Google Earth is a virtual globe program that was called Earth Viewer and created by Keyhole, Inc..
This program maps the earth by the superimposition of images collected from satellite mapping, aerial photography and GIS 3D globe.
Available in three different licenses: Google Earth, Google Earth Plus and Google Earth Pro.
If you frequently play with google earth, following which contains the location coordinates sights unique record of success in google earth.
1. Indian Head Picture
This picture was found in Alberta, Canada.
Coordinates: 50.010083, -110.113006
This program maps the earth by the superimposition of images collected from satellite mapping, aerial photography and GIS 3D globe.
Available in three different licenses: Google Earth, Google Earth Plus and Google Earth Pro.
If you frequently play with google earth, following which contains the location coordinates sights unique record of success in google earth.
1. Indian Head Picture
This picture was found in Alberta, Canada.
Coordinates: 50.010083, -110.113006
2. Crop Circles
Located in the desert dipinggiran Beatty, Nevada.
Coordinates: 37.401437, -116.86773
Located in the desert dipinggiran Beatty, Nevada.
Coordinates: 37.401437, -116.86773
3. Figure Oprah Winfrey
Located in Arizona.
Coordinates: 33.225488, -111.5955
Located in Arizona.
Coordinates: 33.225488, -111.5955
4. Giant Rabbit
Located in Prata Nevoso, Italy.
Coordinates: 44.244273,7.769737
Located in Prata Nevoso, Italy.
Coordinates: 44.244273,7.769737
5. Giant Ford logo
Located in Detroit, Michigan.
Coordinates: 42.302284, -83.231215
6. Color Red Lake
Situated in Iraq
Coordinates: 33.39845000,44.48416800
7. Shaped Building Nazi Symbol
Coordinates: 32 ° 40'33 .83 "N 117 ° 9'28 .36" W
Located in Detroit, Michigan.
Coordinates: 42.302284, -83.231215
6. Color Red Lake
Situated in Iraq
Coordinates: 33.39845000,44.48416800
7. Shaped Building Nazi Symbol
Coordinates: 32 ° 40'33 .83 "N 117 ° 9'28 .36" W
8. Figure Logo Firefox
Coordinates: 45 ° 7'25 .87 "N 123 ° 6'48 .97" W
Coordinates: 45 ° 7'25 .87 "N 123 ° 6'48 .97" W
9. Picture Lions In the Meadow
Coordinates: 51 ° 50'43 .09 "N 0 ° 33'11 .03" W
Coordinates: 51 ° 50'43 .09 "N 0 ° 33'11 .03" W
10. Figure Logo KFC
Coordinates: 37 ° 38'43 .31 "N 115 ° 44'59 .03" W
Coordinates: 37 ° 38'43 .31 "N 115 ° 44'59 .03" W
11. Coca-Cola's writings
Coordinates: 18 ° 31'45 .67 "S 70 ° 15'05 .25" W
Coordinates: 18 ° 31'45 .67 "S 70 ° 15'05 .25" W
12. Strange Circles Images
Coordinates: 53 ° 31'54 .19 "N and 1 ° 21'24 .27" W
Coordinates: 53 ° 31'54 .19 "N and 1 ° 21'24 .27" W
13. Jet aircraft parked in front of House
Coordinates: 48.825183,2.1985795
Coordinates: 48.825183,2.1985795
14. Bikini Collection
Coordinates: -33.892351,151.27538
Coordinates: -33.892351,151.27538
15. African Break Time
Coordinates: 15.298693,19.429661
Coordinates: 15.298693,19.429661
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