content of free radicals in the body, there is need for antioxidants that will catch and throw. Antioxidants can be obtained from a variety of fruits and vegetables.

• Heredity
One of the parents or siblings had suffered a heart attack before age 60 have a greater risk of suffering from this disease. For that, if you have people who have experienced a heart attack, you should be more careful in keeping your diet and lifestyle can protect your heart healthy.

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Teachers use two primary methods to grather information about heir pupil’s, instruction, and classroom climate. The first method involves the use of paper-and pencil evidence –gatherring techniques and the second involves the use of observasional evidence-gathering techniques. Each method is relied on heavily by teachers to help them obtain the asessment information they need to make classroom decisions.
The term paper-and-pencils techniques refers to assessment methods in wich pupils write down their responses to questions or problems. It doesn’t matter whether pupils use pencils, pen, crayon, or makers to record ther answers, the technique is still referred to as paper-and pencils asessment. When pupil’s take a test, complete a written homework assignment, turn in a written report, draw a picture, or finish a worksheet, they are providing paper-and pencils evidence to the teacher. The teacher reviews the test, homework, report, drawing, or worksheet to grather assessment information about each pupils progress, leaning, and misunderstandings of the class as a whole.
Paper-and-pencils evidence-gathering techniques are of two general forms: supply and selections. Supply, or production, techniques require the pupils to construct a response to a question. An essay question, for example, forces the pupil to produce a response in order to answer the question. A short answer or “fill-in-the-blank” question also requires the pupil to construct an answer. Book reports, journal entires, projects, and the like are all examples of supply-type paper and pencils evidence-gathering techniques.

Some paper-and-pencil procedures require the pupil to select the correct answer from a list of presented options. Multiple choice, true-false, and matching questions are called selection techniques because, as the name implies, the pupils respons to each question by selecting the answer from among a set of provided choices. Notice that a selection-type question provides the maximum degree of control for the person who writes the question, since that person specifies both the question and the choice from wich pupils must select their answer. In supply-type questions, the person who writes the question has control only over the question it self; responsibility for supplying a response to the question resides with the pupils answering the question. This difference has implications for constructing and scoring the two type questions.
Observations is the second major evidence –gathering approach classroom teachers use to collect asessment data. As the term suggests, observation involves looking at or watching pupils carry out some activity. It also includes hearing pupils speak and discuss. When pupils mispronounce words in oral reading, interact in groups, speak out in calss, bully other pupils lose their concentration, have puzzled looks on their faces, patiently wait their turn, raise their hands in the class, dress shabbily, and fail to sit still for more than three minutes, teachers become aware of these behavior through observation. Much of the information that is essential for minute-to-minute decision making in classroom comes from teacher observation, not from paper-and-pencil assessment. Wich are time-consuming to administer and score.
Thus, Ms. Lopez observed that Monroe often squinted when she was writing on the blackboard and decided to move him closer to the front of the room so he could see the blackboard better. She notice Randy with his head on the desk and a grimace on his face and sent him to the school nurse for examination. During the language lesson she saw blank looks on her pupil’s faces and got no raised hands when she asked questions. This observation led her to stop and review the lesson from the previous day. Ms. Lopez observed Ralph being rude to another teacher, an action that earned Ralph no recess for a day. Each of these examples shows how teacher observation is used to obtain assessment data that lead to classroom decisions.
Almost all classrooms are set up so that the teachers and pupil’s face on another. The teachers desk faces the pupil’s desks. During instruction, the teacher faces the pupil’s, whether it is in large or small group instruction. This mean that teachers spend a great deal of the school day observing pupils. Some of the teacher’s observations are planed observations, as when pupil’s read aloud in reading group or present an oral report to the class. In such situations the teacher structures the classroom environment so that he or she can look for a particular set of behavior the pupil’s is expected to demonstrate. For example, for reading aloud the teacher might be watching and listening for clear pronunciation of words, changing voice tone to emphasize important points, periodically looking up from the book while reading, and so forth. Because the observation is palnned, the teacher has time to identify in advance of the observation the particular beahior the pupils wil be expected to perform and set up the classroom to be certain those beahior occur.
Other observation are unplanned, or informal, observation-as when teacher sees Bill and Leroy talking while they should be working, notices the pained expression on a pupil’s face when a classmate mades fun of his clothes, or observer the pupil’s fidgeting and looking out the window during the science lesoon. These unplaned observation prompt and inform the questions such as “what do I do now?” or “is everything going as I planned?” the teacher does not plan these observations in the same way that observation of reading aloud or giving an oral report are planned. Unplanned observations make more of idiosyncratic, unsystematic happenings in the classroom wich the teachers sees, mentally record, and interprets.
The fact the teachers and their classes are in a confined space, facing and interacting with one another for from one to six hours per day, means that the teacher in a position to observe a great deal of pupil’s behavior, appearance, and reactions. These observation, both planned and unplanned, provide assessment information for classroom decisions that the teacher makes on a minute-to-minutes basis.
Paer-and-pencils techniques and observation complement each other in the classroom. Try to imagine the classroom decision making without any observational information about pupil’s apprearances reactin, behavior, and interaction, conversely, try to imagine what it would be like if no paper-and pencil information about written expression, local organization, or content mastery were permissible. Bot types of information are needed to carry out meaningfyll assessment in classroom, so a teacher’s matery of both evidence gathering approaches is important.
Although the paper-and-pencil and observationa techniques are the primary methods by wich teachers grather classroom assessment dat, supplementary methods are laso available to them. Helpful information can be obtained from the pupil’s prior tachers, school, nurse, and parents. Teachers routinely consult previous teachers to corroborate or reinforce current observations. Parents frequently volunteer information and respond to the teacher queries.
(i dont know the source , he2x:so i call this, from various source)

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a List of Commands in mIRC

1. Register Channel = / cs register (# channel) (password) (description)
2. Identify Channel = / cs identify (# channel) (password)
3. Successor = / cs set (# channel) successor (nickname)
4. Drop Channel = / cs drop (# channel)
5. Change Pass Channel = / cs set (# channel) passwd (long password) (password
6. Forgot Pass Channel = / cs sendpass (# channel) (email)
7. New Founder (Identify # Channel Formerly) = / cs set (# channel) founder
8. Mailblock = / cs set (# channel) mailblock (on / off)
9. Private = / cs set (# channel) private (on / off)
10. Set Description = / cs set (# channel) desc (description)
11. Set Topic = / cs set (# channel) the topic (the topic)
12. Set URL = / cs set (# channel) url (url address it)
13. Set Mlock = / cs set (# channel) mlock (written fashion)
14. Set restrict = / cs set (# channel) restrict (on / off)
15. Set KeepTopic = / cs set (# channel) keeptopic (on / off)
16. Set TopikLock = / cs set (# channel) topikclock (off / sop / founder)
17. Memo Set Channel = / cs set (# channel) the memo (none / aop / sop / founder)
18. Set OP-Guard = / cs set (# channel) opguard (on / off)
19. Add / Del Sop = / cs sop (# channel) (add / del) (nick)
20. Add / Del AOP = / cs aop (# channel) (add / del) (nick)
21. See List Op = / cs (aop / sop) (# channel) list
22. Akick Nick = / cs akick (# channel) (add / del) (Nick !*@*)
23. Akick Ident = / cs akick (# channel) (add / del) (*! Ident @ *)
24. Akick IP Address = / cs akick (# channel) (add / del) (*!*IP Addressnya)
25. Akick List = / cs akick (# channel) list
26. Op List = / cs (sop / aop) (# channel) list
27. See Access = / cs why (# channel) (nick)
28. Unban = / cs Unban (# channel) (nick)
29. Invite = / cs invite (# channel) (nick)
30. Info = / cs info (# channel)
31. Access Channel = / cs access (# channel) (nick op)
32. Count = / cs count (# channel)

1. Register Nick = / ns register (password) (email)
2. Identify Nick = / ns identify (password)
3. Change Pass = / ns set passwd (long password) (new password)
4. Enforce = / ns set Enforce (on / off)
5. Kill Ghost = / ns ghost (nick) (password)
6. Kill = / ns set kill (on / off)
7. Recover = / ns recover (nick) (password)
8. Release = / ns release (nick) (password)
9. Drop = / ns drop (nick)
10. No Op = / ns set noop (on / off)
11. No Memo = / ns set nomemo (on / off)
12. Info = / ns info (nickname)
13. URL = / ns set url (http://)
14. Change Email = / ns set email (password) (email)
15. Showemail = / ns set showemail (on / off)
16. MailBlock = / ns set mailblock (on / off)
1. Send Nick = / ms send (nickname) (message)
2. Send OP = / ms send (# channel) (message)
3. Send SOP = / ms sendsop (# channel) (message)
4. See Memo = / ms list
5. Read Memo = / ms read (no. memo list)
6. Delete Memo = / ms del (no. list memo)
7. Remove All = / ms del all
Basic mIRC Commands:
1. Replace nick = / nick (new nick)
2. Notice = / notice (nick) (message)
3. Sign in Channel = / join (# channel)
4. Exit Channel = / part (# channel)
5. Exit IRC = / quit (message)
6. Replace Server = / server (server name)
7. Private = / query (nick)
8. Invite = / invite (nick) (# channel)
9. Mode I = / mode (nick) + I
10. Ignore = / ignore (nick)
11. Action = / me (message)
12. Whois = / whois (nick)
13. Away = / away (message)
14. Turn Away = / away
15. Ping = / ping (nick)
16. Clean the screen = / clear
Standard Commands for OP Channel:
/ kick (# channel) (nick) = kick user
/ topic (# channel) (subject) = change the channel topic
/ kick (# channel) (nick) (reason) = kick user with a reason
/ mode (# channel) + b *! * @ IPnya = Band IP user, eg / mode # channel + b *! * @ 125.123.19 .*
/ mode (# channel) + b nick! * @ * = Ban nick user, eg / mode # channel + b nick! * @ *
/ mode (# channel) + o (nick) = gives the user Op
/ mode (# channel) + V (nick) = gives voice to the user
/ mode (# channel)-o (nick) = lower the user so that no longer Op
/ mode (# channel)-v (nick) = retrieve voice user
/ mode (# channel) + / - ntispklRrmc = set channel mode
/ channel = view mode and channel ban list
Hopefully Useful for you

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Sample of Job Application Letter

October, 2009

Human Resource Department

Dear Sir/Madam,

I feel I have the necessary qualification for applying job in your company. I wish to apply for a job vacancy that given by your company in position especially as Telecommunication Engineer.

My name is Denis, Male and 26 years old, graduated from Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Telkom, major in Telecommunication Engineering. Last experience work at PT. Metro Global Services, Jakarta as PLO Drive Test Coordinator, specializes in network GSM performance and optimization. I also have experience in CDMA for network Optimization specializes in the air interface/radio parameters. Though I have had very pleasant working conditions, I feel an organization such as yours offers more scope for advancement than I can expect from my present employer.

I have fluent knowledge on GSM, CDMA and radio transmission, and also have telecommunication work experience. I enjoy working with people or individually, a hard worker, fast learner, easily adapting with new environment and keen to learn new methods and system. I will be ready to work in the entire region. I have some work experiences that you might be considered. I have working experience for five months at PT. Sansaine Exindo – Huawei Tech Investment as RF Optimization Engineer for Telkom Flexi Project and experience for four month at PT. Alcatel Lucent as Assistance RNO Engineer. I also did job training at PT. Telkom Kandatel Medan for one month and at PT. Telkom Divre III Bandung as on job training student for one and a half month.

I encourage myself to this position in order to broaden my knowledge and experience. I believe that I am able to perform as well as possible in your company based on my educational background and work experience. For further consideration, here I enclose my curriculum vitae and recent photograph.

I would like to thank you for your generous consideration. I may be reached at my mobile phone number: 081366666084. I will be pleased to be called for a personal interview or test at any time convenient to you. I look forward to hear from you.

Sincerely yours,


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Unique Collection of Coordinates in Google Earth

Google Earth is a virtual globe program that was called Earth Viewer and created by Keyhole, Inc..
This program maps the earth by the superimposition of images collected from satellite mapping, aerial photography and GIS 3D globe.
Available in three different licenses: Google Earth, Google Earth Plus and Google Earth Pro.
If you frequently play with google earth, following which contains the location coordinates sights unique record of success in google earth.
1. Indian Head Picture
This picture was found in Alberta, Canada.
Coordinates: 50.010083, -110.113006

2. Crop Circles
Located in the desert dipinggiran Beatty, Nevada.
Coordinates: 37.401437, -116.86773

3. Figure Oprah Winfrey
Located in Arizona.
Coordinates: 33.225488, -111.5955

4. Giant Rabbit
Located in Prata Nevoso, Italy.
Coordinates: 44.244273,7.769737

5. Giant Ford logo
Located in Detroit, Michigan.
Coordinates: 42.302284, -83.231215

6. Color Red Lake
Situated in Iraq
Coordinates: 33.39845000,44.48416800

7. Shaped Building Nazi Symbol
Coordinates: 32 ° 40'33 .83 "N 117 ° 9'28 .36" W

8. Figure Logo Firefox
Coordinates: 45 ° 7'25 .87 "N 123 ° 6'48 .97" W

9. Picture Lions In the Meadow
Coordinates: 51 ° 50'43 .09 "N 0 ° 33'11 .03" W

10. Figure Logo KFC
Coordinates: 37 ° 38'43 .31 "N 115 ° 44'59 .03" W

11. Coca-Cola's writings
Coordinates: 18 ° 31'45 .67 "S 70 ° 15'05 .25" W

12. Strange Circles Images
Coordinates: 53 ° 31'54 .19 "N and 1 ° 21'24 .27" W

13. Jet aircraft parked in front of House
Coordinates: 48.825183,2.1985795

14. Bikini Collection
Coordinates: -33.892351,151.27538

15. African Break Time
Coordinates: 15.298693,19.429661

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8 (delapan) Unsur Kualitas Pelayanan

Pemerintah Indonesia dalam penyelenggaraan pelayanan terhadap publik umumnya telah mempunyai unsur-unsur birokrasi pelayanan yang dilakukan oleh para birokrat dengan melalui ketetapan Menpan nomor : 81 tahun 1993, di dalam ketetapan tersebut ada 8 (delapan) unsur kualitas pelayanan, yaitu :

1. Kesederhanaan, yang meliputi prosedur/tata cara pelayanan antara lain : mudah, tidak berbelit-belit, mudah dilaksanakan;

2. Kejelasan/ kepastian terhadap : prosedur, persyaratan, unit kerja, tariff, biaya, pejabat yang menerima keluhan akan pelayanan yang diberikan dalam organisasi.;

3. Keamanan yang menyangkut kepastian hukum terhadap apa yang dilayangkan oleh organisasi;

4. Keterbukaan, yang menyangkut kesederhanaan dan kejelasan pelayanan yang diinformasikan kepada masyarakat;

5. Efisiensi, yang artinya pelayanan yang diberikan oleh suatu organisasi hendaknya ada pembatasan terhadap persyaratan pada hal-hal yang dianggap penting saja;

6. Ekonomis, yang artinya pembiayaan yang dibebankan kepada masyarakat yang dilayani itu sesuai dengan kewajaran, kemampuan masyarakat umum dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Disamping itu juga ekonomi dalam penyelenggaraan pelayanan itu sendiri (total cost);

7. Keadilan menyangkut jangkauan pelayanan yang diberikan oleh suatu organisasi diharapkan dapat seluas mungkin dan merata. Artinya tidak ada wilayah yang dibedakan pelayanannya dilihat dari keadilan praktikal dan horizontal ;

8. Ketetapan waktu yang artinya bahwa pelaksanaan yang telah dijanjikan sesuai dengan standar yang diberikan, sesuai dengan waktu yang telah ditetapkan

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Interactive Television - Menuju TV Interaktif

TV Interaktif berbeda dengan website, dalam website terdapat hyperlink yang menghubungkan satu situs ke dalam jaringan besar diantara sekumpulan halaman yang saling terkait. Tidak ada satupun hak untuk melepaskan diri untuk melepaskan diri dari sistem tersebut.

Dalam TV Interaktif, pencipta konten bekerja lebih sebagai perusahaan pengiklan daripada penyiar pada umunya. Seiring perkembangannya, kegiatan menonton televisi sudah tidak seperti dulu lagi. Para pengguna tidak lagi mau menjadi budak dari jadwal yang kaku layaknya yang ada pada TV konvensional. Pemirsa ingin bisa memutuskan , kecuali program tersebut sangat ingin mereka tonton secara langsung, misalnya cara olahraga.

TV interaktif bisa diwujudkan dengan IPTV (internet Protocol Television) sebagai pilihan TV interaktif. IPTV sendiri adalah sistem dimana layanan televisi digital dapat dinikmati dengan protokol internet melalui infrastruktur jaringan yang juga memuat pengiriman lewat koneksi broadband.

Sementara itu, definisi umum untuk IPTV adalah program-program televisi yang tidak dilantarkan dengan sistem penyiaran konvensional, melainkan diterima oleh pemirsanya lewat teknologi yang digunakan untuk jaringan komputer. Kebanyakan layanan IPTV - terutama VoD services - tidaklah gratis. Mereka ada berdasarkan pembayaran pengguna atas abonemen tiap bulan.

Dibeberapa negara, terdapat saluran free-to-air yang dibiayai oleh ongkos lisensi atau pajak perangkat TV, dimana mereka harus menunjukkan kepada setiap orang siapa yang memiliki perangkat TV.

Dalam industri Tv ini, pihak penyiar mengirim produksi seri televisi dan program acara mereka kepada perusahaan produksi Independen, peran mereka adalah mengkoordinasi pemograman, menjual iklan dan berperan sebagai jembatan terhadap penyedia layanan IPTV dan operator jaringan (teks:Hertiana DWi P-Lintas Arta)

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Sample Application letter - Full Block Format

1234 my Address
bandung 3402346
July 4 .2009

Mr. Rajas Soandri
Allamak Enterprise
Sky searcher Building 32 Floor
Jl. Salak pondoh kav. 64
Jakarta 11234

Dear Rajas Soandri ,

I am applying for the position of account Executive which was advertised in Daily News on July 3 , 2009 .The position offered seems to fit very well with my education ,experiences and career interest. Your company has an excellent reputation and comes highly recommended to me

You require experiences in marketing .my background seems to match your requirements well. I am confident that I can perform the job effectively. My enclosed resume provides more details on my qualification.

Would you please consider my request for a personal interview ? I will be ready at any of your convenience .

Thank you for your consideration .Looking forward to talking with you

Sincerely yours

Reza Arteva

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Some Reasons for Unsuccessful Interview

1. poor personal appearance ,sloppy, untidy grooming.
2. Inability to ask good questions about the job.
3. Poor attitude ,over self- confidence, know –it-all overly aggressive ,passive, no interest or enthusiasm.

4. Inability to express oneself clearly .Lack of confidence in self or nervousness .
5. Lateness for appointment /interview without valid reason.
6. Unwillingness to start at the bottom ,expecting too much too soon.

7. Too much concern over money , bad manner.
8. Poor handshake , weak ,dead-fish or sweaty palm.
9. Inability to look interviewer in the eye ,lack of directness.

10. messy application ,incomplete application without reason .
11. Lacking in sense of humor ,inability to take criticism

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Tips on how to manage yourselves for Stewardess

1. Stamina
a. Do have minimum of eight-hours sleep before the day of interview !
b. before taking shower for interview ,work a little body exercise !
c. on the day of interview ,avoid consuming food which might cause a stomach problem !

2. Supporting items preparation
Make an advanced preparation of supporting items you might need for the interview ,such as; interview invitation letter, note pad ,pen briefcase watch, etc !

3. Clothing
Make a well plan of how you will dress for the interview !

4. interview location
Be sure that you know exactly the interview venue .If necessary, make a trial run.

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Non Verbal Communication

Non verbal communication :

1. Eye contact
2. Facial expresson
3. Head movement
4. Voice :
>> Volume
>> Tone
>> Clarity
>> Quality
>> Speed & Pause
5. Gesture
6. Posture
7. Body Movement

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4 Tipe pelayanan Hotel

1. Tipe Freezer:
suatu karakteristik pelayanan yang menerapkan mutu prosedur rendah dan mutu personil rendah. PEndekatan yang digunakan adalah “masa bodoh” ditandai dengan cara kerja yang lambat, tidka konsestan, tidak terorganisir, tidak nyaman dan dimensi personal ditandai dengan tidak sensitive, dingin , tidak ramah, apatis dan tida menarik (low procedure/organite consistency/attention => customer is not important )

2. Tipe Factory
Suatu karasteristik pelayanan yang menerapkan mutu procedure tinggi sementara mutu personil rendah. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah “Pembeli adalah barang dan siap diproses” ditandai dengan cara kerja yang tepat waktu, efisien dan seragam, sementara dimensi personil ditandai dengan tidak sensitive, tidak ramah dan tidak menarik. (High procedure but low quality service => customer is obyect/goods, ready for processing)

3. Tipe Friendly Zoo
Suatu karasteristik pelayana yang menerapkan mutu procedure rendah dan mutu personil tinggi. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah “persahabatan bebas” ditandai dengan cara kerja yang rendah, tidak konsisten, tidak terorganisir, tidak nyaman dan dimensi personil ditandai dengan ramah, bersahabat, menarik dan simpatik. (low procedure but high quality service => customer is good friend but me service in low quality)

4. Tipe Pelayanan Bermutu
Suatu karasteristik yang menerapkan mutu procedure dan mutu personil tinggi. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah “kami peduli dan kami layani”ditandai dengan cara kerja yang tepot waktu, efesien dan standart serta dimensi personal ditandai dengan bersahabat, ramah, menarik dan simpatik. (high procedure and high service quality => customer is king and also hest friend , me care & we serve is high quality)

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Pre-flight and In-Flight Duties

Pre-flight duties

 Taking part in a pre-flight briefing by the captain of purser with the entire flight crew to learn about expected weather conditions, special passenger problems, etc.
 Checking seat belt, backrest and tray tables.
 Screening passenger for carry –on limitations.
 Verifying destination and directing passenger to seat assignments.
 Ensuring that carry-on luggage is stored in accordance with compliance regulations.
 Checking supplies, safety equipment and the passenger address system.
 Assisting the handicapped, elderly and unaccompanied minor.
 Checking passenger cabin and galleys before passengers boarding to see that all supplies, safety equipment, and food are on board and in place.
 Greeting passengers.
 Helping passengers to stow carry-on luggage and coats.
 Checking that passengers seat belts are securely fastened.
 Making announcements over public address system regarding weather , altitude, estimate time etc.
 Demonstrating the use of safety equipment.

In-Flight Duties

 Making sure the safety of passengers and their evacuation in case of emergency.
 Ensuring passengers are seated properly.
 Maintaining cabin safety under turbulence.
 Communicating with the captain.

 Distributing reading materials, pillows and blankets to passengers
 Serving refreshments and meals to passengers and cockpit crew during flight.
 Giving first-aid assistance and help uncomfortable, ill or nervous passengers.
 Answering passengers questions.
 Operating mechanical and safety equipment.
 Monitoring cabin temperature and lighting.
 Making announcement.
 Checking the cabin if it is ready for takeoff or landing.

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an odd story about “ Horas Airlines “

This is an odd story about “ Horas Airlines “ en route from Medan to Jakarta. The heroic figure of fictitious film “ superman “ Christopher reeve was found on board. The weather condition along the route was not so friendly and the airplane kept bumping . The flight stewardess came over to the hero and asked him to fasten his seat belt. Mr. Reeve proudly told the flight stewardes ;
“… whatever it takes, superman doesn’t need to wear seat belt “ The flight stewardess spontaneously replied ;” sir ,Superman doesn’t even need airplane to fly because he can fly “, and then she left the hero.

Walking down the aisle ,she was stopped by an old lady , asking about the weather condition at the destination. “ Excuse me , can you tell me about the weather at the destination, please ? she answered calmly; “…the weather at the destination was reported terrible with ground temperature up to 61 Centigrade. Also there is carth quake shaking at 8,2 Richter scale . But don’t panic, we will try to have them fixed before we arrive. Nobody loves you or your money more than Horas Airlines “ does.

Another passenger stopped her and told that there was someone smoking in the non smoking area. She rushed to the passengers address system, announcing, “ Ladies and Gentlemen, please observe the “ No smoking “ sign ,smoking in the non smoking area is not permitted .If you must smoke, please press your attendant call button and one of us will escort you out to the wing ,for those who are caught smoking in the lavatory will be asked to leave the airplane immediately.”

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Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies And Gentlement
The Captain Command Is Capt…… And I Am … Your Cabin Crew Supervisor In This Flight.
Welcome Aboard Airlines B 737….
Flight No …. Destination …… And ……
The Flying Time To …… Will Be …. Hour/Hourse And ….. Minutes And This Aircraft Will Be Flyng At Cruising Altitude Of ….. Feet …. Above Sea Level.
(This Is “ A Non Smoking Flight ‘ And The Cockpit Crew Will Keep The No Smoking Sign On During The Flight)
Please Fasten Your Seat Belt, Put Your Seat In The Upright Position (And) Lock Your Tray Table In Place.

We Would Like To Inform You, That Cellular Telephone, Cd Player, Radio And Tv Portable Are Prohibitied During On Board, Because It Will Interfere The Aircraft Navigation System.
Have A Very Pleasant Flight.
Thank You

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Situs-Situs Konten Jardiknas

konten Jardiknas terdiri atas e-pembelajaran dan e-adminitrasi. seluruh konten dapat diakses melalui portal Jardiknas dengan alamat

Sekarang apa saja situs yang mendukung e-learning :
1. ==> portal pendidikan untuk bahan belajar SMP, SMA, SMK dan fasilitas komunikasi antar komunitas pendidikan.

2. ==> Education television, memberikan informasi program unggulan TVE, jadwal bulanan, TVE streaming, Konsultasi konten pembelajaran, pengaduan dan informasi pendidikan .

3. ==> buku sekolah elektronik

4. ==> merupakan portal pendidikan berisi konten dan metodologi untuk guru.

5. ==> portal video

6. ==>portal yang berisi kumpulan rencana pembelajaran, aktivitas mengajar, kontribusi bahan ajar untuk memperbaiki pendidikan, kolaborasi antar guru/pengajar di seluruh dunia.

7. ==> berisi karya ilmiah (penelitian, tesis dan disertasi)

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All About Narita Tokyo International Airport

It’s hard to believe that a large airport such as Narita , one of the most luxurious and modern terminal buildings, misses from public service. Narita is a difficult place to reach if you don’t speak Japanese. The location is too far away from Tokyo city, not to mention the cost required to get to town . It takes only less than half an hour which charges you 3900 yen for a one way trip. Infact, there are there trains from Narita airport to Tokyo city, and vice versa, namely Regular Kessey Express (75 min, 1000 yen ), Kessey Skyliner (55 min ,1900 yen ) and Narita Express (55 min , 2500 yen ).

Narita airport is quite crowded. If you get into the main part of the terminal, you can not find a place to sit or even to stand.
Facilities are good enough. Toilets are clean . Terminal one’s airport mall is very pretty and consists of two levels of shops and restaurants.
The departure hall is on the fourth floor train station is at the basement 1, five floors down. The only way to get from the train station to the departure level is by using two medium sized elevators. Therefore, it causes a massive lineup. Although elevators are available throughout Narita airport’s terminal, be always warned, they are too small.
All incoming passengers have to lineup and go trough a single security check point. It takes at least 25 minutes to do this. The most unpleasant experience I have is the immigration Clearance. There is always a long queue in front of immigration section for foreigners. It might take hours to complete it. Overall, the biggest gripe is immigration. It just takes too long !

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Job Description of Flight Attendant

The main job of flight attendant is to keep passengers safe and evacuate them in an emergency. They receive special training for this part of their job . However , only a few flights ever require an emergency response. On most flights , attendants follow the same rountine . Before each trip , the captain informs them about the weather and any special passenger needs. Attendants greet passenger , verify tickets , and help passengers locate their assigned seats. They also help passenger store their luggage in the overhead bins . In addition , attendants answer passenger’ questions about the flight and the airplane. Before the plane take off , attendants demonstrate how to use safety equipment They also check that passenger are seat –belted and luggage is properly stowed .

During the flight , attendant serve beverages and meals . They also operate movie and music systems. Attendants collections collect money for special beverages and headsets. Flight attendants help passenger to be as comfortable as possible.
They distribute reading materials, Blankets, and pillows. After the flight , attendants help passengers leave the airplane . They keep flight records and write down any problems that occurred during the flight. On smaller airlines, Flight attendants may clean the passenger cabin.
Occasionally, attendants give first aid to passenger who become ill, so that they are prepared for these situations. Attendant keep first aid kits stocked . They also make sure other emergency equipment is in working order.

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The basics of good service in a telephone Manner

Telephone is the medium of oral communication indirect communication means are separated by distance.
The basics of good service in a telephone Manner:
a. Be alert
Raise and answer the telephone promptly, give full attention to the other person.
b. Be Yourself
Talk is natural and not artificial.
c. Be Friendly
Show attitude, polite, friendly and helpful
d. Be distinc
Use plain language and easy to understand
e. Be enthusiastic
Talk with depicting spirit of personality

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Disclaimer :

I can not guarantee that the information on my blog is 100% correct